Business Block Compare

The Business Block Compare utility compares the number of rooms allotted and room allotment revenue figures shown on the business block room grid with the same information computed from the total activity recorded in the change log. Business blocks for which a mismatch exists are displayed in the Business Block Compare Utility grid. In the event of a discrepancy, you can use this utility to correct the change log so that the values on the business block room grid and change log match.


This utility will correct all the discrepancies for the specified property.
  1. From the Toolbox menu, select Utilities, select Data Management then select Business Block Compare.
    1. Property: Enter or select a property.

    2. Block Name: Search and select a block.

    3. Block Status: Select one or more block statuses.

    4. From Date: Enter a Start date of business block.

    5. To Date: Enter an End date of business block.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Review list of blocks.

  4. Click Correct.