Profiles Reports

Activities Scheduled for Profiles Only (osa_profile_only) - displays activities that are associated to profiles (not reservations) and that fall within the date range selected.

Duplicate Profile (prduplicateprofile) - displays profile address, membership and passport information to assist in determining if a duplicate profile exists in your system.

Guest Birthday (pr_birthday) - displays all guest profiles that have a birthdate entered. The report includes information on stay history, VIP status, and the next scheduled reservation.

Incomplete Address (princompleteaddress) - displays all profiles that have incomplete address information.

Individual Profile Productivity - Summary (prof_prod_sum) - provides a summary of reservation statistics for individual profiles only. 

Member Report (member) - displays all reservations that have or had a membership attached to the reservation.

Membership Pre-Check In (arrprecheckinmem) - displays reservations not yet checked in that have an active membership attached to the reservation.

Membership Stays Report (loyalty_member_stay) - provides a detailed listing of loyalty guests, along with their membership types and levels for the selected date range.

Profile Address (pr_address) - lists basic address information for all profiles in the system.

Profile Notes (pr_notes) - displays all the profile notes attached to profiles.

Profile Production Statistics (profileproductivitystat) - allows a property the means to determine the production a profile is generating for their property.

Profile Productivity Length of Stay (prof_prod_los) - allows the user to display profile production by pre-defined length of stay groups.

Individual Profile Productivity Summary (profprodsum): Displays a summary of reservation statistics for Individual Profiles only.

Profile Productivity Statistics-Detailed (profile_productivity_detailed) - allows a means of printing a detailed breakdown of each reservation that comprised the production for a specific profile.

Profile with Accounts Receivable Number (pr_with_ar_no) - displays all profiles that have an accounts receivable number configured and attached to the profile.

Restricted List (pr_restricted) - displays a list of all profiles that have been marked with a restricted status.

Sample Enrollment by Agent (sample_mem_enroll_agent) – a customizable report displaying a list of agent enrollments in a time period.

Sample Profile Data Portability (sample_prof_data_port) – displays profile data such as name, address, communication details, and relationship information.