Configuring Profile Lookup and Download for OPERA Room Reservations

Profile lookup and download is used to lookup and fetch profiles from OPERA Room Reservations. The OPERA Room Reservations Profile Lookup web service is used to perform a synchronous profile lookup from OPERA Cloud. The profile download uses OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI). Profile lookup is initiated from profile search, and invokes the Profile Lookup service to fetch and display the result received. The Download action then initiates a download of the profile and saves in OPERA Cloud. For more information, see Using Profile Lookup and Download with Integrated Solutions.

OXI Configuration

  • Provision the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Exchange Interface Two-Way Cloud Service and configure the ORS interface. For more information, see Interface Setup.

Outbound System Configuration

Configure an Configuring Outbound Systems according to the instructions for CRM_LEGACY.

When profile sharing is active in chain configuration, configure for Global Context. For more information, see Configuring Chain.

Outbound Hostname Allowlist Configuration

Configure Outbound Allowlist for the destination Hostname, HTTPS Protocol and Port Number. For more information, see Configuring Outbound Domain Allow Listings.

OPERA Controls Configuration

For more information, see OPERA Controls — Profile

  1. Activate Profile Lookup OPERA Control.

  2. Update the Profile Types for Lookup OPERA Control to select the profile types for external lookup.

  3. Update External Lookup Behavior OPERA Control.

    1. Force: Profile Lookup is automatically triggered when no matches are found in OPERA Cloud.

    2. Simultaneous: Profile Lookup is triggered regardless of matches found in OPERA Cloud.

    3. Manual: Profile Lookup is not automatically triggered, until the external system tab is selected in the profile search panel.

  4. Update Default External System for Lookup OPERA Control to select a default external system. (Applicable when the External Lookup Behavior OPERA Control is set to Simultaneous or Force).

OPERA Cloud Role Configuration

Assign the Profile Lookup task to roles.