Using Floor Plans

Floor Plans display an image of a floor, with guest rooms and other physical features such as stairways, air conditioning closet closets, elevators, and so on. Floor plans use color coding for room status and provide room-specific information such as room type, reservation status, room status and front office status.

Viewing Floor Plans

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Inventory, and select Room Management and then select Floor Plan.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Click View Options.

    1. Select Room Statuses, Front Office Statuses, and Reservation Statuses.

    2. Click OK.

Accessing Room Details

  1.  Click a Room to display room details.

    1. To update the Room Status.

      1. Inspected: An optional status to indicate a clean room has been inspected by a supervisor (available when the Inspected Rooms OPERA Control is active).

      2. Clean: Indicates the room has been serviced and is clean.

      3. Pickup: An optional status to indicate a minimum “touch-up" housekeeping service in required (available when the Pickup Rooms OPERA Control is active).

      4. Dirty: Indicates the room is dirty and requires cleaning service.

    2. Update the Housekeeping Status to identify a discrepant room (compared with Front Office Status). (Available when the Discrepant Rooms OPERA Control is active)

      1. Select Vacant or Occupied

    3. Prioritize: Select check box to place the room at the top of the list for cleaning on the Task Sheet.

    4. Click Close.