Room Management

Housekeeping enables you to schedule daily room cleaning, maintenance, and housekeeping staff activities. It provides information on room status, out of order/out of service rooms, and forecasting.

You can assign daily housekeeping duties, collect and view room status, view room forecasts based on reservations, view room floor plans and photographs or drawings of the property, resolve room occupancy discrepancies, and resolve room maintenance requests.

The following Room Status codes are available:

Table 5-2 Room status codes and respective icons

Code Icon Room Status Availability


Inspected (IP) icon



Available when the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active.


Clean (CL) icon


Inspected (IP) icon  is displayed when the Inspected Status OPERA Control is inactive.


Pickup (PU) icon


Available when the Pickup Status OPERA Control is active.


Dirty (DI) icon




Out of Service (OS) icon

Out of Service

Available when the Out of Service OPERA Control is active.


Out of Order (OOO) icon

Out of Order

Available when the Out of Order OPERA Control is active.