Managing Room Discrepancies

You can update the Housekeeping status of a room to identify there is a discrepancy with the Front Office status. For example, when a reservation is checked in and the front office status is occupied, but housekeeping finds the room vacant you can set the room as Skip discrepant. When the Front Office status is vacant and housekeeping identify the room as occupied you can set the room as Sleep discrepant. It is also possible to update the housekeeping status and set a room as discrepant using the OPERA Cloud mobile application; for more information, see Room Status. Front office must then resolve room discrepancies by checking in or checking out a reservation for the room.

When there is a discrepancy between the Front Office and Housekeeping status of a room you can update the housekeeping status to record a sleep or skip discrepancy.
  • A Sleep discrepancy is when the front office shows the room as vacant, but housekeeping reports it as occupied (For example, there is luggage in the room).

  • A Skip discrepancy is when a reservation is checked into the room, so the front office shows it as occupied, but housekeeping reports the room as vacant.


    You can view Skip discrepant reservations in Departures and Quick Check Out search by selecting the Skip Rooms Only checkbox.

Search Discrepant Rooms

  1. From the OPERA Cloud  menu, select Inventory, select Room Management, and select Room Discrepancies.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Rooms are listed in the search result.

Updating Housekeeping / Discrepancy Status

  1. From the OPERA Cloud  menu, select Inventory, select Room Management, and select Room Discrepancies.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select one or more rooms in the search result, then click Update Room Status.

  4. In the Housekeep Status section select:

    1. Vacant: To record the room as Skip discrepant.

    2. Occupied: To record the room as Sleep discrepant.

  5. Click Close.

  6. For more information, see Using the Housekeeping Board.

Generating Housekeeping Discrepancy Report

To generate the hk_discrepancy report.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud  menu, select Inventory, select Room Management, and select Room Discrepancies.

  2. Click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Report.

  3. Enter report parameters.

  4. Select a report destination:
    1. Preview: Select the preview the report as PDF.

    2. Print: Select to print to an email addressable printer. For more information, see Configuring Printers.

      1. Printer: Select the printer from the list.

    3. Email: Select to email report.

      1. Email Address: Enter an email address.

  5. Click Process.