Moving an In House Reservation

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Use Room Move to assign a different room (and possibly a different room type) to an in house reservation. The following checks are performed when conducting an in house reservation room move:

  • Availability: Checks and updates the room type availability.

  • Housekeeping Status: Checks the housekeeping status of the destination room similar to the way room assignment and check in is handled initially. You cannot move a reservation to a room in Out of Order status.

  • Shares: You can set up a share if moving reservation to an occupied room. Similarly, when moving a reservation from a room that is being shared, you can opt to move all sharer reservations or selected specific sharer reservations. (Available when the Shares OPERA Control is active).

  • Property Interfaces and Integrations: Business events are triggers to integrated systems, with details of the update to the reservation.

  • Room Rotation: When moving a reservation to a room that is not the next in the room rotation sequence, you are prompted to enter an Override Reason. Room moves that would result in a change of the ownership status of the reservation are not allowed. For example, if the guest profile is the owner of the present room, you can move the reservation to a room that this profile is also the owner of.

    The following ownership changes are not allowed for the checked-in reservation:
    • Owner to Non-Owner

    • Non-Owner to the Owner

    • Owner Referral to Non-Owner Referral

    • Non-Owner Referral to Owner Referral

    • Owner Referral to Owner

    • Owner to Owner Referral. (Applicable when the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active).

When the destination room type is different to the current room type, you're prompted to update the Room Type to Charge field to the original room type; this ensures the rate amount is not affected.

The room status of the departing room defaults according to the Room Move Room Status OPERA Control; you can select a different room status if you have the Override Room Move Status task assigned to your role.

You can move an in house reservation in the Room Diary , by dragging and dropping the reservation to the required room. Alternatively, you can update an in house reservation and initiate a room move from the I Want To... menu.

If integrated with a door lock system you will be required to encode room keys for the new room.

Room move activity is available in the changes log.

Moving In House Reservations

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and then click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To... and select Move Room.

    1. Enter search criteria for the new (target) room and click Search.


      The reservation room type populates in the Room Type field.

    2. Click Select Room for a suitable room listed in the search results.

    3. Complete the following details:

      1. Update the Room Type to Charge (RTC): If a different room type has been selected, select this option to update the Room Type to Charge to the new room type. If left deselected, the Room Type to Charge will retain the original room type, resulting in a complimentary upgrade. (Available when the Room Type to Charge OPERA Control is active).

      2. Room Move Reason: Select a reason for the room move from the list.

      3. Description: Optionally enter a description for the room move.

      4. Update Room Status of Departing Room: The Room Move Room Status OPERA Control determines the default room status. If you have the Override Room Move Status task granted, you may select a different room status for the departing room. The following statuses can be selected: Inspected, Clean, Pickup, and Dirty.

    4. Click Assign Room. When the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active, you will be prompted to enter a rotation override reason if the selected room is not next in the room rotation sequence.


      You might be prompted to override the housekeeping status or room inventory levels When the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active, you will be prompted to enter a rotation override reason if the selected room is not next in the room rotation sequence.

    5. Click Select Another Room to return to the room search and select another room.

    6. Click Accept Room Selection to override warnings and continue with the room selection.

Viewing the Room Move History

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.
  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To. . . and select Move Room.

    1. Select Show Move History.