Configuring SFTP Connections

Use SFTP configuration to setup various SFTP connections for exports and scheduled report delivery. In multi-property operations, SFTP connections can be configured as global (all properties) or property-specific.


The SFTP Hostname must be added to the Outbound Domain Allowlist prior to being configured. For more information, see Configuring Outbound Domain Allow Listings.

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Adding SFTP Configuration

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup , and then SFTP Configuration.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Context: Select a value from the list.

      1. Select Global to define a chain-level SFTP configuration available to all properties.

      2. Select Property to define a property-specific SFTP configuration.

    2. SFTP Code: Enter Unique SFTP Code you want to create, preferably with the following recommended format:

      1. When creating at Chain Level use CHAIN CODE+SFTP CODE.

      2. When creating at Property Level use PROP CODE+SFTP CODE.

    3. Description: Enter a description.

    4. Hostname: Enter the SFTP Server Hostname.

    5. Port Number: Enter the Port Number.

    6. Auth Type: Select a value from the list.

    7. Password: Enter password to authenticate using basic authentication method such as user account and password details.

    8. Key:Enter key to authenticate using open authorization method such as OAuth Token URL and credential details. 

    9. Key with Passphrase: Enter key phrase to authenticate using open authorization details like, OAuth Token URL and credential details. 
    10. Username: Enter the username.

    11. Private Key: Enter the private key.

    12. Host Key: Enter the public key of the server specified in Hostname (the server's public key). 


      The following public host key algorithms are supported:






      This key can be obtained by executing the following bash/shell command:

      ssh-keyscan <hostname> 
      When using a non-standard port (other than 22) 
      ssh-keyscan -p <port> <hostname>
    13. Passphrase: Enter the passphrase.

  3. Click Save.

Editing SFTP Configuration

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup , and then SFTP Configuration.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the SFTP in search result, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

    1. Update configuration.

    2. Inactive: Select the checkbox to set the SFTP connection inactive. Deselect the checkbox to activate.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting SFTP Configuration

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup , and then SFTP Configuration.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the SFTP in search result, click vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

Validating SFTP Connectivity


Ensure the SFTP Hostname must be added to the Outbound Domain Allowlist. For more information, see Configuring Outbound Domain Allow Listings.
  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup , and then SFTP Configuration.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the SFTP Code in search results, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

  4. Click Add Rows to add folder and folder path.

    1. Folder Name: Enter the logical name for the specified folder path.

    2. Folder Path: Enter the folder path. 


      Each folder must be validated prior to saving the SFTP configuration. Refresh the page to view validation status.
      1. Click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Validate.

      2. Select Refresh to view the validation status of each folder.

      3. Click Save.