Creating a Tour Series

A Tour Series is a reoccurring block, enabling you to easily copy and repeat an original block for the future dates the group plan to revisit your property. For example, you might create a Tour Series for an inbound tour group that requires 30 rooms Monday through Wednesday, every two weeks during the season.

When the Tour Series Handling OPERA Control is set to Master Sub Relations, a master block will be created; enabling updates to the master block to be applied to the linked sub tour series blocks. When the Tour Series Handling OPERA Control is set Simple Copy, a copy of the source block is created for each date selected.

When the Catering Events and Resources OPERA Controls are active you can use Tour Series to create a series of blocks with events and resources.

You can create two types of Tour Series:

  1. Custom Tour Series: Use for blocks returning at varied arrival dates.

  2. Periodic Tour Series: Use for blocks returning at regular date intervals and arriving on the same day of the week (such as every Wednesday through Friday every 4 weeks). (Available when the Auto Assign Sub Block Codes OPERA Control is active).

  3. Itinerary Tour Series: Use for blocks that will travel from one property to another, arriving on varied dates.

Creating Custom Tour Series

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Manage Block.
  2. Enter search criteria and click Search

  3. From the search result select the block and click I Want To. . ., then click Tour Series.  

  4. Complete the following:

    1. Types and Codes

      1. Type: Select Custom to create a custom schedule.

      2. Tour Code: Enter a tour code - this field is available in Block search.

      3. Master Block Code: Enter a master block code (Available when Tour Series Handling OPERA Control is to Master Sub Relations).

      4. Click Initiate.

    2. Tour Blocks

      1. Arrival: Enter the arrival date.

      2. Start Status: Select a block status from the list.

      3. Block Name: Enter a block name.

      4. Block Code: Enter a block code. When the Unique Block Code OPERA Control is active the same block code cannot be used for multiple blocks.

      5. Click New to add another block to the series.

      6. To delete a block, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete click Delete to confirm.

      7. Click Next to continue.

    3. Attributes

      1. Keep Same Group Profile: Select to retain the group profile linked on the source block on the new blocks created

      2. Copy Block Rooms:Select check box to copy block room allocation to the new blocks created.

      3. Include Booking Notes: Select check box to copy booking (block) notes from the source block to the new blocks created.

      4. Copy Events and Space: Select check box to copy events and space from the source block to the new block. Enabled when the source block has events. (Available when the Catering Events OPERA Control is active).

        1. Keep Same Number of Attendees: Select check box to copy the attendees on the source block to the new block events. This option is checked by default.

          1. Number of Attendees:  Enter the number of attendees to the new block.

        2. Include Event Notes: Select check box to copy event notes.

          1. Include Change Notes: Select check box to include event change notes (note type = Change).

        3. Event Forecast Figures: Select to copy forecast figures. When not selected, forecast figures are not copied and will reference Event Forecast Maintenance .

        4. Resources: Select check box to copy event resources on the source events to new events. (Available when the ResourcesOPERA Control is active).

          1. Include Resource Notes: Select check box to copy resource notes.

          2. Copy Resource Pricing: Select check box to copy resource pricing.

      5. Adjust the Decision and Follow-up Dates to the New Arrival Date:Select check box to adjust the Decision and Follow-up dates for the new blocks created by the same number of days before or after the New Start Date, as applied to the source block. The value of the new dependent dates will not be less than the current date. If no date was specified for either of these fields on the source block, the field will remain null (empty) on the new blocks. If this check box is not selected, the dependent dates from the source block will be copied to the new blocks.

      6. New Catering Status: Displays the default Catering Status.

      7. Click Next.

    4. Review the details.

    5. Click Save.

Creating Periodic Tour Series

Use to create tour series with a periodically occurring dates. (Available when the Auto Assign Sub Block Codes OPERA Control is active).

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Manage Block.
  2. Enter search criteria and click Search

  3. From the search result select the block and click I Want To. . ., then click Tour Series.  

  4. Complete the following:

    1. Types and Codes

      1. Type: Select Periodiccreate a periodic schedule.

      2. Tour Code: Enter a tour code - this field is available in Block search.

      3. Master Block Code:  Enter a master block code (Available when Tour Series Handling OPERA Control is to Master Sub Relations).

      4. Tour Start Date: Enter first arrival date of tour series.

      5. Tour Frequency: Enter the frequency (interval).

      6. Number of Blocks: Enter the quantity of blocks to create.

      7. Click Initiate.

    2. Tour Blocks

      1. Arrival: Enter the arrival date.

      2. Start Status: Select a block status from the list.

      3. Block Name: Enter a block name.

      4. Block Code: Enter a block code. When the Unique Block Code OPERA Control is active the same block code cannot be used for multiple blocks.

      5. Click New to add another block to the series.

      6. To delete a block, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete, click Delete to confirm.

      7. Click Next to continue

    3. Attributes

      1. Keep Same Group Profile: Select check box to retain the group profile linked on the source block on the new blocks created. This option is checked by default.

      2. Copy Block Rooms: Select check box to copy block room allocation to the new blocks created. If the source block has a room allocation, this option is checked by default.

      3. Include Booking Notes: Select check box to copy booking (block) notes from the source block to the new blocks created.

      4. Copy Events and Space: Select check box to copy events and space from the source block to the new block. Enabled when the source block has events. (Available when the  Catering Events OPERA Control is active).

        1. Keep Same Number of Attendees: Select check box to copy the attendees on the source block to the new block events.  This option is checked by default.

          1. Number of Attendees: Enter the number of attendees to the new block.

        2. Include Event Notes: Select check box to copy event notes.

          1. Include Change Notes: Select check box to include event change notes (note type = Change).

        3. Event Forecast Figures: Select check box to copy forecast figures. When not selected, forecast figures are not copied and will reference Event Forecast Maintenance.

        4. Resources: Select check box to copy event resources on the source events to new events. (Available when the Resources OPERA Control is active).

          1. Include Resource Notes: Select check box to copy resource notes.

          2. Copy Resource Pricing: Select check box to copy resource pricing.

      5. Adjust the Decision and Followup Dates to the New Arrival Date: Select check box to adjust the Decision and Follow-up dates for the new blocks created by the same number of days before or after the New Start Date, as applied to the source block. The value of the new dependent dates will not be less than the current date. If no date was specified for either of these fields on the source block, the field will remain null (empty) on the new blocks. If this check box is not selected, the dependent dates from the source block will be copied to the new blocks.

      6. New Catering Status: Displays the default Catering Status.

      7. Click Next.

    4. Review the details.

    5. Click Save.

Creating Itinerary Tour Series

Use to create tour series across multiple properties. The Market Code, Source Code, and Reservation Type is inherited from the source block and available for updating.

  1. Change to a hub location.

  2. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Manage Block.
  3. Enter search criteria and click Search

  4. From the search result select the block and click I Want To. . ., then click Tour Series.  

  5. Complete the following:

    1. Types and Codes 

      1. Select Itinerary check box.

      2. Type: Defaults to Custom

      3. Tour Code: Enter a tour code - this field is available in Block search .

      4. Master Block Code: Enter a master block code (Available when Tour Series Handling OPERA Control is set to Master Sub Relations).

      5. Click Initiate.

    2. Tour Blocks

      1. Property: Enter or select a property.

      2. Arrival: Enter the arrival date.

      3. Start Status: Select a block status from the list.

      4. Block Name: Enter a block name.

      5. Block Code: Enter a block code. When the Unique Block Code OPERA Control is active the same block code cannot be used for multiple blocks.

      6. Market Code: Enter or select a market code. Field defaults from the source block if value exists in the selected property. 

      7. Source Code: Enter or select a source code. Field defaults from the source block if value exists in the selected property. 

      8. Reservation Type: Enter or select a reservation type. Field defaults from the source block if value exists in the selected property. 

      9. Click New to add another block to the tour series.

      10. To delete a block, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete, click Delete to confirm.

      11. Click Next to continue.

    3. Attributes

      1. Keep Same Group Profile: Select check box to retain the group profile linked on the source block on the new blocks created.

      2. Include Booking Notes: Select check box to copy booking (block) notes from the source block to the new blocks created.

      3. Keep Same Number of Attendees: Select check box to copy the attendees on the source block to the new block events.  This option is checked by default.

        1. Number of Attendees: Enter the number of attendees to the new block.

      4. Adjust the Decision and Follow-up Dates to the New Arrival Date: Select check box to adjust the Decision and Follow-up dates for the new blocks created by the same number of days before or after the New Start Date, as applied to the source block. The value of the new dependent dates will not be less than the current date. If no date was specified for either of these fields on the source block, the field will remain null (empty) on the new blocks. If this check box is not selected, the dependent dates from the source block will be copied to the new blocks.

      5. Click Next.

    4. Review the details.

    5. Click Save.