Auto Check In of Advance Checked In Reservations

Advance Checked In reservations can be automatically checked in under these conditions:

  • The reservation is in Advance Checked In state.

  • The reservation has a room assigned.

  • The assigned rooms front office status is Vacant.

  • The reservation has a valid payment method.

OPERA Cloud automatically checks in Advance Checked In reservations based on multiple optional OPERA Controls:

  • Auto Check In End Time - When a time (HH24:MI) has been defined in this setting, the Auto Check In processor will stop processing advanced checked in reservations at that time each day.

  • Auto Check In Minutes before ETA - When a minute value is defined in this setting, the Auto Check In processor will process advanced checked in reservations that have reached the defined Room Status and have an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) that many minutes before the ETA.

  • Auto Check In Start Time - When a time (HH24:MI) has been defined in this setting, the Auto Check In processor will start processing advanced checked in reservations that have reached the configured room status at that time each day.

  • Exclude Room Conditions - Rooms with the Room Condition(s) configured in this setting will be excluded from the Auto Check In process. (Available when the Room Conditions OPERA Control is active).

  • Room Status for Auto Check In of Advance Checked In Reservations - When a room status has been defined in this setting, any reservation that has been Advance Checked In and matches the status on this setting will automatically be checked in.

The Auto Check In processor runs every 5 minutes to check if any advance checked in reservations meet the criteria for auto check in. If Auto Check In Start Time OPERA Control and Auto Check In End Time OPERA Control are defined, the processor will only auto check in reservations during those times or if a user has manually overridden the start time by using the link in the I Want To. . . of Advance Check In.

The minute value before ETA will be considered during the configured start and end time as well, it will not override the start time. For example, if the start time is set to 2:00 PM, the ETA on the reservation is 1:30 PM and the setting is set to 30 minutes, then the reservation will not be auto checked in at 1:00 PM. The first time the process runs after 2 PM (which could be up to 2:04 PM) it will find this reservation, check the room status (if configured) and if that meets the criteria it will auto check in the reservation then.

If a reservation is assigned to a room with a room condition selected in the Exclude Room Conditions OPERA Control, the reservation will be skipped when the auto check in is processed. Should the room condition be removed from the room, the reservation will be auto checked in the next time the processor runs and as long as the reservation meets all other criteria for auto check in.

If the Auto Check In process is manually paused during the day, the Start Auto Check In Process end of day procedure will start the process again the next day, either immediately or according to the Auto Check in Start Time OPERA Control.

When Room Status for Auto Check In of Advance Checked In Reservations OPERA Control has a value selected, rooms will not be auto checked in with any other room status. For example, if the  Room Status for Auto Check In of Advance Checked In Reservations OPERA Control is set to Clean, then Advance Checked In reservations that have rooms assigned with Dirty status it will not be auto checked in until the status changes to Clean.