Advance Check In (with ETR) Multiple Reservations (Mass Advance Check In)

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select Arrivals.
  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.
  3. From the Arrivals search or from the Room Assignment screen, select two or more reservations to Advance Check In and then click Mass Advance Check In.
  4. (Optional) Enter the expected time of return (ETR) and an ETR comment, and then click Process.


    The ETR time and ETR comment apply to each of the selected reservations that you are now Advance Checking In.
  5. In the Mass Advance Check In Status screen, review the status, and click OK.
    1. Select Print to print the status report.
    If any Advance Check Ins fail, the reason is listed; you can sort the status results by successful (default) or by failures first. If a room is assigned to any reservation, you have the option to create the room keys. If your property uses registration cards, you can select the card and preview/print, email.
After the reservations are Mass Advance Checked In:
  • The Reservation Type on the reservation is marked Advance Checked In.

  • The Expected Time of Arrival (ETA) for the reservation is updated with the Advance Checked In time.

  • Any deposit on the reservation is posted on the folio.

  • Charges that are incurred by the guest (such as through a point of sale system) post to the reservation folio. In-room charges (such as mini bar or PBX) are not allowed.

  • All reservations that failed Mass Advance Check in:

    • Are still in Arrival (Due In) status but not indicated as Advance Checked in.

    • The Arrival time (ETA) remains unchanged.

    • The Expected Time of Return (ETR) remains unchanged.

    • Revise the reservation and then retry the Advance Check In process.