Configuring Floor Mapping

Floor mapping is used when generating housekeeping task sheets by floor; ensuring the housekeeping room attendant doesn’t have to travel between buildings or floors.

Floor mapping is only need when you have multiple buildings and the same floors exist in each of those buildings.

See Complete Floor and Building configuration first.

Editing Floor Mapping

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Accommodation Management and then select Floor Mapping.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Click Manage and complete the following

    1. Floor: Select a floor from the list.

    2. Description: Enter a description (Example: Building 1 Floor 1).

    3. Building: Select a building from the list.

    4. Target Credits: Enter the target credit for when processing the housekeeping task breakout.

    5. Sequence: Enter a display sequence.

  4. Click Save.


Click Add Row to add additional rows as needed.