Configuring Profile Merge Rules

Profile merge rules are configured for each profile type, and define the match criteria and match points that are totaled and compared against Lower Threshold and Upper Threshold values to determine if the profile is a duplicate.
  • Profiles with match point total greater than the Upper Threshold are listed in Profile Match List for review and merged by the Auto Merge Profiles job, scheduled and executed by the OPERA Chain Scheduler.  

  • Profiles with match point total between the Lower Threshold and the Upper Threshold are listed in Profile Match List for review and can be manually merged. 

  • Profiles with match point total lower than the Lower Threshold are not merged.

Internal Match Criteria

Internal match criteria first checks specific profile elements for a match before the profiles are considered for merge rule processing. Internal match criteria is not configurable, and are the basis for all profile matching activity. If the internal match fails, no further weighing point match is attempted. 

The internal match criteria assessed includes the following:

Guest Company Travel Agent Source Group

Client ID

Subscription ID

Subscription ID

Subscription ID

Subscription ID

Subscription ID

Name and Address1

Name and Address1

Name and Address1

Name and Address1

Last Name and First Name and Address1

Name and Phone Number

Name and Phone Number

Name and Phone Number

Name and Phone Number

Last Name and Phone Number


IATA Number

IATA Number


Membership Number




Passport Number



As Address1 is a primary element of the Address collection, it includes the State, City, Country, and Zip elements.

Definable Weighing Points Match Criteria

By selecting one or more data elements and assigning points to the result, a Match Point total is calculated and compare to the Lower Threshold and Upper Threshold specified.

The following example demonstrate the use of point assignment to merge criteria.
  • Lower Threshold: 100

  • Upper Threshold: 1000

Step1 Match Criteria   Profile A Profile B    
  • Last Name




  • Phone Number




Step 2 Merge Criteria Points     Match Points Result
  • Member Number


Member Number

Member Number


  • First Name





  • Email











Step1 Match Criteria   Profile A Profile B    
  • Last Name




  • Phone Number




Step 2 Merge Criteria Points     Match Points Result
  • Member Number


Member Number

Member Number


  • First Name





  • Email









Displayed in Profile Match List

Adding Profile Auto Merge Rules

You can create one rule per profile type and exclude profiles with specific attributes such as restricted or protected status.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, select Profile Management, and then select Profile Merge Rules.

  2. Click New and complete the following:
    1. Profile Type: Select a profile type from the list. Guest includes contacts when the Contacts OPERA Control is active.

    2. Match Criteria: Select one more match criteria from the list.

    3. Lower Threshold: Enter a lower threshold value.

    4. Upper Threshold: Enter an upper threshold value.

    5. Exclude Profiles (from merge).
      1. Inactive Profile: The Active check box is not selected in profile.

      2. Negotiated Rates: Profiles with negotiate rate details (Available when the Negotiated Rates OPERA Control is active).

      3. Primary Membership: Profile has a primary membership detail.

      4. Protected Profiles: The Protected check box is selected in profile (Available when the Profile Protection OPERA Control is active).

      5. Restricted Profiles: The Restricted check box is selected in profile.

      6. VIP Code: Profiles with VIP value. (Available when the VIP OPERA Control is active).

    6. Match Points (Merge Criteria)
      1. Click Add Rows to add sufficient rows to the match criteria.
        1. Merge Criteria: Select one more values from the list then click Select.

        2. Points: Enter the points to award to this match criteria.

        3. Click Save.

      2. To edit, select the match criteria then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

        1. Active: Uncheck to inactive the match criteria.

      3. To delete, select the match criteria then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

    7. Click Save.

Editing Profile Auto Merge Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, select Profile Management, and then select Profile Merge Rules.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. From the search result, select the rule, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.
    1. Update the rule configuration.

    2. Inactive: Select check box to inactive the rule.

    3. Click Save.

Deleting Profile Auto Merge Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, select Profile Management, and then select Profile Merge Rules.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. From the search result, select the rule, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.