Configuring Sell Messages

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You can setup sell messages to help your reservation and sales agents secure a booking during a customer query. Sell messages contain important date-driven information or can be motivation messages for sales or reservation agents. 

For reservation agents appropriate sell messages appear depending on your point in the reservation flow and depending on the selections you make. For example, when on the reservations screen, general sell messages appear. Once a property is selected for the reservation, property-level sell messages appear. In addition, when searching availability, availability-level sell messages appear depending on room-type and rate code selections. When the Always Show Sell Messages OPERA Control is active users will always see sell messages in reservation presentation.

Premium badge. For properties with an Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Premium Edition subscription, sell messages can be setup to display in the Group Rooms Control, the Function Diary, and Blocks.

Sell messages can also be setup in multiple languages and, by default, appear in the language selected in your user profile.

Adding a Sell Message

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, select Marketing Management, and then select Sell Messages.

  2. Click New and complete the following fields:

  3. Location
    1. Global : Select to setup a global sell message (all properties).

    2. Hub: Select to setup for all properties associated with a hub.

      1. Hub: Enter or select the hub.

    3. Property: Select to setup a property-specific sell message.
      1. Property: Enter or select the property.
  4. Begin Date / End Date: Enter the Start and End dates during which this sell message appears to reservation agents.

  5. Language: Enter or select the language code for the sell message. If a language code is specified, this sell message only appears when the language code matches the language code of the user in their user account.

  6. Display Sell Message: Select the area(s) from the list for the sell message to display.

    1. Blocks Manage Blocks (Available when the Business Block OPERA Control is active).

    2. Function Diary : (Available when the Catering Events OPERA Control is active).

    3. GRC: Group Rooms Control. (Available when the Business Block OPERA Control is active).

    4. LTB: Create Reservation.

    5. Reservations: Manage Reservations.

  7. Rate Code: Enter or select the rate code for which this sell message should appear.

  8. Block Code: Enter or select the block code for which this sell message should appear.

  9. Room Type: Enter or select the room type for which this sell message should appear.

  10. Sequence: Enter a number that controls the position of this code in listings. Codes without a sequence number assigned are listed in alphabetical order following codes with a sequence assigned. 

  11. Sell Message: Enter the sell message to display to users; in the language selected.

  12. Click Save.

Editing a Sell Message

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, select Marketing Management, and then select Sell Messages.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the sell message in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

  4. Update the configuration.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a Sell Message

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, select Marketing Management, and then select Sell Messages.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the sell message in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.