Using Commission Payment Activity

Commission payment activity provides options to track and manage past commission payments. Use payment activity to reconcile commissions payments with bank statements, and when necessary, void unpresented commission checks or checks that failed to print. You can also download EFT export payment files.

Commission Payment statuses:

  • Outstanding: Payments that have not yet been cleared within the time period permitted (initial status)

  • Reconciled: Payments that have been cleared

  • Unpresented: Payments that were not cleared within the time period permitted.

  • Void: Payments that have been made invalid (reservation commissions transactions were reverted to payable status in the bank account.)

  • Failed: Payments that failed to generate (print)

Viewing Commission Payment Details

To view a list of the reservation commissions included in a payment.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

    2. Select the payment in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select View Details.

Editing Commission Payment Check Numbers

To update the check number for an Outstanding payment.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

    2. Select the payment in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

      1. Check Number: Enter a new check number

      2. Click Save.

Reconciling Commission Payments

You can reconcile a range of outstanding payments with your bank statements. Once reconciled, payments can't be voided or set to unpresented.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Select Outstanding Status and enter additional search criteria, then click Search.

    2. Click the Actions menu and select Reconciled.

      1. First Check / Batch Number: Enter an initial check number.

      2. Last Check / Batch Number: Enter a final check number.

      3. Reconciled Date. Enter or select a date

      4. Click Save.

Updating Payments to Unpresented Status

You can change an outstanding payment to unpresented when the payment was not cleared (banked) within the time period permitted.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Select Outstanding Status and enter additional search criteria, then click Search.

    2. Click the Actions menu and select Unpresented.

      1. First Check / Batch Number: Enter an initial check number.

      2. Last Check / Batch Number: Enter a final check number.

      3. Unpresented Date: Enter or select a date.

      4. Click Save.

Updating Payments to Outstanding Status

To update payments to Outstanding (initial) status.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Select Outstanding Status and enter additional search criteria, then click Search.

    2. Click the Actions menu and select Outstanding.

      1. First Check / Batch Number: Enter an initial check number.

      2. Last Check / Batch Number: Enter a final check number.

      3. Click Save.

Voiding Commission Payments

Can you void unpresented payments and reprocess payment (link: t_commissions_processing_commission_payments.htm); the reservation commissions transactions associated with the payment are reverted to payable status in the commission bank account.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Select Unpresented Status and enter additional search criteria, then click Search.

    2. Click the Actions menu and select Void.

      1. First Check / Batch Number: Enter an initial check number.

      2. Last Check / Batch Number: Enter a final check number.

      3. Click Save.

Discarding Voided Commission Checks

Use the discard action when check printing fails (for example because of a paper jam) and you are using checks with pre-printed check numbers. Discarded checks are set to the Failed status. By setting the payment status to failed, the check numbers become available again for generating commission checks when you reprocess the commission payments from the Commission Payment Processing screen. All check numbers from the First Check Number you enter onward are assigned to the Failed status.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Select Void Status and enter additional search criteria, then click Search

    2. Click the Actions menu and select Discard.

      1. First Check Number: Enter a check number

      2. Click Save.

Accessing Commission EFT Export Files

To view the data contained within an EFT file and to download export files.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Commissions, and then select Bank Account.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a commission bank account in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Go to Payment Activity.

    1. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

    2. Select the payment in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Exports.

      1. Select the EFT export in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select View Exports.

      2. To view export data, select an export file in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select View Details.

      3. to download an export file, select an export file in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Download.

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