Service Locator TNG

Outbound Type SL_TNG is configured to route the OPERA Cloud requests (Create and Edit Profile) to the integrated TNG systems through the Service Locator pattern. You can do this for the nationality defined in OPERA Control Data Residency Profile Nationality. Accordingly, by Data Residency compliance, profiles with the specified nationality are created in the TNG database first, then in OPERA Cloud.

  1. Context:

    1. Global: Select to create outbound system for all properties.

    2. Property: Select to create outbound system for a specific property.

      1. Property: Select a property from the list.

  2. Outbound Type: Select SL_TNG from list.

  3. Outbound Code: Enter a unique outbound code, for example: SLTNG

  4. Outbound Description: Enter a description for the outbound system, for example: TNG/HRS Profile Data Residency.

  5. Protocol defaults to REST (read only).

  6. Select Enable External System checkbox.

    1. An Configuring External Systems matching the outbound code is automatically created, with Lookup checkbox selected.

    2. An Configuring External Databases matching the outbound code is automatically created, and the same code is available for Profile Lookup.

  7. Select Enable Conversions checkbox to enable Data Value Mappings.

  8. Authorization Type: Select OAuth and provide the OAuth Token URL.


    Token URL should suffix with Property value as a parameter. 
  9. Enter respective authorization details provided by the TNG/HRS system.
    1. Service Account: Enter the Service Account. 

    2. Service Account Key: Enter the Service Account Key.

    3. Grant Type: Select the Password.

    4. Client Id: Enter your client identifier.

    5. Client Key: Enter your client key.

    6. Scope: Enter your scope.

  10. Service Details

    1. Service Path: Enter the REST API Base URL provided by the external system: for example,

  11. Save the Outbound Code configuration.  

  12. Navigate to Service Locator and configure the CRM Module Post and Put Profile APIs associated with the Outbound Code created above.