Advance Check In (with ETR) and Auto Assign Rooms to Multiple Reservations (Mass Advance Check In)

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk then selectFront Desk Workspace and then select Room Assignment.
  2. From the Room Assignment screen, select two or more reservations to Advance Check In and then click Auto Assign and Advance Check In.
  3. In the Room Assignment panel, select room status and room criteria to match, and then click Assign.


    Mass Advance Check In processes all selected reservations with or without a room assigned.
  4. (Optional) In the Mass Advance Check In Options panel enter the expected time of return (ETR) and an ETR comment, and then click Process.


    The ETR time and ETR comment apply to each of the selected reservations that you are now Advance Checking In.
  5. In the Mass Advance Check In Status screen, review the status, and click OK.
    1. Select Print to print the status report.
    2. Click the Confirmation link to open reservation presentation for any reservation listed. For more information, see Updating Reservations
    If any Advance Check Ins fail, the reason is listed. You can sort the status results by successful (default) or by failures first.
    If a room was auto assigned to any reservations, you have the option to create the room keys.
    If your property uses registration cards, you can select the card and preview/print, email.