Configuring Vacant Room Status Update Rules

When the Update Vacant Room Status OPERA Control is set to Custom, you can configure rules for the Updating Room Statuses end of day procedure to process and update rooms of select room type(s), vacant for a specified number of days, to a nominated housekeeping status. For example, you can configure rules to update vacant rooms to pickup status after 14 days; ensuring the vacant room is scheduled for a housekeeping task (for dusting and "running the taps" in the room).


The HK_RM_STATUS_CHANGED changes log action type tracks all changes to room status processed by the Updating Room Statuses end of day procedure. 

Adding Vacant Room Status Update Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Accommodation Management, and then select Vacant Room Status.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Number of Vacant Days: Select a value between 1 and 365.

    3. Date From: Enter or select a start date (defaults to current business date if not specified).

    4. Date To: Enter or select an end date to fix an end date.

    5. Change Vacant Room Status To: Select a room status from the list.

      1. Dirty.

      2. Pickup: Available when the Pickup Status OPERA Control is active.

      3. Clean

      4. Inspected: Available when the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active.

    6. Room Types: Select one or more room types.

      1. From the Available panel search and select the room types, then click > to move the selected codes to the Selected panel. 

    7. Click Save.

Editing Vacant Room Status Update Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Accommodation Management, and then select Vacant Room Status.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a vacant room status rule in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Action smenu, and select Edit.

  4. Update the configuration.

  5. Click Save

Deleting Vacant Room Status Update Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Accommodation Management, and then select Vacant Room Status.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select a vacant room status rule in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.