2 Resolved Issues

This section contains a list of the customer-reported bugs that were resolved in this release.

Accounts Receivables

Bug ID Description


Your Account Receivables aging in the Trial Balance Report will align with the AR Aging report, encompassing balances posted using the AR old balance.


Transferring compressed invoices is not allowed, even if you select both compressed and non-compressed invoices.


Accounts Receivable invoices are compressed and uncompressed successfully.


On the Transaction Research screen under Financials > Accounts Receivables>, you can only select the current business date and/or past business dates for the From Date and the To Date fields.


If you generate the Account Receivables (AR) Old Balances Detailed report (aroldbaldet) with the From Date later than the value for the To Date, the message, "To Date cannot be before From Date," appears.

If you generate the Room Revenue by Tax Type report (tax_type_details) with the From Date later than the value for the To Date, the message, "To Date cannot be before From Date" appears.

Block Management

Bug ID Description


When you change a block's status, the Autoload Forecast remains the same and does not change.


Block reservation search performance is improved.


Block Net Forecast Rates are calculated excluding package revenue when the package is included in the rate.


When Block Forecasting functionality is active, the Forecast Room and the Rate Grid update when a block is washed. This happens only when Autoload Forecast is active.


When a block has linked profiles associated with the Template reservation, the linked profiles are added to newly created reservations from the rooming list.


Block Net Forecast Rates are calculated excluding package revenue when the package is included in the rate.


Search performance for block reservations is improved.


When a block has linked profiles associated with the Template reservation, the linked profiles are added to newly created reservations from the rooming list.


When the Import Rooming List OPERA Control is active and reservation records are added to the Rooming List, any subsequent details added to the reservations save as expected and attach to any created reservations.


When accessing the Changes Log from a block, only the event records for the selected block appear when the Group is set to Events.


A Recalculate Catering Revenue link is added to the I Want To . . . menu options for Blocks. When selected, the catering revenue for all events and catering packages attached to the block are recalculated based on package pricing and event resources.


Forecast Rooms and Rates are included in change logs.


The Cancel PM checkbox is selected by default when a a PM account is associated with the block, and the status is changed to a return status.


You can create a Day Use Share Reservation within Rooming List through Manage Blocks by selecting a Block, I Want To . . . Menu, Rooming List.


If you are in a chain where there are no properties with the Opportunities OPERA Control available, the Manage Opportunities checkbox does not appear in the Manage Block search screen.


The Block Status updates for the Master/Sub Tour Series when event templates and a catering package are attached to a Sub block.


When updating Block Details for synchronized Master and Sub Blocks, the details are applied to the sub blocks. When the Block Details of the Master Tour Series is updated, the changes are applied to the selected Sub Tours.


You can create a block from the Property Availability screen and the Room Pool field if the Room Pool OPERA Control is active or from Room Type if the Room Pool OPERA Control is inactive and available in the Block Details section.


The Actual Business Blocks report filter for Room Owner is working as intended.


When tour series is selected as custom, you can follow several new lines with Block Code format.


The Master Allocation Room and Rate grid displays the number of rooms allocated and reservations picked up from the Sub Allocations.


In the Manage Block Search screen you can search for blocks using Created By field. The Created By search only allows you to select one property in the Property selection list.


When you change the status of a Master and Sub block that are synchronized, the reservation type from the master block is applied to the sub blocks. If the blocks are not synchronized, you can select Save and Apply to Sub Blocks, and the reservation type applies to the sub blocks selected.


You can change a Master Tour series block name if events are attached to sub blocks.


From the Block Presentation screen, you can edit and shorten the end date of a block if no room inventory and no events exist on that date.


You can see block status updates for multiple sub blocks.


You can add a new Account/Contact to a block successfully.


Block search performance is improved.


When you search for a Central Lead without selecting a property and then click on the indicator for Property Leads from the Manage Block screen, you can view the property leads.


You arrive at the first record in Block search results when returning back from the Block presentation screen.

Cashiering and Financials

Bug ID Description


You can preview the End of Day (EOD) Batch reports using the Sent To option from the End of Day Reports for the previously executed EOD.


Credit card input values are correct on the Credit Card History report.


Bulk prepaid cards payment transactions are displayed as a single line on the folio.


For the Folio Profile Validation information collection method: The Profile validation screen does not appear at the time of settlement when the required Identification Data (Guest Profile), or Tax ID (Company Profile), and Sirius Code (UDFC10) exist on the payee profile.


You can search by Travel Agent name among a large number of associated reservations.


Authorization and Settlement is successful when OPI (Oracle Payment Interface) does not return printData. PrintData is an optional field on the OPI response.


For PERC_CITY_TAX and CITY_TAX package code formulas, the tax calculates based on the rate amount that appears on the reservation when you select the Fixed Rate checkbox in the reservation.


For properties with the Credit Bill OPERA Control active, Folio History displays the correct folio amount for Credit Bills in a specific scenario including unallocated deposit folios.


You cannot transfer (settled) charges or generates for an associated billed to different windows/reservation.


You can select only Revenue transaction codes as an adjustment code. Payment and Wrapper transaction codes are not available.


The Event Store Table is updated to display the Transaction type as Reservation for the cancellation policy and the deposit policy Operation ID.


The Auto Deposit Cancellation Refund for Credit Cards OPERA Control is available for selection.


The Multi-select column is available only for resorts where the Comp Posting Multi Records Processing OPERA Control is turned On at the Hub level.


Posting charges against a reservation in On Hold status is not permitted. Additionally, the ability to post through APIs is restricted in such cases.


In the Billing screen, the membership number is partially masked (only the last four characters are unmasked) when hovering over the Business Card and the Membership Number field.


Deleting the main posting causes the removal of the generates regardless of the decimal values associated with them.


The ability to select and deselect reservations when transferring postings from a room is available.


Performance is improved when generating a fiscal folio.


Performance is improved for the NA Guest Ledger Detail report (naguestleddetail).


In a scenario where the Service Types OPERA Control is active, positive and negative payment exists with a zero balance, and you generate a folio settlement, the INTERNAL Folio Type is used to create the folio.


In a scenario where the Fiscal Folio Printing OPERA Control is on, the Fiscal Retries OPERA Control is populated, you perform Void Folio for a fiscal folio, and the fiscal communication fails: If you select retry on the message prompt, and the fiscal communication is successful, then the Void Folio screen refreshes and no longer displays the voided folio.


A credit bill is previewed successfully in Folio History when the Original Folio Stay Details checkbox is selected on the Credit Bill Folio type.


The CC (credit card) Delivery Container performance is improved.


In a scenario where the Custom Charges OPERA Control is on, a Custom Charge with a Posting Rhythm has been posted to an in-house reservation, and you perform Adjust Custom Charges, OPERA Cloud calculates the adjustment amount correctly before posting.


For Post Service Recovery Adjustment or Post Adjustment transactions, when a reason code is entered, the reason code appears in the Reason field and not updated when editing the posting.


The Central Sales property should be visible in the Currency Calculator.


The Fiscal workflow is not engaged when you settle a fiscal folio to Direct Bill in a scenario where Fiscal Folio Printing is active, and the payment method for Direct Bill is not selected as a Fiscal Folio Payment Method on the Fiscal Partner configuration screen, and other payment methods are selected.


An issue is resolved where bulk availability would return incorrect rates in cases where a tax collection was used to calculate city taxes.


When Cashiering > Parameter > Use Deposit Posting Transaction Codes is on, update to "When the Use Deposit Posting Transaction Codes OPERA Control is active."


Folio Style 16 is updated to consider the reservation number in the following display order:

Line 1 - Date, guest name, transaction description, charges or credits by reservation number.
Line 2 - Reference and supplement (as available).


When you split pricing schedules for rate codes, it copies the packages and yield adjustments to each pricing schedule.


In a scenario where a Folio Type is not configured for Credit Folio and a POS Account pseudo room generates a credit bill, the folio number is successfully generated from the INTERNAL_POS_ACCOUNT sequence.


When generating the proforma invoice by date range, only the blocks for the logged in or selected property are included in the report data.


When attempting to change the generates from Non Tax Type to Tax Type, the Tax Type Rules window no longer appears distorted.


In a scenario where the Child Rates By Defined Buckets Rate Management function is inactive, the formula for CITY_TAX is configured on a Package with fields for Child One, Child Two, and Child 3 are set to N, and the reservation includes children, the formula calculation is correct and does not increase for the number of children on the reservation.


The CC delivery container default timeout is set to 3 minutes. If Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) does not respond within 3 minutes, the CC container times out at the default 3 minutes. If the interface is configured with a timeout, the User Interface (UI) and Webservice timeouts are based on the interface timeout configuration. If the Interface timeout is blank, 30 seconds is the default timeout for the UI and Webservice.


In a scenario where a Folio Number sequence has been reset and a folio is internally voided due to a Fiscal failure, if the same folio number for the folio type was generated before the sequence was reset, the postings for the internally voided folio are voided. Previous folios with the same folio type and number are not updated.


When selecting an account profile migrated from OPERA Property, you see only the company name displayed from the search results.


When the Check In Prepay Rules Front Desk OPERA Control is set to Advanced Folio Posting, charges are routed correctly, and payments are applied accordingly in both Window and Room routing scenarios.


The posting time in the finpaidout (Paid Outs) report aligns with the posting time indicated on the posting screens.


In a scenario where the Service Types OPERA Control is active, and you perform a settlement for a POS Account, the folio generates successfully.



Folio No Reprint OPERA Control is active.

Automatically Transfer Generates with Main Transaction OPERA Control is inactive.

In the event that the bill for the associated generates is generated, modifying the price of the parent transaction is not allowed. An error message will appear indicating that "Price modification is restricted due to the generation of associated generates bills."


When splitting the price schedule for a rate code, child rates are updated in all date ranges.


When Permanent Folio Storage functionality is enabled, Folio email delivery includes the invoice attachment.

Client Relations

Bug ID Description


You can search by Travel Agent name among a large number of associated reservations.


Clicking Edit on the Suspended Stays screen does not display an error message if the Stay Record ID is greater than nine digits.


You can search by Client ID in Manage Profiles.


You can create and save a Contact Profile using the "Save Profile and Add More Details" option.


The Future and Past Stays panel displays future reservations and past reservations of the profile in different properties when searched on the Hub level.


OPERA Chain Scheduler jobs are accessible after completion in the OPERA Chain Scheduler screen.


Deleting and and inactivating Membership can be performed on profile memberships with greater than 11 digits.


Restriction reason and checkbox are editable and data is saved without any errors on the profile.


You can create and update Trace Definition base in the AM and PM format.


You can view existing channel negotiated rates records after entering the required fields (property, channel rate code) in the search criteria.


If a company name is modified or added with any special characters, you can search existing channel negotiated rates.


When you create a new negotiated rate for any profile that has duplicates, you do not see errors when using New, Update, and Delete functionalities.


The Future and Past Stays indicator on Company Profiles displays the number of unique stays linked to the selected Company Profile (up to 26 reservations).


When you distribute negotiated rates to other properties, the Profile Changes log is recorded.


You can distribute negotiated rates for the maximum number of properties. They are not restricted to only 50 properties.


An error message does not appear while updating the communication details when TAX ID validation is enabled or disabled.


You can create or edit a profile with nationality and communication addresses. The API payload appears successfully, and the payload request shows no extra primary flag element.


Customization (Basic, Advanced, Validator) is available for the Membership field under Profile Details.


When adding a new membership to a profile, the expiry date is based on the Expiry Period configuration under Membership Type > Membership Handling.


When adding communication details to an existing profile, the communication value is validated against the existing values.


OPERA Cloud prompts and auto-selects the primary membership as Preferred when you deselect any other membership marked as Preferred on a profile.


Filter criteria for the Profile Productivity Report are renamed to Select Profile (as you can select a single profile) and Market Codes (as you can select multiple market codes).


Bug ID Description


The Last Exported File Sequence field OPERA Control setting is added on the EFT Export Configuration screen. This setting is pre-populated with the last generated export file number, which you can to change the export file sequence.


Descriptions are added to the Commissions Payment Activity status list of values.

The following user tasks are moved as sub tasks to the payment activity from the Manage Commissions section of the Financials group:
- Manage Checks
- Discard Checks
- Reprint Checks

Country Specific

Bug ID Description


Country Specific - Portugal:

When no financial data exists for the business day, the PT_SAFT_104 export displays the following in the Customer section of the export:



Country Specific - Brazil:

In a scenario where you perform Generate Credit Bill against a Goods Folio Type, OPERA Cloud generates the corresponding Credit Goods Folio Type. In a scenario where you perform Generate Credit Bill against a Service Folio Type, OPERA Cloud generates the corresponding Credit Services Folio Type.


Country Specific - Israel:

An issue of deferred taxes not being removed from the POST IT screen (RC) is resolved by the following actions:

For your property, ensure that the country mode is set to Israel.
Make sure that the Allow Deferred Taxes OPERA parameters are turned on. Set the Default Tax Type to 1.

When you add a new item to the cart, you should observe that the relevant taxes appear on the screen, and that taxes with a zero amount should disappear automatically.

Set Default Tax Type to 0:
Upon adding a new item to the cart, the respective taxes should be added to the previous tax records, similar to how it accumulates when the Default Tax Type is 1. If any posting record is deleted by selecting the 'X' symbol, the chosen record, along with its associated tax, should be removed.


Country Specific - Portugal:

When the Generate Pro-Forma Folio OPERA Controls Cashiering parameter is on and the Folio Type for Pro-Forma does not exist, the folio is not generated and an error appears stating: "Pro-Forma Folio Type does not exist in this property."


Country Specific - Thailand:

The th_daily_tax report can be generated for properties with a maximum of 80 characters set up for the Property Name value in Property Configuration > General Information.


Country Specific - Portugal:

The PT_SAFT_104 Country export is updated.

In a scenario where the room rate is posted for a zero rate reservation with a package attached and an Information folio is then generated, in the Working Documents section the Quantity is considered in the amount calculations. In addition, calculations are updated for Tax Payable, Net Total, and Gross Total tags in the Working Documents section.


Country Specific - Thailand:

The Daily Tax Report [th_daily_tax.rep] displays the Summary [Total (VAT DATE)] section aligned when multiple dates are selected.


Country Specific - Philippines:

The sample_payment_philippines merge code CF_COMPANY_NAME displays the Payee Name from routing instructions when the Payee Profile in routing instructions is a Company or Travel Agent Profile. The update appears automatically for customized sample_payment_philippines reports with the merge code CF_COMPANY_NAME already existing. Ensure the merge code is added to each page of the receipt.


Country Specific - Poland:

In a scenario where a package with inclusive taxes is posted using Post Rate Code or using the End of Day, the Sample Folio Poland (sample_folio_poland.rtf) displays the correct amounts when rounding is involved, so that the amounts in the Total section are correct sums of the individual transactions.

NOTE: Re-customization of the customized folio is not needed.


Country Specific - Italy:

In a scenario where the Information Collection Methods OPERA Control is populated with IT_LOTTERY_NO, you begin a settlement on the Billing screen of an in-house reservation, and switch windows on the Folio Settlement screen, the Before Settlement Actions window for Lottery Number remains hidden until the end of the settlement workflow.


Country Specific - Italy:

The Stamp Duty Threshold OPERA Control accepts a comma character as the currency separator (for example, 2,34) when the Currency Format of the property is configured with a comma as the currency separator (for example, 1.234.560,00).


Country Specific - France:

Daily Archive Exports (DAILY_ARCHIVE, DAILY_ARCHIVE_DAY) is changed to include records for the existing JET Event 20 (Period fiscal archiving) in the <AuditTrail> section of the Exports.

Note: The Exports must be recreated from a template for the change to take effect.


Country Specific - Italy.

ITALY: IT_E-INVOICE_DAY export generates successfully.


Country Specific - Greece:

The Universal Payload contains the net amounts for Stay Over Tax when the functionality is active.


Country Specific - South Africa:

In a scenario where an in-house reservation exists with a Tax Type and corresponding tax rate, and you update the length of stay where the Tax Type automatically changes with a different tax rate, OPERA Cloud correctly recalculates the taxes and posts adjustments accordingly.


Bug ID Description


In the I Want To . . . menu, you can go to Manage Catering Package on a block with an existing catering package.


You can add multi package event notes to block events when adding a catering package.


You can enter only positive numbers in the Manage Catering Package screen.


Packages Attendees appears as expected on the Banquet Event Order (BEO) when one or more package events are deleted and the package attendees updated.


When you change dates and/or the status of a block, the events update accordingly.


You can modify and save changes made to menus.


You can add multiple translations in the Edit Menu Item screen.


You can view Event Codes and Day Types in the 1 Day View of the Function Diary when the start time is 12:00 a.m.


You can view Out of Service spaces for a particular date range in the Function Diary and Out of Service for combo rooms.


You can create a function space when Exclude from Forecast is selected and remove the Exclude from Forecast flag when automatically deselected, but can be updated manually. When copying an Event to another function space, the Exclude from Forecast flag defaults to the value of the selected function space.


You can modify Menu Item Class or Menu Class details with more than 30 characters.


You can view all events for a selected date range.


You can create events by clicking on the Start and End times. The 1Day View and Start Time is 12:00 a.m.


In the Manage Event search screen when searching by date range and navigating to the Event Resources screen, the search criteria is retained when navigating back to the Manage Event screen.

When navigating to the Event Resources screen for a specific event from the Management Event screen, the correct event is highlighted when it does not appear on the first page of the search results.


Performance is improved when you add events and function spaces to blocks.


You can see a combo room or an element with space information where both spaces should be populated the same.


When generating the Banquet Event Order, the number of pages are consistent when switching the Sort By selection.


You can select a hotel code by user preference in the Catering package screen.


You can move multiple menu items in the Menu Items screen.


Bug ID Description


Back Office exports generate with the correct separators included based on their configuration.


When no data is available to generate the Back Office OPERA Property exports, you receive the following message: "The export successfully generated the files <filename>.txt.”


The IT_E-INVOICE and IT_E-INVOICE_DAY exports are generated from OPERA Cloud/Miscellaneous/Exports/Country and are sorted based on the folio generation dates/times with the most recent ones at the top.

Front Desk

Bug ID Description


The business logic to set Offset Base Type on an Advanced Dynamic Base Rate Pricing Schedule is updated.


Performance is improved for interface status updates when completing check-out or room move on a reservation.


In properties where the Auto Check In of Advance Checked in Reservations OPERA Control is active, the internal user AUTOCHECKIN is created the first time the processor runs. This user is necessary for the auto check-in processing of advance checked-in reservations.


You can edit the existing comp routing instructions.


You can search for reservations in the Room Assignment screen by the room statuses of the rooms assigned to any of the reservations.


You can check in and advance check-in (when the Advance Check In OPERA Control is active) a reservation once it is confirmed. Reservations that are still in the process of creation cannot be checked in/advance checked in.


You can create a One Shot Key for Vacant and Occupied Rooms.


When the Component Verification OPERA Control is active you can do a room move or room assignment from one Component Suite Room Type to another Component Suite room type.


When assigning rooms using the Auto Assign functionality on the Room Assignment screen, the "Room is already assigned <Confirmation Number>” message appears on the Status screen for reservations where a room had already been assigned.


In a scenario where the Custom Charges OPERA Control is on, and a reservation exists with a lesser number of persons on the first stay night than other stay nights, you can successfully add Custom Charge Exemptions based on the number of persons for any stay night.


You can generate an eSignature Registration card from the I Want To . . . menu on the Manage Reservation Overview screen.


On the Arrivals Detailed Report (res_detail), Stay Statistics are can be populated based on all properties within the chain if the Multi Property OPERA Control parameter is on.


You can select and save a Sort Order option in the Room Move (room_move) report.


In OPERA Controls, the Front Desk Setting for Auto Advanced Bill Payment Method allows the selection of payment types configured as "Others."


You can successfully filter reservations using VIP Code, Specials, and Room Type when creating Guest Messages and Reservation Traces.


Bug ID Description


The new pointsRequired element is added to the OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) Membership WSDL for the FetchRateAwards request.


The OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) FetchProfile response returns special characters.


The business logic to set Offset Base Type on an Advanced Dynamic Base Rate Pricing Schedule is updated.


The "get token" workflow for the Bulk Compensation posting in the Shared Security Domain (SSD) environment works as expected.


The Check Out Business Event (BE) is triggered when performing a check-out with the Open Folio option.


The FetchReservationExt HTNG2008B operation works as expected whether the Enable Trace For Availability And Booking Request OPERA Control is turned On or Off.


The OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) invoice operation returns the invoice details of a given reservation without error.


New elements pointsRequired is added to the OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) Membership WSDL for FetchRateAwards request.


Business Events (BE) delivery performance is improved by client caching and multi threading.


In Outbound DLS when creating a New/Duplicate/Lost key with an additional rooms key request, the description shows additional rooms information without any typos, for example: New key created for (guest name for Room D201) with additional rooms OUT1.


KIOSK check-in picks up the rooms that are in inspected status and API fetches sequentially until it finds a room that is inspected and assigns that room to the booking.


OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) Reservation service operations work as expected with reservation ID in the request.


Fiscal Integration Updated: OPERA Universal Payload improvement for the exchange rates displays 12 decimals. The path is: OperaFiscalPayload.HotelInfo.ExchangeRates.ExchangeRateInfo.ExchangeRate.


The OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite (OEDS) wizard installation is enhanced to improve and increase the HTTP threads when sending outbound messages.


On the External Systems screen, you can delete a property associated with the corresponding external system.


Data Value Mapping conversions are applied to the REST API calls when the request header contains externalData=Y and x-externalSystem =<ExternalSystemCode>, and the response is given with the converted values if conversions are defined.


You can to post fixed charges using the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) service account connectivity whether the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active or not.


When the Wake Up Calls OPERA Control is active, the Create Wake Up Call Business Event generates even when the PBX interface is not configured in the property.

When the PBX Interface is configured in the Property: A user created Wake Up Call for a Room that is not imported in the PBX or imported, but is now allowed for Wake Up Call, the Create Wake Up Call BE is not triggered.

When a Follow Up Wake Up Call is Cancelled/Deleted, then the Main Wake Up Call Follow Up Time is updated to show a blank value.


The Changes Log Key Failed Action Type Description length is increased to 2,000 characters.


The Business Events Listener can effectively handle multi-byte characters within the requested payload.


For Create Keys and Outbound externalRoomKeys API:
  • KeyValidityStart and KeyValidityEnd format is ISO 8601 Standard format. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ.

  • The noOfKeys is in integer format: "noOfKeys":1.

  • The createExternalRoomKeys API is updated to show version and OPERA Cloud.


OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) inbound from the IA endpoint works as expected with the external resort name in the query parameters.


An Update Transaction Code Business Event is generated when you update the Adjustment Transaction Code, Manual Posting Flag, Membership Flag YN, Paid Out Flag, and Revenue Group data elements in a transaction.


Fiscal Integration Update:
The OPERA Universal Payload is improved for the Deposit Receipt Revenue Bucket Total Gross.
Path: OperaFiscalPayload.HotelInfo.DepositReceipt.RevenueBucketInfo.BucketCodeTotalGross.


In Channels, a change is applied to avoid duplicate communication details on reservations.


You can see channel users in the Users selection list for change logs under the Miscellaneous module.


When Send Valid Start Date is deselected in the DLS Interface, and you create a new key, KeyRequest always has the Reservation Arrival Date in the GuestArrival tag. For a Duplicate Key, the GuestArrival tag also populates with the reservation arrival date (same as the New Key value).

To deselect the Send Valid Start Date, select the Administration menu, select Property Interfaces, and then select DLS, Edit, and General Information.


OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) processor error handling improvements avoid restarts of services to resume message processing.


Bug ID Description


The Occupancy link in Property Availability is updated to include Inhouse reservations.


Property Availability no longer freezes when you click "Back to Home."


The Manage Restrictions screen displays all daily restrictions in the day view.


Bug ID Description


You can activate or inactivate a membership attached to a profile successfully.


Membership Details remain on the reservation after Checkout. However, you must refresh the Billing screen in order to highlight the Membership Panel.


You cannot inactivate or delete a Primary Loyalty Membership from a profile if the profile has active rate/upgrade/package awards on a reservation.


Tier Management is unavailable on a guest/contact profile and should be done only from Client Relations> Membership> Tier Management.


You can add a confirmation number or external reference number to an existing membership claim.


The correct date is considered for the Tier Management process and tier projection as configured for the Membership Type Points Calculation set to the rolling calculation period.


The Membership Card Number is generated on an incremental basis when the sequence is configured for Card Number Auto Generation under Card Number Details configuration for a Membership Type with Loyalty Class.


Rule conditions are available in Membership Type Point Calculation Rules only for rules based on Revenue/Stay/Nights and not for Enrollment.


You can successfully schedule the loyalty_member_stay as a Scheduled Report from Manage Reports and generate it as expected with no errors.


Bug ID Description


When searching for Group = Event in the Changes Log, all entries are returned.


The basic authenticator request using query parameters (username and password) for OAuth tokens are not supported. The username and password should be part of the request body for OAuth tokens.


Changes logs are captured for the Lookup Flag field available on the External System screen.


Events are staged successfully with a default Timeout from Library and Custom timeout.


The OPERA Cloud User Interface is translated into the language you select.


Bug ID Description


Use the Room Status menu option to change the room status of rooms in the property.


The Task Companion View My Room List option displays all rooms on the IOS Safari browser.

Property APIs

Bug ID Description


When GDS (Global Distributions Systems) sends a reservation with a membership number that does not match in OPERA Cloud, OPERA Cloud creates the reservation is created without a membership attached.


Pseudo room inventory no longer appears in the getRevenueInventoryStatistics operation in the Async API (INV Async).


When GDS (Global Distributions Systems) sends a reservation with a membership number that does not match in OPERA Cloud, OPERA Cloud creates the reservation is created without a membership attached.


You can use the Do Not Validate Rate Code For External Reservation OPERA Control to create and update reservations using postReservation and putReservation with a rate code that does not exist in OPERA Cloud.


The ASYNC getRevenueInventoryStatistics API operation returns distributed revenue in its response.


The getReservationsDailySummary Async REST API now includes revenue posted to reservations on the departure date.


You can create and attach Company, Travel Agent, and Source profiles using the POST Reservation API while using the Corporated profile id type for resProfiles and stayProfiles reservation objects.


You can use the profileld query parameter on getReservations REST API to search for reservations by a Guest Profile ID.

The unsupported query parameter, profileIds (plural), is no longer on the specification for getReservations.


The createPropertyLeads operation is now available in the Block (BLK) API. This operation allows you to copy the central lead template to one or multiple properties as blocks or opportunities.


The resv id list tag is removed from Outbound DLS, One Shot Key Request, as reservation_id details are not needed.


The PostNegotiatedRates API has a validation limit of a maximum 20 profiles to be updated for negotiated rates codes. An added validation allows the creation of a maximum 1,000 negotiated rates codes at a time.


The SHOP API getPropertyOffers response returns the creation date per the deposit policy absoluteDeadline for deposits due at a booking.


Reservations created from the POST Reservation, which do not include a Market Code or Source Code, are created with the Market Code and/or Source Code configured on the selected rate code.


You can run the async setAllocation for the Room and Rate Grid for multiple days with multiple rates, and the Room and Rate Grid updates as expected.


Messaging-SVC: Failures while inserting message counts are corrected.


The APIs deleteNegotiatedRates and distributeNegotiatedRates are now publishable.


The postRestrictionProcess async operation works as expected with the multiple values sent in the roomType array element of the requested payload.


You can access the Payment Instructions panel for a pseudo room reservation marked as Always Checked In.
The getReservation API response returns the value for AlwaysCheckedIn using the AutoCheckInRoomType fetchInstructions.


The postRestrictionProcess async operation works as expected with the 202 Response Status code.


When copying a rate code using Postman, the correct messages appear.


OPERA IA users can fetch IFC/CPI OWS APIs.


GetBlockAvailability can be run for only one rate code at the time even if the block has multiple rate codes.


When running the RQ for getBlockAvailability with multiple rates, you get the RS with the blockTotalAvailability with the correct amounts gross and net for the rates for the block room types.


getBlocks is updated to not display User Defined Fields (UDF) parameters that are not supported.


The POST Reservation API validates against configured Credit Card Types in OPERA Cloud when using the the attribute userDefinedCardType under paymentCards.


A change to getPackages was implemented for the response to include calculatedPrice even when no children request parameter is provided.


DeleteMultipleEvents specs are available for third party integrators.


The getWakeUpCalls REST API operation is available, and you can use it to get existing wake up calls on an in-house reservation.


InventoryStatistics API verification limit on the number of days is updated to 62 days. Property Availability is updated to display availability in month view.


Bug ID Description


You can preview the res_detail report for Data Type Stay Dates for past dates and current dates.


When printing the task sheet reports for a task sheet set that was generated for the next day, the report parameter date filters default to the next day.


Department codes are not duplicated in the Department Codes Report parameter on the Reservation Traces report.


Bug ID Description


If there is a difference in the posting attribute (included in Rate, Add to Rate Separate Line, Add to Rate Combined Line) between how a package is configured in Package Administration and on a specific rate code, Rate Code Package configuration is considered when calculating a reservation's rate amount and total cost of stay.


When the Room Type to Charge (RTC) OPERA Control is inactive, and you update the room type on a reservation, after refreshing the rate, the rate amount for the newly assigned room type is applied to the reservation.


Reservations created from GDS (Global Distributions Systems) can have a membership attached only if the membership is available on the reservation's primary profile.


When you create share reservations from Create New Share, and the reservation dates differ from the reservation accessed, the new share reservation retains the selected stay dates and saves as expected.


When Waitlist functionality and Pre-Registration Check In OPERA Controls are active and a reservation is booked as a Waitlist reservation and then accepted as a reservation, you can pre-register the reservation and the "Reserved" status remains.


Updates to the Pre Stay Charges posting privilege in Payment Instructions is reflected in the Changes Log for the reservation.


The Award Number Populated Y/N attribute is listed as an available attribute in the Hub level and the Property level.


The null pointer error that appeared while selecting the Rate Info link on the Stay Detials panel is resolved.


When in Hub mode, you can view Award Number Populated Y/N and Room Features attributes.


Auto Attach Traces attached to a reservation without a defined arrival time are set to the check-in time as configured for the property.

If the arrival time for a reservation is updated, the time assigned to an Auto Attach Trace on the reservation updates automatically if the time on the trace was not manually changed and/or marked as Completed.


The Reservations and Cancellations Dashboard tile correctly calculates reservations and excludes pseduo reservations.


In the Look to Book Sales screen, Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Membership rates under the Membership Rates display set appear only when searched with a profile that has the specific Membership Type.


When Child Rates are used and Multi-Segment reservations are being created with children, ages require a value and display as mandatory in segments.


When you "reverse check out' a reservation, the Departure time (ETD) field is cleared and updated once the reservation is checked out again.


When the Profiles Per Day OPERA Control is active and profiles are added to a reservation on a per day basis, they remain associated with the assigned days after the reservation's departure date and are visible in Daily Details.


Department codes are not duplicated in the Department Codes Report parameter on the Reservation Traces report.


Reservation Search screens display the correct color when the Market Code or VIP Level configuration have the color set to gray.


Error messages are updated for copying Deposit and Cancellation Rules Schedules to clarify why a specific schedule may not be copied due to either the Rule, Rate Code, or Reservation Type not existing at the target property.


You can attach add-on package(s) using the postReservationCopy REST API when the copyPackages attribute is sent as false.


The profile membership is auto-attached to the reservation upon check-out when the Membership Action is "Auto Attach" and the reservation status selected is "Check Out" under the Membership Handling configuration.


When Room Rotation functionality is active, and an Owner or Owner Referral Profile is populated on the Look to Book Sales Screen, the corresponding Indicator (Owner or Owner Referrarl) appears in Profile Information regardless of whether the OPERA Control for Profile Lookup is active or not.


You can fetch the records without delay for a profile and a reservation under the Future & Past Stays panel.


The Reservation Search screens correctly display Linked Reservations with the same color of grey and grouped together as expected.


On the Look to Book, Book Now screen, The Total Cost of Stay for reservations with a discount applied to a negotiated rate is calculated based on on the selected Room Type to Charge (RTC).


The Res_statistics1 report correctly generates statistics when a specific block is selected.


When updating the Origin Code on a copied reservation, the selected Origin code is successfully saved.


You can search for existing reservations and attach them to a travel agent/source when searching for a travel agent/source with no outstanding commissions (no commissionable reservations attached) and navigating to the Manage Commission screen.


When updating the payment method in Payment Instructions, the updated payment method is immediately reflected in Routing Instructions.


Reservations and Profile Attachment permissions are working based on the Role Manager task granted.


You can override availability when removing a reservation upgrade from a reservation, allowing you to revert the room type on the reservation to the one originally booked prior to the upgrade.


On the Reservation Search screens, the value for Last Room is always populated for repeat guests regardless of the OPERA Control setting, Guest Stay Indication.


When Accompanying Guests exist on a reservation, and you update Transportation Pick Up or Drop Off times, Accompanying Guests remain.


Reservation Stay Revenue correctly displays folio history for checked out reservations.


Rate amounts in the Future and Past Stays reservation panel appear in the currency code for the respective reservation's rate code.


When copying the deposit, cancellation, and guarantee schedule, the pubsub event's excludeList and payload will have the same recordId.


When creating a reservation that has a rate code with pricing in a foreign currency, the exchange posting type is inherited from the exchange posting type configured on the reservation's rate code.


You can select and display both Profile and Reservation Notes of the same note type on the Rate Variance report.


You can add Payment Instructions to a personalized or customized panel view on the Reservation screen without affecting the display of other panels added within the same view.


You can schedule the Reservation Booking Pace report.


Reservations with the TA Profile Changes report correctly shows reservation records in which TA profiles were added, changed, or detached with no performance issues.


The package description appears when adding award packages to a reservation.


Market Codes configuration allows selecting gray as a color definition for existing and new market codes.

Properties migrated from OPERA 5, where a color was not defined for a market code, default to a gray color.


The package forecast report is updated to exclude reservations with a cancelled status.


When a hurdle is reached, the Availability Analysis screen displays this message: "The Rate/Room Type is Closed for this Date Due to Yield Restrictions."


When searching for reservations without providing at least one of the following search filters, results returned are restricted to reservations with an arrival date greater than the current business date less 1 year: Arrival From, Departure From, Departure To, Confirmation Number, Name, and Membership Number.


When you enter any character in the Reservation Type field and tab out, the list of values of all available reservation types appears.


Cancellation Policies, when created in Administration, Booking Rules and Schedules, and Cancel Penalities, throw a validation if a code already exists where the same record is trying to be configured/sent from Postman for lower case characters. If a code is sent by Postman for a Cancel Penalty in lower case letters, the code will be visible in OPERA Cloud with capital letters to match other functional areas.

Role Manager

Bug ID Description


As a multi-chain user, you can view chain properties in the Property selection list.

Rooms Management

Bug ID Description


The margins on the Vacant Rooms report (hkvacroom) are widened to accommodate the maximum number of characters for room numbers.


In properties where the Housekeeping Task Scheduling OPERA Control is active, you can add tasks to the reservations' Housekeeping Schedule (calendar) for any task that has a task schedule configured for the reservation's room type or any task that has a task scheduled with a blank room type.


You can manually add task sheets to an existing task sheet set for the next day that was created automatically.


In properties where the Housekeeping Task Scheduling OPERA Control is active, you can move rooms from one sheet to another (including to a task sheet that was manually added to an existing automatically generated task sheet set). The rooms that are being moved will retain their assigned task(s) during the move process.


The room type sequence is identical between the Search screen and the Room Type selection list.


For properties with the Advanced Credit Rules OPERA Control active, the mobile Task Companion shows the Room Credits along with the Rule credits for each task sheet.


In properties where the Inspected Status OPERA Control is inactive, clean rooms are represented by a green icon. In properties where the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active, clean rooms are represented by a blue icon, and inspected rooms are represented by a green icon.


In properties where the Turndown OPERA Control is active, you can access the Turndown task sheet report from the Turndown task sheets link on the Task Sheets Dashboard tile.


In properties with the Out of Order OPERA Control active, you can delete multiple Out of Order records by selecting the rows in the Results grid and then selecting the Delete option in the ellipsis.


The description of the Vacant Room Status OPERA Control is updated to provide clear information.
When you edit an existing Vacant Room Status record that was processed during the end of day, the Number of Vacant Days and the Date From fields are read-only.


When you are starting to clean a room or go on break using the Task Sheet Companion, other users can view your User ID and the time the room/break was started when hovering over the broom/coffee mug icons in the task sheet screens.


Housekeeping Forecast ->Arrivals/Inhouse/Departure Rooms Search Results count is same even when the sort order is changed in the Manage Reservation screen.


Bug ID Description


You can create and update Trace Definition base in the AM and PM format.


The Rep_activity Reports Header shows the correct dates, and dates are sorted.


Contact email and phone get changed to Account Primary email and phone when Activity Owner is changed, and at Activity Search and the presentation screen, it displays the contact primary details if no contact, then the account's primary details.


An issue where some Activities incorrectly displayed start dates later than end dates is resolved.


Bug ID Description


A new value, "Invalid AR Paid Amount," is available under the Check Additional Imbalance Issues option to address discrepancies in paid amounts within Accounts Receivables.


OPERA Cloud Toolbox Queue Statistics results show the properties belonging to the logged in user context chain for reviewing queue statistics.


Use the Imbalance Analysis tool to scrutinize and address Accounts Receivable imbalances. Employ the View Details option to inspect amounts that deviate from the balance. After a meticulous analysis of the details, proceed with the necessary corrections without encountering any errors or screen freezes.


You can change the owner of a block without comparing the default resort value of the original owner through Update Owner in Utility Toolbox.


The ID - getMultiPropertyChannelRatesAccess operation is added to Service Locator.


You can submit a new job using synchronization even when disabled jobs exist.


You can view Passerby Stay Records details for a profile under Stay Statistics when a Passerby Stay Record is imported.