Using Group Rooms Control

The Group Rooms Control (GRC) page provides a daily summary of rooms set aside for blocks, including the number of blocked, contracted, picked up, and available rooms. The Origin search field is used to limit display of blocks according to the Originating Application in Block Overview.

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The summary section shows Status and Block Inventory.

In the Status section, you can view the summary for all statuses that apply to blocks during the date range being viewed and listed here.

In the Block Inventory section, you can view the summary for the following:


When the Include Inquiry in Non Deduct Inventory Calculation OPERA Control is active, non-deduct calculations will include status code configured as non-deduct and inquiry for the Room Status Type.
  1. Deduct Inventory: Blocked rooms are deducted from inventory.

  2. Non Deduct Inventory: Blocked rooms not deducted from inventory.

  3. Available Rooms: Total current house availability.

  4. Available Rooms with Non-Deduct: Available rooms and not deducted from the inventory.

  5. Pick Up tells you the day by day total of pickup rooms.

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 When the Activate the Sell Message Functionality OPERA Control is active, date-driven sell messages are displayed at the top of page. Click X to close or click Sell Messages to toggle the Sell Message panel.

  1. Click X to close the sell message panel.


  2. Click Sell Messages to toggle the Sell Message panel.

RP - Rate Protect (Red) and NC - Non Compete (Yellow) color indicators appear on applicable date columns.

  • Rate Protect indicates that no other groups should be booked using rates lower than those assigned to the block that is identified as rate protect (available when the Lowest Rate Guaranteed OPERA Control is active).

  • Non-compete indicates that no competing accounts (accounts with the designated NC industry code) should be booked for same dates as the block identified as non-compete (available when Non Compete OPERA Control is active).

Viewing Group Rooms Control

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Group Rooms Control.

  2. Enter or select a Property and Date along with any other selection criteria, then click Search.


    The values selected for Block Status, Origin, Room Owner and Block Owner are remembered. To reset your search preferences, for more information, see Deleting Page Composer Customization.
    1. Premium badge Select the Include Opportunities check box to view opportunities associated with search results. The check box is available if you have the New/Edit Opportunity task assigned to your role (available when the Opportunities OPERA Control is Active).
  3. Review the summary information and more details about each block in the search results.

  4. Navigate to previous and future dates using the arrow buttons on the left and right sides of the horizontal date panel.

  5. Click View Options to customize the information that appears in Group Room Control. Select or deselect options to specify what information to display in the SummaryDetail level, and Block summary sections, then click ApplyPremium badge. The Block Classification view option is available to display Lowest Rate Guarantee, Conversion, and Non Compete.

  6. Click Collapse or Expand details for each block listed.

  7. Depending on the View Options selected, the screen shows details of the rooms allocated to the block, including the number of blocked, contracted, picked up, and available.

Viewing Day Details on the Group Rooms Control

The GRC screen visually indicates dates with special events such as holidays or festivals taking place at or near your property. Refer to Using the Property Calendar.

Color indicators appear above the dates/day columns with special calendar events or Day Types setup.

Premium Badge RP - Rate Protect and NC - Non Compete color indicators are also displayed on applicable dates

To view the details open the Day Details drawer:
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Group Rooms Control.

  2. Enter a Property and Date and any other search criteria and click Search.

    1. Select the Include Opportunities check box to view opportunities associated with search results. The check box is available if you have the New/Edit Opportunity task assigned to your role.
      1. In the Summary area, the Status section will show daily room totals for Opportunity status.

      2. In Block Inventory, the Non-Deduct Inventory totals will include Opportunities if the OPERA Control for Include Inquiry in Non-Deduct Inventory Calculations is active.

  3. Click the  Day Details tab on the right side of the GRC to slide open the panel showing details about the Calendar events, Day Types, Rate Protect and Non Compete 

Viewing Block Details from the Group Rooms Control

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Blocks and then select Group Rooms Control.

  2. Enter a Property and Date and any other search criteria and click Search.

  3. Click a Block Code or Block Name link to open a new window to view the Block Presentation page and make any changes to the block. For more information, see Managing Blocks.

Viewing Account Profile from Group Rooms Control

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Blocks and then select Group Rooms Control.

  2. Enter a Property and Date and any other search criteria and click Search.

  3. Click the Account link for a Block to open a new window to view the Profile Presentation page and make any changes to the sales account profile. For more information, see Managing a Sales Account Profile.

Creating Blocks from Group Rooms Control

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Blocks and then select Group Rooms Control.

  2. Enter a Property and Date and any other search criteria and click Search.

  3. Click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Create Block or select Create Master Block or Create Master Allocation or Create Opportunity.