Updating Owner

The Change Owners utility enables you to change the owner code from one or more selected owners to a new owner on Sales accounts, Contacts, Activities and Blocks

This utility is useful when sales staff leave your organization and new personnel commence, or when Sales responsibilities for a territory etc needs to be reallocated.


As this process requires a lock on many records ensure that users are logged off during the update process
  1. From the Toolbox menu, select Utilities, select Data Management then select Update Owners.

  2. Enter the following details:
    1. Property. Select one or more properties from the list

    2. Change From Owner(s): Select the sales manager / owner(s) from whom you wish to unassign ownership of accounts, contacts, activities, and blocks.

    3. Change to Owner:  Select the sales manager /owner to whom the accounts, contacts, activities, blocks are to be reassigned

    4. Make Primary For All: Select to make the Owner primary on all entity types (make Primary checkbox selected and disabled in each section).

    5. Apply Changes To:
      1. Sales Accounts: Select to update Company, Agent, Source profiles.
        • Make Primary: Select to make the Owner primary.

        • Selection Criteria (Filter)

        • Territory: Select territories from the list.

        • Business Segment: Select business segments from the list.

        • Country: Select countries from the list.

        • State: Select states from the list.

        • Industry Code: Select industry codes from the list.

        • Type: Select account types from the list.

        • Postal Code:
          • Use Free Format: Manually enter postal codes in To/From.

          • Use Configured Codes: Select values from lists  The available postal codes depends on your choice of countries and states.

          • From/To: Enter the range of postal codes you want to use to filter accounts. Enter only a From code to filter on an individual postal code. Down arrows allow you to select codes if the Use Configured Codes check box is selected.

      2. Contacts: Select to update contacts.
        • Make Primary: Select to make the Owner primary.

        • Selection Criteria (Filter)

        • Territory: Select territories from the list.

        • Business Segment: Select business segments from the list.

        • Country: Select countries from the list.

        • State: Select states from the list.

        • Postal Code:
          • Use Free Format: Manually enter postal codes in To/From.

          • Use Configured Codes: Select values from lists  The available postal codes depends on your choice of countries and states.

          • From/To: Enter the range of postal codes you want to use to filter accounts. Enter only a From code to filter on an individual postal code. Down arrows allow you to select codes if the Use Configured Codes check box is selected.

      3. Activities: Select to update Activities.
        • Make Primary: Select to make the Owner primary.

        • From Date: Enter a start date.

        • To Date: Enter an end date.

      4. Blocks: Select to update Blocks.
        • Selection Criteria (Filter)

        • From Date: Enter a block start date.

        • To Date: Enter a block end date.

        • Type: Select block types from the list.

        • Market Segment: Select market segments from the list.

        • Exempt Status: Select the block statuses that will be exempt from owner updates on business blocks.

        • Overall Owner: Select to update overall owner.
          • Make Primary: Select to make the Owner primary.

        • Rooms Owner: Select to update rooms owner.
          • Make Primary: Select to make the Owner primary.

        • Catering Owner: Select to update Catering owner.
          • Make Primary: Select to make the Owner primary.

  3. Click Review.

  4. Click Update Owners.