Searching for and Transferring Comp Postings

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On the Search Transactions screen, you can search for transaction postings and filter your search to view only postings from comp windows 101–108. From the search results, you can select charges and transfer them to a folio window or to a room, transfer charges from cash windows to comp windows and vice versa, or transfer charges within a comp window.

Searching for Comp Postings

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.

  2. Search for In House guests by entering a Name and clicking Search. You can also click Search to view all in house guests without entering search criteria.

  3. In the search results, click I Want To... for the reservation you want to view and select Billing.

  4. On the Billing screen, click I Want To... and select Search Transactions.

  5. On the Search Transactions screen, select a comp window of 101-108 to filter the list of transaction codes to show only transactions posted to a comp window.

  6. Click Search to view the filtered transaction code list.

Transferring Comp Postings

  1. On the Search Transactions screen, select the transaction from the search results, click the vertical ellipsis, and select Transfer Posting.

  2. On the Transfer Postings screen, select a Transfer Direction, either To a Folio Window or To a Room.

    1. To a Folio Window. Click the down arrow and select a comp window (101-108) for the transfer.

    2. To a Room. Enter or select a Room Number or a Guest Name for transfer.

  3. Click Transfer. You are prompted for an Authorizer ID and must enter your Authorizer ID to proceed with the transfer.


    When the Authorizer PIN Required parameter is On, you are prompted to enter both an Authorizer ID and PIN. This is the PIN belonging to the authorizer for the target window to which you are transferring the posting.