Managing All Reservation Confirmations

Use this option to display a list of reservations for which confirmation letters have not been generated. By default, reservations created from the current business date, with a pending confirmation, are displayed.
You can also setup a confirmation for reservations without a pending confirmation by searching for 'No Letter Attached' reservations and using the Manage link to add a confirmation. When the Text Message Handling OPERA Control is active and Delivery Management is configured with an SMS gateway, confirmations can be sent via SMS to a mobile phone. 

Generating Pending Reservation Confirmations


Pending is selected by default  in the search criteria.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservation Workspace,  then select Confirmation Letters.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select reservations in the search result.

  4. Click Process Selected.

  5. Select Leave Destination as Selected on the Batch Reports page.

  6. Click Process.

Updating Reservation Confirmation Delivery Details

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservation Workspace,  then select Confirmation Letters.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a reservation in the search result, then click the delivery method link displayed Print, Email, Text, Manage.

    1. Select a confirmation from the list, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

    2. Update details.

    3. Click Save.

Adding a Reservation Confirmation

You may setup new or additional confirmation for a reservation.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservation Workspace,  then select Confirmation Letters.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a reservation in the search result, then click the delivery method link displayed Print, Email, Text, Manage.

  4. Click Email/Print to add a confirmation.

    1. Send To: Select the recipient name; all profiles linked to the reservation are listed.

    2. To Email: Select the recipient email address if the selected profile has more than one email address.

      1. Click New/Edit Email to add an email address.

    3. Confirmation Letter: Select the template to generate from the list.

    4. Secondary letter. 

    5. Send To: Select the recipient name; all profiles linked to the reservation are listed.

    6. Click Send to generate.

    7. Click Save to add to the reservation and send at a later time.

Adding an SMS (Text Message) Reservation Confirmation

You may setup new or additional confirmation for a reservation. (Available when the Text Message Handling OPERA Control is active).

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservation Workspace,  then select Confirmation Letters.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a reservation in the search result, then click the delivery method link displayed Print, Email, Text, Manage.

  4. Click vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Text and complete the following:

    1. Send To: Select the recipient name; all profiles linked to the reservation are listed.

    2. To Mobile: Select the recipient mobile number if the selected profile has more than one number.

    3. Secondary letter.

    4. Send To: Select the recipient name; all profiles linked to the reservation are listed.

    5. To Mobile: Select the recipient mobile number if the selected profile has more than one number.

    6. Click Send to transmit SMS.

    7. Click Save to add to the reservation and transmit at a later time.