Task Sheets

Prerequisites for Task Sheets

Task Sheets inform housekeeping room attendants about their daily work assignments; providing a list of rooms assigned to attendants, any special instructions about specific rooms, and related reservations details.

When the Task Sheets OPERA Control is active you can generate task sheets without the option to select a task; rooms with the selected room status(es) are simply added to the task sheets  Alternatively, when the Advanced Task Sheet OPERA Control is active you can generate task sheets by selecting a task and specifying other options; providing more flexibility in task sheet management.

When either the Task Sheets or Advance Task Sheets and the Housekeeping Task Scheduling OPERA Controls are both active, you can select multiple tasks when generating task sheets. The task assigned to each room is determined by the task schedule configured for the room type or setup on the reservation. Housekeeping Task Scheduling is useful in limited service and/or extended stay operations, where a room is not eligible for a daily full service.


A room with a departure reservation will always be assigned the departure task.
Task sheets can be auto-generated or manually created, for the current or next business date. Each task sheet has multiple rooms assigned and you can allocate a housekeeping attendant as needed.  The number of rooms assigned is determined by housekeeping credits, which divide the overall task effort between housekeeping attendants. There are multiple options for calculating credits, determined by the Housekeeping Credits OPERA Control. Available options are:
  • Room, where the credits are configured on each room. For more information, see Configuring Rooms Inventory

  • Facility, where the credits are configured on the task schedule.. For more information, see Housekeeping Task Scheduling.

  • Room_Task_Rule, where the credits are configured on the room and are then multiplied by a weight that is configured on each task. When the Advanced Credit Rules OPERA Control is active, you can also configure credit rules which will then be added to the auto generated task sheets in addition to the credits which are already calculated for each room. Credit rules can be configured for Travel, Specials, Miscellaneous, Inventory Items and Facility (Task Codes). Adding these rules will make it easy to break out the rooms even more fairly for all your housekeeping attendants. For more information, see Configuring Scheduled Task Credit Rules.

Based on the Additional Task Sheet OPERA Control selection, additional task sheets can be generated for rooms with Do Not Disturb (Available when the Guest Service Status OPERA Control is active) and No Service Required (that is, no task is scheduled for the date).

When the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active, you can generate separate task sheets for room inspections (rooms in clean status). When the Turndown OPERA Control is active, you can generate separate task sheets for turndown service based on the evening sections and credits.

After creating the daily task sheets, you can generate and distribute task sheet reports to room attendants or supervisors. For more information, see Generating Task Sheet Reports. Alternatively, task sheets are accessible from the Task Companion on mobile devices; replacing the need for printed task sheet reports by providing real-time, interactive housekeeping task management. For more information, see OPERA Cloud Mobile Application Overview. and Task Sheet Companion (Tablet). You can track task sheet completion and attendant progress from the Attendant Console.


The creation and deletion of task sheets is tracked in the changes log and purged after 30 days.