Managing a Room Key / Door Lock Property Interface

You can use Property Interface Control to create and manage keys independently of other processes such as check in. You can create room keys for future-date arrivals, Due In, Advanced Checked In or Checked In, Inhouse, and Departure reservations with a room assigned. You can select multiple reservations if required.  Use Oneshot Key to encode a single-use key for sales or housekeeping staff to access to the room.

When the Multiple Guest Room Key OPERA Control you can setup a charge limit amount on each key to limit charging from Point of Sale (POS) systems. For example, when a family of 2 adults and 2 children occupy a room, the adults want the ability to charge any amount to their room and limit the amount the children can charge to the room. This functionality encodes unique Track 2 data for each key encoded for the reservation. When the Accompanying Guest OPERA Control is active, this room charge limit is also added to accompanying guest keys. The Incidental Limit indicates the credit card authorization or payment type default credit limit minus the expected total cost of stay (accommodation, fixed charges and taxes).

When the Display Key PIN OPERA Control is active, the PIN received from the door lock system is available when creating keys; you must have the View Key PIN task granted to view unmasked PIN.

Key encoding activity and failures are tracked in the Reservation Group, Keys Activity Type in the Changes log.

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Creating Room Keys for a Reservation

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Property Interface Control.

  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. Select and expand the Key Card / Door Lock System (DLS) panel.

  4. Enter reservation search criteria and click Search.

  5. Select a reservation in the search then click Create Key.

  6. Room Key Options:

    1. Key Type:

      1. Select Cut New Key: This sends a new Key Request to the Door Lock System and is expected to invalidate any previous keys for room.

    2. Previous Keys Made: Information on the number of existing keys made for the room.

    3. Number of Keys:

      1. Per Adult on Reservation: Select the number of keys based on Adults in the reservations. (Defaults when the Default Key Selection OPERA Control is set to Per Adult).

      2. Per Reservation: Select a fixed number of keys per reservations. (Defaults when the Default Key Selection OPERA Control is set to Per Reservation).

        1. Value: Enter the number of keys. (Defaults from the Default Number of Keys Per Reservation OPERA Control).

    4. Additional Rooms: Select any additional rooms from the list.

    5. Key Options: Select special key options from the list; key options provide special access to areas such as fitness center or club floor. Defaults with values from Profile Key Options preferences and Reservation Key Option preferences.  

    6. Key Card Use: Select a use for the key from the list. (Defaults to Room Key Only, other options are available when integrated with a Gaming system).

    7. Key PIN: Displays the PIN for the room key (Available when the Display Key PIN OPERA Control is active).

    8. Valid Start Date: Defaults to the current date.

    9. Valid Start Time: Defaults to the current time or the Key Valid Start Time OPERA Control.

    10. Valid Until Date: Enter or select a expiry date. The default is the departure date plus any value specified in the Keys Expiry Days OPERA Control.

    11. Valid Until Time: Enter an expiry time. The default is the departure time plus any specified in the Keys Expiry Time OPERA Control.

  7. Guest Details for Multiple Keys (Available when the Multiple Guest Room Key OPERA Control is active). 

    1. The primary guest and any accompanying guests (Available when the Accompanying Guest OPERA Control is active) are listed for selection. A New key can be also encoded for an accompanying guest as well. 

    2. Select the check box to select the guest.

    3. Click Add Rows to add additional guest names; an accompanying guest is not added to the reservation.

      1. Name: Enter a name.

    4. Click Edit to update the Adult/Child or Remaining Balance for guests listed

      1. Adult/Child: Select Adult or Child from the list.

      2. Remaining Balance: Enter an amount for the guest.

      3. Click Save.

  8. Key Encoder Locations

    1. Display All Encoders: Switch on to display a list of all encoders; when off, the last used encoder is displayed.

    2. Select a device area to view a list of encoders allocated to the area.

    3. Select a key encoding device.

  9. Click Create Key.

Creating Room Keys for Multiple Reservations

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Property Interface Control.

  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. Select and expand the Key Card / Door Lock System (DLS) panel.

  4. Enter reservation search criteria and click Search.

  5. Select multiple reservations in the search then click Create Key.

  6. Room Key Options: With multiple selected, it is expected the selections here apply to all those selected.

    1. Number of Keys

      1. Per Adult on Reservation: Select the number of keys based on Adults in the reservations. (Defaults when the Default Key Selection OPERA Control is set to Per Adult).

      2. Per Reservation: Select a fixed number of keys per reservations. (Defaults when the Default Key Selection OPERA Control is set to Per Reservation).

        1. Value: Enter the number of keys. (Defaults from the Default Number of Keys Per Reservation OPERA Control).

    2. Additional Rooms: Select any additional rooms from the list.

    3. Key Options: Select special key options from the list. Key options provide special access to areas such as a fitness centre or club floor. Defaults with values from Profile Key Options preferences and Reservation Key Option preferences

    4. Valid Start Date: Defaults to the current date.

    5. Valid Start Time: Defaults to the current time or the Key Valid Start TimeOPERA Control.

    6. Valid Until Date: Enter or select a expiry date. The default is the departure date.

    7. Valid Until Time: Enter an expiry time. The default is the departure time.

  7. Key Encoder Locations:

    1. Display All Encoders: Switch on to display a list of all encoders; when off the last used encoder is displayed.

    2. Select a device area to view a list of encoders allocated to the area.

    3. Select a key encoding device.

  8. Click Process.

  9. The Information Message Create Keys for Reservation 1 of x: (Room: xxx) (Name: xxx) appears at the top of the panel.

    1. Modify the Room Key Options if required.

    2. Click Create Keys.

    3. To skip this reservation, click Skip.

    4. Repeat for each reservation.

  10. Click Close after all reservations are processed.

Creating One-Shot (One-time Use) Keys for a Room

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Property Interface Control.
  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. Select and expand the One-Shot Key (DLS) panel.

  4. Enter search criteria for the room to access and click Search.

  5. Select a room in the search result then click Create Key.

  6. Room Key Options:

    1. Number of Keys:

      1. Value: Enter the number of keys. (Defaults from the Default Number of Keys Per Reservation OPERA Control).

    2. Additional Rooms: Select any additional rooms from the list.

    3. Key Options: Select special key options from the list; key options provide special access to areas such as fitness center or club floor.

    4. Keycard Use: Select a use for the key from the list. (Defaults to Room Key Only, other options are available when integrated with a Gaming system).

    5. Valid Until Date:Enter or select a expiry date.

    6. Valid Until Time:Enter an expiry time.

  7. Key Encoder Locations:

    1. Display All Encoders: Switch on to display a list of all encoders; when off the last used encoder is displayed.

    2. Select a device area to view a list of encoders allocated to the area.

    3. Select a key encoding device.

  8. Click Create Key.

Encoding a Duplicate (Additional) Key

Existing keys encoded for room remain valid.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Property Interface Control.
  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. Select and expand the Key Card / Door Lock System (DLS) panel.

  4. Enter search criteria for the room to access and click Search.

  5. Room Key Options:

    1. Key Type

      1. Select Cut Duplicate Key: Any existing keys for room remain valid.

    2. Number of Keys

      1. Per Adult on Reservation: Select the number of keys based on Adults in the reservations. (Defaults when the Default Key Selection OPERA Control is set to Per Adult).

      2. Per Reservation: Select a fixed number of keys per reservations. (Defaults when the Default Key Selection OPERA Control is set to Per Reservation).

        1. Value: Enter the number of keys. (Defaults from the Default Number of Keys Per Reservation OPERA Control).

    3. Additional Rooms: Select any additional rooms from the list.

    4. Key Options: Select special key options from the list; key options provide special access to areas such as fitness center or club floor. Default from Key Options Preferences and Reservation Key Option preferences.

    5. Keycard Use: Select a use for the key from the list.

    6. Valid Start Date: Defaults to the current date (when configured for the DLS IFC type in use).

    7. Valid Start Time: Defaults to the current time or the configured setting in OPERA Controls.

    8. Valid Until Date: Enter or select a expiry date. The default is the departure date (follows the OPERA Controls settings for Keys Expiry Days and Time under IFC Group).

    9. Valid Until Time. Enter an expiry time. The default is the departure time (follows the OPERA Controls settings for Keys Expiry Days and Time under IFC Group).

  6. Guest Details for Multiple Keys (Available when the Multiple Guest Room Key OPERA Control is active).

    1. The primary guest and any accompanying guests (Available when the Accompanying Guest OPERA Control is active) are listed for selection. 

    2. Select check box next to guest name to select the guest. 

    3. Click Add Rows to add additional guest names; an accompanying guest is not added to the reservation.

      1. Name: Enter a name.

    4. Click Edit to update the Adult/Child or Remaining Balance for guests listed.

      1. Adult/Child: Select Adult or Child from the list.

      2. Remaining Balance: Enter a limit amount the guest is permitted to charge from a point of sale, by swiping the room key.

      3. Click Save.

  7. Key Encoder Locations:

    1. Display All Encoders: Switch on to display a list of all encoders; when off the last used encoder is displayed.

    2. Select a device area to view a list of encoders allocated to the area.

    3. Select a key encoding device.

  8. Click Create Key.

Re-encoding a Room Key (Replacement)

Requests a key that duplicates all data of the existing key.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Property Interface Control.
  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. Select and expand the Key Card / Door Lock System (DLS) panel.

  4. Enter reservation search criteria and click Search.

  5. Room Key Options:

    1. Key Type

      1. Select Re-encode Key

    2. Number of Keys

      1. Per Adult on Reservation: Select quantity of keys based on Adults in the reservations.

      2. Per Reservation: Select a fixed number of keys per reservations.

        1. Value: Enter the number of keys.

    3. Additional Rooms: Select any additional rooms from the list.

    4. Key Options: Select special key options from the list. Key options provide special access to areas such as fitness center or club floor. Default from Key Options Preferences and Reservation Key Option preferences.

    5. Keycard Use: Select a use for the key from the list. (Defaults to Room Key Only, other options are available when integrated with a Gaming system).

    6. Valid Start Date: Defaults to the current date.

    7. Valid Start Time: Defaults to the current time or the or the Key Valid Start Time OPERA Control.

    8. Valid Until Date: Enter or select a expiry date. The default is the departure date plus any value specified in the Keys Expiry Days OPERA Control.

    9. Valid Until Time: Enter an expiry time. The default is the departure time plus any specified in the Keys Expiry Time OPERA Control.

  6. Guest Details for Multiple Keys (Available when the Multiple Guest Room Key OPERA Control is active).

    1. The primary guest and any accompanying guests (Available when the Accompanying Guest OPERA Control is active) are listed for selection. 

    2. Select check box next to guest name to select the guest. 

    3. ClickAdd Rows to add additional guest names; an accompanying guest is not added to the reservation.

      1. Name: Enter a name.

    4. Click Edit to update the Adult/Child or Remaining Balance for guests listed.

      1. Adult/Child: Select Adult or Child from the list.

      2. Remaining Balance: Enter a limit amount the guest is permitted to charge from a point of sale, by swiping the room key.

      3. Click Save.

  7. Key Encoder Locations:

    1. Display All Encoders: Switch on to display a list of all encoders; when off the last used encoder is displayed.

    2. Select a device area to view a list of encoders allocated to the area.

    3. Select a key encoding device.

  8. Click Re-encode Key.

Reading a Room Key 

To identify a key you can read a room key.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Property Interface Control.
  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. Select and expand the Read Key (DLS) panel.

  4. Key Encoder Locations:

    1. Display All Encoders: Switch on to display a list of all encoders; when off the last used encoder is displayed.

    2. Select a device area to view a list of encoders allocated to the area.

    3. Select a key encoding device to read the key.

  5. Click Read Key.

  6. Key details are displayed for the key inserted in the encoder selected.

Deleting a Room Key 

Requests the Door Lock System to remove a key when supported.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Property Interface Control.
  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. Select and expand the Key Card / Door Lock System (DLS) panel.

  4. Enter reservation search criteria and click Search.

  5. Room Key Options:

    1. Key Type

      1. Select Delete Key

  6. Key Encoder Locations.

    1. Display All Encoders: Switch on to display a list of all encoders; when off the last used encoder is displayed. For more information, see Configuring Device Areas

    2. Select a device area to view a list of encoders allocated to the area.

    3. Select a key encoding device.

  7. Click Delete Key.