Scientific Games ACSC

Outbound Type GAMING_SGACSC is used to integrate OPERA Cloud functionality and its respective REST APIs with Scientific Games ACSC functionality and its respective REST APIs. Gaming Integration user requires to configure the Outbound Code with the following configurations:
  1. Outbound Code should be created for the property that requires Scientific Gaming integration.

  2. Select Outbound Type GAMING_SGACSC.

  3. Enter unique outbound code, for example: SGACSCP1.

  4. Enter a description of the gaming system.

  5. Enable External System, enable Conversions, and enter the External Property Code.

  6. Protocol is defaulted with REST for Scientific Games ACSC integration.

  7. Select Authorization Type OAUTH and provide OAuth Token URL, for example:

  8. Select Grant Type Client Credentials and enter Client Id & Client Key and Application Key provided by SG.

  9. Enter the RESP API Base URL Service Path provided by SG, for example:

  10. Save the Outbound Systemconfiguration:

  11. Add Data Value Mappings. For more information, see Data Value Mappings.

    • Define the Conversion Codes for Address Type, Gender, Phone Type, State Code, Country Code, Language Code, Profile Type, Title, Membership Level, and Membership Type.