Group Business - In-House Detail Report (nagrpbusiness)

The Groups In House Detail Report displays the current reservations in house that are associated with a Block and have a Group profile attached. The report provides a detailed break down of reservations and associated revenue for each Block and then prints a Grand Total of all Blocks in house.

The report page 1 image shows the following columns: Room No. Guest Name, Arr. Date, Dep. Date, Room Nts., Prs Nts., Room Type, Rate Code, Mkt. Code, Resv. Status, Room Revenue, Other Revenue, Tax, and Total Revenue.

The report page 2 image shows the following columns: Room No. Guest Name, Arr. Date, Dep. Date, Room Nts., Prs Nts., Room Type, Rate Code, Mkt. Code, Resv. Status, Room Revenue, Other Revenue, Tax, and Total Revenue.