2 Resolved Issues

This section contains a list of the customer-reported bugs that were resolved in this release.

Block Management

Bug ID Description


You can change the status of a Master Tour even when one of the sub tours is in a cancelled status.


While changing the Master Block status and the Reservation Type, selecting Save and Apply to the sub block updates the status and reservation type successfully.


Performance improvements provide greater editing capabilities for the Master/Sub Block and Master Sub Block tour series.


You can view/copy the Master Block screen by clicking the Copy option in the I Want To . . . menu.


When a block is cut off and active reservations are modified so that room nights are released, rooms are returned to the house.


The cutoff schedule of a block is cleared when the block is manually cut off. When a reservation is created and room nights are borrowed outside of the block availability, then the cutoff schedule is applied to the additional nights added to the block.


When the Block Forecast Grid OPERA Control is inactive, Forecast Rooms options are not visible in the drop-down on the Load Room Grid.


You can add Rooms when the Increase/Decrease Rooms checkbox is selected, and the Forecast Rooms update correctly.


You can add or update the room revenue transaction code, and you changes are captured in the Change Log.


You can change or update a block status, and the autoload forecast remains the same.


You can generate the Rep_busblock_list report and view the total revenue for Only Rooms revenue, events, and for both as well, based on blocks.


When the Shares OPERA Control is active and reservations are being created using the Rooming List, all rows display correctly when there are more than 25 share reservations.


You can generate the Block Conversion report by Block Status.


When generating the Group Resume (sample_grmres_sales_std) report for a block where the room grid wraps the notes will print below the grid information.


A discount price appears in decimals and not getting rounded off in the Create Event screen.


You can now add block restrictions for multiple room types at same time.


When the Block Code Template OPERA Control is inactive, you can enter characters other than the English alphabet in the Block Code field.


Block Net Forecast Rates are calculated excluding package revenue when the package is included in the rate.


When the Block Forecasting OPERA Control is active, the Forecast Room and the Rate Grid update when a block is washed. This happens only when Autoload Forecast OPERA Control is active.


Multiple sell messages are appearing in the Block Overview screen as expected.


When a block has linked profiles associated with the Template reservation, the linked profiles are added to newly created reservations from the rooming list.


When the Import Rooming List OPERA Control is active, and reservation records are added to the Rooming List, any subsequent details added to the reservations save as expected and attach to any created reservations.


You can add a linked contact profile to a source/account profile even if it was removed previously.


When a Sales Account and Contact are not related, a broken link appears in the Block Presentation business card.

Cashiering and Financials

Bug ID Description


You can Issue a prepaid card using chip and pin payment method.


Comp Posting approval and Comp Posting reversal transactions send approval requests to the gaming vendor and update the transaction status based on the response.


You can edit the transaction code configuration without getting the timed-out errors.


A change in multi-chain access (Enterprise-level) might affect you in the following instances.

As an Enterprise-level user:
a) The logs identify you when you log in to a single chain during the End of Day process.
b) You can log in to more than one chain during the End of Day process (until the Posting Room and Tax procedure is completed). If the logs do not identify you, the process continues, and the logs record you as an internal user.


The Greek Trial Balance (trial_balance_tax_01) report is updated. The Group and Subgroup descriptions appear for each section when grouping by Transaction Group and Transaction Subgroup.


When adding a pricing schedule for a room type not selected in the rate code definition panel, a suitable validation message appears.


A new OPERA Control name, "Exclude Rebate Validation on Pay-Only When Card Number not Available," replaces the older SKIP_REBATE_VALIDATION_ON_PAYONLY OPERA Control name.


Changes to the OPERA Fiscal SID script improve Fiscal integration updates.


OPERA Cloud supports the alpha numeric Credit Card token and successfully processes the authorization and payments using this token.


When you apply a payment for prepaid cards that are being issued, a Passer by folio is created.


You can perform a reverse check-in or reverse checkout on a day-use reservation without encountering unexpected errors.


You can create and edit Daily Rates without errors.


In a scenario where Tax Types functionality is on, the Tax Type Calculation is set to Profile, the Tax Type of the payee profile is changed after room and tax are posted, and you generate a fiscal folio, the universal payload includes the correct NetAmount value.


A change is applicable for multi-chain access (Enterprise) users in the following instances:
  • A user is identified when the Enterprise user logs in to a single chain during the End of Day process.

  • An Enterprise user logs in to more than one chain during the End of Day process (until the Posting Room and Tax procedure is completed). If the user is not identified, the process continues, and the user logs are recorded as an Internal user.


You can preview the EOD (End of Day) Batch reports using the Sent To option from the EOD Reports for the previously executed EOD.


The folio_details report is updated to display the payee name from the Billing window.


When Authorization Rule is configured with Max Days To Authorize = 7, the following examples apply:
  • If the Reservation length of stay is more than seven days (for example, 10 days), the authorization is collected for the first seven days from the reservation arrival date.

  • If the reservation length of stay is less than seven days (for example, 5 days), the authorization is collected for the entire stay of five days.


Credit card input values are correct on the Credit Card History report.


When the Multiple Property OPERA Control is inactive and you navigate to the OPERA Controls > Cashiering group, the Default Reservation Type for Deposit selection list displays configured values correctly.

When a chain has a single property and you navigate to Administration - OPERA Controls > Cashiering, the Default Reservation Type for Deposit selection list correctly displays configured values correctly.


When Duplicate Hotel Id is enabled, all Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) Cloud calls must have x-tenantEnterprise in their headers.


The existing credit card authorization is used across other folio windows of the reservation.


When the Transaction Code per Adjustment Code OPERA Control is active, payments and Package Wrapper transaction codes are no longer available for selection in Transaction Codes > Manage Adjustment Transaction Codes.


Currency decimals are updated to zero decimals for INR (Indian Rupees) and HUF (Hungarian Florint) for properties created in new chains. Existing Chains and properties are not updated and display two decimals for these currencies.


The "get token" workflow for the Bulk Compensation posting in the Shared Security Domain (SSD) environment works as expected.


For the Folio Profile Validation information collection method: The Profile validation screen does not appear at the time of settlement when the required Identification Data (Guest Profile), or Tax ID (Company Profile), and Sirius Code (UDFC10) exist on the payee profile.


Authorization and Settlement are successful when OPI (Oracle Payment Interface) does not return printData. PrintData is an optional field on the OPI response.


When the Accompanying Guest and Open Folio OPERA Controls are active and Accompanying Guests exist on a reservation that was checked out, you can inactivate the Open Folio OPERA Control if no other reservations exist with an Open Folio.


The Search Transactions screen displays the payment transactions with minus (-) prefix.


The credit card information remains on PM reservations when they are automatically checked in during the End of Day step for Auto Check In Arrival Pseudo Rooms.


Bulk prepaid cards payment transactions appear as a single line on the folio.


The Central Sales property is visible in the Currency Calculator.


You can no longer see reservations designated for advanced check-in when transferring deposits.


When you split pricing schedules for rate codes, it copies the packages and yield adjustments to each pricing schedule.


For properties with the Credit Bill OPERA Control active, Folio History displays the correct folio amount for credit bills in a specific scenario including unallocated deposit folios.


You can search for cashiers in Configure Cashiers without error.


When the Account Receivable Settlements Visible on Folio OPERA Control is activated, folios settled by Direct Bill/City Ledger payment display the settlement on the folio.


For PERC_CITY_TAX and CITY_TAX package code formulas, the tax calculates based on the rate amount that appears on the reservation when you select the Fixed Rate checkbox in the reservation.


The Post Currency Exchange button is available on the Sell section of the Currency Calculator screen.


The pricing schedules for Advanced Daily Rates by date range save successfully.


The business logic to set Offset Base Type on an Advanced Dynamic Base Rate Pricing Schedule is updated.


You can select only a Revenue Transaction code as an adjustment code. Payment and Wrapper transaction codes are not available.


In a scenario where a reservation exists with a Direct Bill method of payment, and you perform a payment or deposit payment by swiping a credit card with the field for Payment Method blank, OPERA Cloud correctly processes the credit card payment.


You can edit existing Comp Routing instructions without error.


In a scenario where you generate a Pro-Forma Folio for a reservation with one or more package allowances, and an error occurs with the folio, the temporary Pro-Forma transactions for profit and loss are removed correctly during the End of Day. As a result, the balance of the Package Ledger is no longer affected by these transactions.


You cannot transfer settled charges and generates to a different sub-account (billing window) or reservation account.


1. A prepaid indicator count is updated when issuing an offline prepaid card.
2. An offline prepaid card does not show the Manage Prepaid Card option.
3. An offline prepaid card does not appear on the Redeem screen.


When creating a new rate code at the Hub level, the Tax Inclusive checkbox appears.


For properties with the Tax Types OPERA Control active, the rep_proforma_invoice report applies transaction generates for guest rooms based on the selected tax type configuration.


The Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control that associates transaction codes to property roles works as expected.
For properties with the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control active, the transaction code list is filtered according to the transaction codes assigned to the user role in Post Charges, Post it/Fast posting, Deposit Folio, Credit Folio, Batch Charges, and Manage AR Invoices.
Note:  Chain-level users also require assignment of a property role when Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active.

Client Relations

Bug ID Description


Profile Lookup and Download is available from OPERA Cloud to OPERA Cloud Central.


Profile Search returns Company profiles without delay.


Profile Advance search using Client ID/ Corp ID/ IATA Number returns accurate results.


Profile Notes comments remain when you toggle between the Global and Property checkbox.


When adding identification details to a profile from OPERA Cloud, identificationInfo details send only once per the putProfile request.


Global attachments save to the logged-in chain code as expected.


You can edit Channel Negotiated Rates records from the Profiles flow in non-unified platform environments.


The Channel Negotiated Rates screen shows the Profile selection list.


You can view the correct date in the Channel Negotiated screen.


You can filter channels in the Channel Distribution screen from Rate Code flow.


You can modify and distribute Channel Negotiated Rates records to multiple, targeted properties. You must create the records in the selected, targeted properties.


You can edit an existing Channel Negotiated Rates record and update the details successfully.


Profile search results are returned correctly when you search by last name.


You can see future and past stays for any profile linked to a block that has events created.


You can edit and save a profile at the hub location when Profile Sharing is set to N for the chain.


Once you create a reservation for a profile that has a 0 pricing schedule rate code, and if you update the rate to greater than 0 in the reservation and afterwards check-in or checkout the reservation, future and past stay amounts update to the modified amount.


When a profile is merged from a reservation and you navigate to a profile for another reservation, the correct profile opens.


You can add a membership to a locked profile successfully.


When you try to delete a room that is in use when the Guest Room As Meeting Room OPERA Control is active, this message appears: "Reservation is occupied or reserved."


When creating a profile with an email type other than the one configured with a sequence, the profile is created successfully without any duplicate email addresses based on the following configuration:
  • Mandatory Communication OPERA Control is inactive.

  • Privacy OPERA Control is active.

  • Guest email type is not configured.

  • Communication email type is configured with a sequence.


You can configure a numeric value for the Purge Last Stay Days OPERA Control that is between 90 and 3,650 and greater than the Purge Days OPERA Control value.


The correct date of birth for a profile is visible when you preview the Immigration report.


The edit function for start date, end date, and channel rate access code works successfully.


Profiles with an active reservation or an outstanding balance are not purged.


Merged profiles retain their attachments and identification documents.


The OPERA Control value for Purge Days defaults to 365.


You can search for rates codes in the Qualifying Rate screen, Membership Type Rule screen, and Membership Rate Rule screen in property/hub level. At the Membership type rule screen, NA_RATE_CODE shows as a single entry when searched.


You can search by Travel Agent name among a large number of associated reservations.


Clicking Edit on the Suspended Stays screen does not display an error message if the Stay Record ID is greater than nine digits.


In a Hub, you can view the list of properties on the Create Profile screen when the Profile Sharing Control is set to No.


You can view inactive Membership Type Rules using only the ellipses option, Show Inactive.


You can create and save a Contact Profile using the "Save Profile and Add More Details" action.


The New/Edit Address and Delete Address user tasks are moved from the Client Relations to Client Relations Admin group for Address Type configuration.


You can search for profiles by Client ID in Manage Profiles without errors.


The Inherited Negotiated Rate icon appears, and negotiated rate codes are inherited from sub to master as expected.


You can import Guest/Contact profiles to OPERA Cloud using the languages configured in OPERA Cloud Administration (Client Relations> Geographic Management> Languages).


Issues affecting the performance of Sales Account Forecast search and the Sales Account Forecast indicator are resolved.


Bug ID Description


Updating the Commission Code for a travel agent triggers a recalculation of existing reservation commissions based on the new Commission Code selected.


Travel Agent source commission records are sorted in alphabetical order on the Manage Commissions screen.


You can search for a travel agent by IATA number in Commissions Bank Accounts.


When you detach/attach a reservation from/to a travel agent, the reservation list refreshes and displays all the reservations attached the selected travel agent.

Country Specific

Bug ID Description


Country Specific - Italy:

In a scenario where two Credit Folio Types are configured (one is linked to Ricevuta Folio Type and the other is unlinked), a Fattura Deposit Folio generates for a reservation, the Deposit Transfer transaction posts during check-in, and credit is due on the Billing screen during settlement, the Credit Bill generates successfully using the unlinked Credit Folio Type.


Country Specific - Philippines:

Accounts Receivable statements generate successfully for the customized sample_statement_philippines.rtf.


Country Specific - Greece:

In a scenario where a Package Wrapper transaction posts with an exclusive tax generate transaction defined in the Tax Folio Transaction Codes OPERA Control, and the Package Wrapper transaction routes to another window, the Tax Folio transaction remains on window 1, and you perform a folio settlement, then the Tax Folio generates successfully for window 1, and a normal folio generates for the window with the Package Wrapper transaction.


Country Specific - Belgium:

The "Tax Export 2 in XML format" Export (TAX_EXPORT_XML_2) is updated to:
-  allow generation of the Export for past business dates.
-  allow changes to be saved to the Export.


Country Specific - Portugal:

When previewing a folio, the bill_generation_date field is nullified in the folios table.


Country Specific - Portugal:

The appropriate Associated Bill number appears on the credit bill when there is a deposit refund.


Country Specific - Hungary:

The sample_folio_hungary merge code TAXAMOUNT is updated to display VAT amounts with decimal places based on the property currency decimals.


Country Specific - Portugal:

When no financial data exists for the business day, the PT_SAFT_104 export displays the following in the Customer section of the export:



Country Specific - Brazil:

In a scenario where you perform Generate Credit Bill against a Goods Folio Type, OPERA Cloud generates the corresponding Credit Goods Folio Type. In a scenario where you perform Generate Credit Bill against a Service Folio Type, OPERA Cloud generates the corresponding Credit Services Folio Type.


Country Specific - Israel

An issue of deferred taxes not being removed from the POST IT screen (RC) is resolved by the following actions:
The Allow Deferred Taxes OPERA Control is active. Set the Default Tax Type to 1.
When you add a new item to the cart, you should observe that the relevant taxes appear on the screen and that taxes with a zero amount should disappear automatically.

Set Default Tax Type to 0:
Upon adding a new item to the cart, the respective taxes should be added to the previous tax records, similar to how it accumulates when the Default Tax Type is 1. If any posting record is deleted by selecting the X symbol, the chosen record, along with its associated tax, should be removed.


Country Specific - Brazil:

In a scenario where the Fiscal Folio Printing OPERA Control is off, you can successfully perform a settlement from Check Out and check out the reservation.


Country Specific - Poland:

The PL_JPK_FA Country export is updated to consider folio arrangement code grouping for data.


Bug ID Description


You can generate the banquet check and the Banquetcheck Folio report from the I Want To action row on the Event Posting menu.


When the Event Waitlist OPERA Control is active and you shift a block to a date where the space is already booked, you are warned that the space is waitlisted. If the room type is also overbooked, you get an overbook warning prior to the waitlist warning. You can override both warnings if you are granted the tasks for overbooking rooms and waitlisting function space.


The list of properties on the Catering Budget screen only includes the properties where the Budget Forecast OPERA Control is Active.


The Quick Insert column and field appear only from a hub location for Sales and Event Management Premium Edition subscribers with the Quick Insert OPERA Control active.


You can navigate between Event admin options from a hub location without any errors.


The Multi-Choice check box is not visible from a hub location for Sales and Event Management Standard Edition Subscribers.


Package Expected & Guaranteed is populated and disabled for editing. The Extra Attendee fields are blank and enabled for editing as expected.


Cancelled updates to events made in the Function Diary are not saved as expected.


When you select the Exclude From Forecast checkbox in Function Space configuration, you can see Exclude From Forecast is selected by default in the Revenue Summary panel.


In Manage Events and Sales Manager Goals, pagination is not displayed when the Results Count is less the count shown.


You can move the cursor left and right in the Function Diary.


Bug ID Description


On the EDW Export, the calculation of Total Rooms Sold (TRS) includes No Show rooms.


You can configure the EDW Exports using the New From Template action, which includes Component Exports.


You can create a component export with the Data Source EXP_BOF_REVENUE_RECORDS and export data correctly.


You can view sensitive data for scheduled exports with SFTP delivery.


Back Office exports generate with the correct separators included based on their configurations.

Front Desk

Bug ID Description


You can generate the res_detail arrivals report regardless of the time format configured for the property and/or the Hub where you are logged in.


You can delete, or mark as delivered, guest messages created from an interface account.


In properties where the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active, rooms that are exclusively owned by a guest profile are not assigned to non-owners when the auto assign is processed from the Room Assignment screen.


Electronic registration cards are purged according to the Days to Purge eSigned Registration Cards OPERA Control.


In properties where the Auto Check In of Advance Checked in Reservations OPERA Control is active, the internal user, AUTOCHECKIN, is created the first time the processor runs. This user is necessary for the auto check-in processing of advance checked-in reservations.


When you select the Include Departures checkbox within the Room Assignment screen, you can select and assign a departure room to an arrival reservation even when the room is discrepant.


Flex Fields based on selection lists correctly set and save the default value defined.


Additional internal logging is added to the Mass Check-out workflow.


Bug ID Description


OPERA Cloud Exchange, Interface Setup - Profile Match Rules allow you to configure the Match Rules with the points.


Dynamic SQL execution improves performance when making queries using the UDF (User Defined Fields) function.


The OPERA Cloud Control GDS-Session Inventory Control (Under Channel Management) is a Hub (Chain) Level control. This ensures confirmation of OPERA Xchange Interface reservations when the GDS-Session Inventory Control is set to Y.


OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) processes and sends the generated Night Audit messages to external system EXRMS2.


When you select messages to reprocess in the ADS Reprocess screen, the messages travel successfully to the external system.


The OPERA Web Self-service General Availability webservice performance shows improvement when a large number of rate codes are configured with "Included In Rate Packages" attached.


An enhancement improves the handling of invalid requests for Async API related to setting Sell Limits.


The Oracle Payment Interface Token Proxy Service OPERA Control is visible for both OPERA Cloud Central and OPERA Cloud Distribution subscriptions.


Business Events for the Alternate Distribution System external system channel dequeue successfully and therefore post to the external URL.


Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service FetchBooking allows for booking searches to be conducted using a different domain than the one used to make the initial reservation.


When the OPERA Web Self-service Fetchbooking request is directed to the OPERA Reservation System mode in the OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite, it yields a successful response.


OPERA Cloud can initiate Profile Lookup and download from OPERA Cloud Central services using CRM_LEGACY services.


Switch Interface is launched as the default screen without the task permission to set the interface context for OPERA Cloud Exchange configurations screens.


Special characters are returned in the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service fetchProfile response.


When an Enterprise user logs in to more than one chain during the End of Day process (until the Posting Room and Tax procedure is completed), if the user is not identified, the process continues, and the user log is recorded as an Internal user.


When you select to create keys on a reservation where prepaid cards were issued, the create keys screen shows the previously cut keys data for duplicate keys or the reservation's default data for new keys.


The OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution Cloud Warning Log Level is improved.


OPERA Xchange Interface processes an Update Profile message generated and sent by an external system and removes the middle name if not found in the payload.


Removing a birthday from the OPERA Reservation System sends an Update Profile OPERA Xchange Interface message. OPERA Xchange Interface processes the message and removes the birthday from OPERA Cloud.


The User log updates when an OPERA Cloud user updates the OPERA Xchange Interface configuration.


OPERA Cloud Exchange Interface setup data flow changes (upload/download) update to the respective property and interface communication method only.


The Create External Database screen's Code field improves with the following data validations:
  • It does not allow you to enter spaces in between code.

  • It does not allow you to enter Numeric or any special character in first character of the code.

  • It does not allow you to enter any special characters except hyphen ( - ) and underscore ( _ ).

  • It does not allow you to enter small case letters (they convert into all caps letters).

  • It does not allow you to enter more than 20 characters (limit).


The Check Out Business Event triggers when performing a check-out with the Open Folio option.


The OPERA Xchange Interface tile in the OPERA Cloud login displays interface statistics correctly for inbound and outbound for the configured interface and property.


The following actions correct External URI values or Invalid Interface records issues:
  • The External URL field is renamed as External URI in the External System screen.

  • The External URI is available from the External System search results.

  • The External URI unique constraint is applied and considers the OG-SPA system type as a qualified record.


The FetchReservationExt HTNG2008B operation works as expected whether the Enable Trace For Availability and Booking Request OPERA Control is turned On or Off.


The OPERA Web Self-service invoice operation returns the invoice details of a given reservation without error.


The OPERA Xchange Interface inbound reservation message gets reprocessed based on the RETRY_COUNT OXI parameter due to any record locks.


An option to ignore the OPERA Xchange Interface queue during the HTNG process in the OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite wizard is added, defaulting the checkbox as selected during installation or an upgrade, thereby reducing CPU usage.


Fiscal Integration Update: A default message appears when OPERA Cloud receives an error message from OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution (OFIS) without error message text: "Fiscal Folio generation error. Check OFIS log for additional details."


Bug ID Description


A change displays the inventory restrictions created when you select the Day View option.


You can delete a Housekeeping Section Group when it is not associated with any room.


All room classes with availability details are visible in the Property Availability screen when you view by Room Class.


The default selection in the Sell Control Rooms menu under Room Types defaults to Room Types in property availability when accessed from the Room Summary Dashboard Tile.


You can delete Room Classes without error.


The Property Availability screen displays the correct number of guest rooms available.


Bug ID Description


You can make adjustments to the Membership Points Exception by providing negative Award Points (Base, Bonus, Misc.) and Tier Points (Stay, Nights, Revenue - Base/Bonus) not exceeding the total award and tier points for the profile membership.


Award Reservations created by the OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) relate correctly to the member's profile and apply points as expected.


You can create a Membership Transaction (adjustment) by providing negative Award Points (Base, Bonus, Misc.) and tier points (Stay, Nights, Revenue - Base/Bonus) not exceeding the total award and tier points for the profile membership.


You can access and manage Membership Type in OPERA Cloud Administration based on the tasks granted to your user role.


Rate Codes are filtered based on the property selected when searching or creating new Membership Rate Rules.


Membership Details remain on the reservation after Checkout. However, you must refresh the Billing screen in order to highlight the Membership Panel.


You cannot inactivate or delete a Primary Loyalty Membership from a profile if the profile has active rate/upgrade/package awards on a reservation.


Bug ID Description


In OPERA Cloud with the OPERA Cloud Identity Management environment, the Change Log Search field list displays Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform clients.


The Alternate Distribution System (ADS) messages work with OPERA Cloud Identity Management (OCIM) as expected.


For a multitenant OPERA Cloud environments, tenants can have Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) in any region.


The log level associated with the FetchHotelAvailability functionality for Guaranteed Rates is changed to finer (level 4).


Delete Trace, New Trace, and Update Trace action types are available in the Reservations groups in the Changes Log.


Changes made for Property Details (Address and Communication) configuration are logged in the Changes Log under the Configurations group.


The Changes Log displays the correct timestamp for financial postings aligned with the time zone configured in Property Controls > Property Time Zone.


Bug ID Description


You can update the room status of rooms without error.

Property APIs

Bug ID Description


In the getRevenueInventoryStatistics Async API (Module: Inventory Async INVASYNC) response, the cancelledRooms field do not account for reservations with pseudo-room types, regardless of whether the reservations are for past, current, or future dates.


The Async API operationgetReservationsDailySummary (Module: Reservations Async RSVASYNC) efficiently fetches data in a timely manner.


Creatorld, a new element added to the response of the Distribution API operation getDistributionReservationsSummary, captures the user information.


The response of the RSV ASYNC operation getReservationsDailySummaryProcess includes the SharedYN element. The SharesList object includes reservations meeting the following criteria:
  • Sharing No Show reservations for a past business date.

  • Sharing Checked Out reservations for a past business date.

  • Sharing Cancelled reservations.


An error handling system resolves the intermittent 404 Not Found errors in the HEAD and GET API calls for the Async API operations.


The getReservationsDailySummary asynchronous API operation in the module Reservation Async (RSVASYNC) supports retrieving reservations with special characters in the profile section of the reservation payload.


The getReservationsDailySummary Async API operation of the Reservations (RSVASYNC) module retrieves a single daily summary record for each date when requesting data with the startLastModifiedDate/endLastModifiedDate criteria.


Based on the Data Residency Profile Nationality OPERA Control and TNG Outbound configuration for putprofile, When editing a profile from OPERA Cloud, the putProfile API request sent to TNG contains no extra elements and only fields per Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) specifications.


An error message is added when trying to assign a reservation through Postman to a room that is already occupied, and the Share OPERA Control functionality is inactive.


When using either postReservation or postBlockReservation with or without the reservationStatus element, you cannot create a reservation against a block with a status that does not allow pickup and return. OPERA Cloud generates the following message: "The Block Status does not allow for reservation pickup."


The responses of the async operations getBlockAllocationSummary (Module: "Blocks") and getReservationsDailySummary (Module: "Reservations") include the hotelId field, indicating the corresponding resorts.


Every identical request (employing the same query parameters) for operations getReservationsDailySummary (Module: Reservation RSVASYNC) and getBlockAllocationSummary (Module: Blocks BLKASYNC) when requesting data with startLastModifiedDate/endLastModifiedDate, necessitates a mandatory 30-minute interval between submissions. Please note that this limit applies regardless of whether the POST, HEAD, and GET cycle is completed.


You can link a reservation from postReservationLinksByExtId and receive a successful response.


A revision ensures that the get financialPostings API returns correct transactions.


The postRoomKey API is updated with a new originalRoomNumber attribute that populates the old room number when a room move is processed.
The RoomOldNum element in the KeydataChange message of IFC8 populates the old room number and this is sent to the DLS (Door Lock System).

REST API Changes:
OperationId: postRoomKey.
Modification: Added originalRoomNumber attribute to the request type RoomKey of String type. This passes the old room number value during a room move operation.
"originalRoomNumber": {
          "description": "Old Room Number is used when a room move is performed.",
          "type": "string",
          "maxLength": 2000


When creating a block using postBlock (BLK), the start date must be earlier or equal to the end date of the block. The same applies when modifying a block start date using putBlock (BLK); it must be a date that is earlier or equal to the end date of that block.


When running the API request for getBlock for a block that has a profile attached with a long name, address, and/or phone number, the block information returns as expected.


StayRecords are added successfully by API without the external reservation id.


The Interface Control (IFC) read message API displays improved performance.


The Display Key Pin OPERA Control under the IFC group cannot be turned off if the Display Key Pin Code checkbox is selected in the General Information of an Active DLS (Door Lock System) Interface. In this scenario, the following validation  message is presented: "Please uncheck the Display Key Pin Code checkbox under the general information tab of DLS interfaces."

The putHotelInterface operation in the INTCFG API is modified.
If you attempt to activate key pin functionality when the Display Key Pin OPERA Control is inactive, an error appears stating: "Please request the environment owner to enable the Display Key Pin OPERA Control to activate key pin functionality." The keyPinActive field under generalInfoType is only functional when the OPERA Control Display Key Pin is active.


That the get financialPostings Cashiering API returns correct transactions.


In postHoldItemInventory operation, a get hold item inventory link with the hold item ID is added and used to fetch the hold item inventory.


You can use the Do Not Validate Rate Code For External Reservation OPERA Control to create and update reservations using POST/PUT Reservation with a rate code that does not exist in OPERA Cloud.


The postProforma REST operation is deprecated.


A Business Event is generated for updating the Room Type description in Room Type.


Pseudo room inventory no longer appears in the getRevenueInventoryStatistics operation in the Async API (INV Async).


You can add or edit the address fields on a profile based on the following length limits:
  • AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, and AddressLine4 cannot exceed 80 characters including a combination of extended special characters

  • CityName cannot exceed 40 characters including a combination of extended special characters.

  • PostalCode cannot exceed 15 characters including a combination of extended special characters.

  • State cannot exceed 40 characters including a combination of extended special characters.


You can update a profile with a relationship from the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP).


The putRateplan operation (RTP API) is updated to delete the displaySet by updating it with an empty string instead of null value, and if the value is null for displaySet or no displaySet is sent, then it is ignored.


The API specification for getPARSnapshot in par.json is updated to reflect that startDate and fetchInstructions are required query parameters. Internally, Monday through Sunday default to false.


Additional internal logging is added to the Mass Check-out workflow.


Bug ID Description


You can select and save multiple note types when editing or generating the Housekeeping Status Report (hk_allstatus).


When you select "Download as" in the Manage reports screen, the File Format field is mandatory. When selecting Delimited or Delimited Data as an option, the Delimiter field for these options is also mandatory. The same behavior applies to the Edit Report parameters screen.


You can schedule the Rep_Deposit report with and without selecting a date range.


When scheduling reports, you can select an email-addressable printer from a list.


When scheduling the Rate Variance (giratevariance) report, the Checked In and Occupied Today filters are saved, and the report is generated as expected.


You can successfully schedule reports using the Last Day of the Month Date option.


You can select a Room Type for the Statistics - Room Type (statroomtype) report without error.


When generating the rep_rooms report and leaving the Origin field blank, all origin codes are included in the report output.


The margins on the Vacant Rooms report (hkvacroom) are widened to accommodate the maximum number of characters for rooms.


Bug ID Description


Performance improvements reduce the time required for creating reservations in OPERA Cloud from Oracle Hospitality Distribution.


The Future and Past Reservation panel displays reservations correctly.


You can add packages to reservations with insufficient item inventory by overriding item inventory.


Membership Type and Membership Number fields on the Reservation Overview section of the Check In Reservation screen show data for memberships attached to the reservation, not memberships attached only to the guest profile.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the multi-segment reservation does not appear in the Recent Records tile after you select End Call.


The Reservation Search screen displays availability award rates.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, share confirmations appear on the reservation.


You can select a Restricted Profile successfully while adding/editing Routing Instructions on a reservation and return to the Routing Instructions panel.


When the Shares OPERA Control is active and share reservations exist and are checked in for the current business date, and you reverse check-in one of the sharing reservations, you can cancel the reservation as expected.


The action indicator for the I Want To . . . menu link in Reservation search is visible only when there are actionable items such as pending traces, guest messages, alerts, and others for the reservation.


During the End of Day process, if you reinstate the checked-out reservation while the Update Business Date process is executing, the process stops and prompts you to check out the Due Out reservation.


The correct feedback message appears when a reservation is cancelled, and the Auto Deposit Cancellation Refund for Credit Cards OPERA Control is active.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, you can see an Item badge on the package tab for both packages and group packages that contain items.


You can select any profile type to include on reservation in the Reservation Sales Screen.


Long property names are truncated when added to the Trip Composer in the Reservation Sales Screen to leave space for edit and delete icons.


In New Reservation search in the Reservation Sales Screen, once the Arrival and Departure dates populate, the dates remain as selected when the property or destination updates.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, you can update the stay dates after adding the Include Closed Rates filter chip.


In Reservation Sales Screen, Total Cost of Stay updates when you enter either a discount amount or a discount percentage in the Overview screen.


In Reservation Sales Screen, the Book & Close action buttons are available for closed rates in the Alternate Dates screen.


In the Overview screen in Reservation Sales Screen, the Daily Details drawer opens when you select the Daily Details link in the right panel.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, a tool tip associated with restricted profiles describes the reason for the restrictions.


When viewing the Manage Reservation screen and filtering for reservations marked as checked out, the search results show a list of such reservations where post-stay privileges are enabled for both current and past dates.


On Reservation Overview in the Reservation Sales Screen, you can click the Packages tab and add, edit, or delete packages.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, suppressed rates added in the Trip Composer are showing in a suppressed rate format.


In the Alternate Calendar of Reservation Sales Screen, when dates are selected where there are no rates configured, the Book button is disabled and a banner message displays: "No rates are available for the selected dates. Please update the stay dates." When new dates are selected, where rates are available, the Book button is activated.


You can create a rate award reservation with rate codes that have weekday and weekend pricing schedules configured and reservation dates that overlap the schedule.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, when distributing the full rate to all sharing guests, the full rate distribution displays "Full rate per share." When selected, the full rate is applied to each sharer per the pricing schedules configured for the number of adults on each share reservation.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the Find Profile screen closes if you click off of the screen, or click the X, or click the Cancel button.


The total cost of stay is updated when the room to charge is updated for the reservations booked from the Reservation Sales Screen.


The total cost of stay is calculated correctly for reservations with daily rates booked from the Reservation Sales Screen.


The Manage Block Reservations screen includes a new search filter named Create By.


You can print the vouchers when more than one membership is attached to a reservation.


You can remove a promotion code from a reservation if the associated rate code is changed to one that does not require a promotion code.


A change made in the Reservation Changes log displays the TA Record Locator.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the rate amount and total cost of stay is updated after the Room To Charge updates in the Overview screen.


The Reservation Cancellation Report displays the combined loss revenue for all rooms of a multi-room reservation.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, you can add a guest profiles to the reservation added in the trip composer.


When Reservation Traces are pending for a reservation that has two or more rooms and the reservation is split, Traces remain as pending and do not regenerate.


For properties using the Child Rates by Defined Buckets feature, you cannot provide a child's age on the Look To Book Sales screen if it does not fall within a defined Child Age bucket.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the deposit and cancellation details appear in local currency.


When you select a restricted profile in the Reservation Sales Screen (RSS), the Override popup displays the profile restriction reason.


You can book a reservation with the award packages attached from the Reservation Sales Screen.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, editing a closed rate from an existing trip updates that trip in the Trip Composer and does not create a duplicate reservation.


Long, overlapping profile names are truncated and appear as expected when you hover over them in the Reservation Sales Screen Trip Composer.


When creating a reservation in the Reservation Sales Screen, the origin defaults to the value selected in the Default Origin Code setting


From the Find Reservation screen in the Reservation Sales Screen, the Room Type, Room Class, and Created By & Canceled By filter chips allow multi-select.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the child ages fields appear only when booking reservations for properties where the Child Rates By Defined Buckets OPERA Control is set to Active.


The rate configured with a discount shows the discounted rate amount during booking in the Reservation Sales Screen.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, a warning message displays in the New Reservation advanced search when the entered number of rooms or nights exceeds the Maximum Number of Rooms or Maximum Number of Nights configuration.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, hovering over the Edit and Delete icons in the Trip Composer displays the action description.


The expected currency is displayed in the availability results in the Reservation Sales Screen.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, you can use the arrows in the header of the Room and Rate Details drawer to move to the next or previous rate code or room type.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, hovering your mouse over the chevron of a share reservation displays the Expand Sharing Reservations tooltip.


When extending a reservation for a block that has been cut off, you can borrow inventory from the house for only the extended dates.


The Update Reservation Changes Log entries no longer show attributes as being changed when the difference is due to the property system time being on a different date than the database system date (due to difference in time zone).


You can generate the res_detail arrival report for past, current, or future dates when the Date Range report parameter is set to Stay Dates.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the Confirmation Number filter chip in the Find Reservation screen allows an alpha numeric value without any restriction.


You can now create more than 25 records in the Sell Messages screen.


You can modify Channel reservation sessions controlled in OPERA Cloud.


The Group Rooming List Report shows information for the new stay dates when a reservation is checked out as an early departure.


Block reservation search performance is improved.


From the overview screen in the Reservation Sales Screen when adding packages, the package calculation rule, posting rhythm, and quantities appear in the Packages tab.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the Rate Category field in the New Reservation search allows only single selection.


Search performance for block reservations is improved.


The Reservation Entered On and By (Resenteredon) report is successfully generated according to the parameters entered.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, a tool tip associated with restricted profiles describes the reason for the restrictions.


Reservations created from GDS (Global Distributions Systems) can have a membership attached only if the membership is available on the reservation's primary profile.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, you can book a multi-segment reservation with a combination of complimentary and non-complimentary rates.


Source Room In House is added to the Definable Manager's Report configuration and outputs the number of reservations with a Source Profile linked.


A change to the Cancellation Reasons description allows 2,000 characters and allows for you to match and merge reservations.


You can add multiple fixed charges using the same transaction code to a reservation with a deposit and/or cancellation rule.


Performance is improved for interface status updates when completing check-out or a room move on a reservation.


In the Reservation Search screen, you can end the call by clicking the End Call button in the New Reservation search screen after returning from the overview.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, you can search for availability by selecting Amenities, Property Types, and Packages filter chips.


The currency list is available in the Reservation Sales Screen availability results only for a single property when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active.


In the Reservation Search Screen, the Guest filter chip displays a selected guest name.


A discount percentage is correctly applied to rate amounts for properties with a currency format using a period for thousand separators.


When the Room Type to Charge OPERA Control is inactive, and you update a reservation room type after refreshing the rate, and the rate amount of the new room type is applied to the reservation.


Inventory Items added to a reservation because of an Auto Attach Element are logged in the Changes Log for the reservation, and an Update Reservation business event is generated.


In properties where the Room Feature Validation OPERA Control is inactive and you select to assign rooms using the Auto Assign option in Room Assignment, the message, "Room is already assigned to <Confirmation Number>,” appears on the status screen for reservations where a room was assigned beforehand.


On the Reservation Sales Screen, the child ages entered during booking are saved to the confirmed reservation.


In Look To Book search, a reservation request (RQ) keeps membership data when a search for a member profile and a non-member profile is performed afterwards.


When GDS (Global Distributions Systems) sends a reservation with a membership number that does not match in OPERA Cloud, OPERA Cloud creates the reservation without a membership attached.


Shares details appear in the right panel when a cancelled reservation is selected in Reservations search in the Reservation Sales Screen.


In the Reservation Sales Screen, the total cost of stay is calculated for in-progress reservations, even prior to adding a guest profile.


In the Reservation Sales Screen search, the cursor focus is inside the field when you select a filter chip and allows you to start typing into the search field.


When making a multi segment reservation, the Multi-Segment radio button stays selected after adding an additional segment.


Reservations created using an existing profile that has a comma character in the State field or Country field are created successfully.


You cannot edit Daily Details for a Day Use Reservation after the room and tax are posted.


You can update the promotion code on a reservation if the reservation's rate code is either not associated with a promotion code or is also associated with the updated promotion code.


When you navigate to Create Reservation after the End Call in the Reservation Sales Screen, all previously selected filters in the New Reservation search are cleared.


in the Reservation Sales Screen, you are prompted with a Discard dialog when trying to close the Profile Identification drawer without saving the changes.


When you search for a profile using a membership number in Look To Book and tab out of the field, both name and membership number are populated.


The reservation rate amount is updated with the pricing of the room type selected in the Room Type to Charge field of Look To Book, Book Now.


You can apply different discount amounts to various reservation dates while editing Daily Details in grid view.


Stay records revenue converts from local currency to central currency based on the Global Exchange Rates.


In properties where the Reservation Room Features and Floors OPERA Control is inactive, the Room Feature preferences from the profile that you select auto populate when selecting the Room selection list in the Rate and Room Options section of Look to Book.


Global alert configuration no longer displays duplicate entries for Filter conditions.

Role Manager

Bug ID Description


The Edit User screen in Role Manager displays all roles associated with the user.

Rooms Management

Bug ID Description


In properties where the Inspected Status OPERA Control is inactive, a green icon identifies clean rooms.

In properties where the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active, a blue icon identifies clean rooms, and a green icon represents inspected rooms.


When managing Task Sheets in Card View, you can scroll down to the last room of the task sheet and see all details for this room. You can also scroll down to the last room of each task sheet in Single, Split, and Detail views.


When you select the Custom option in the Update Vacant Room Status OPERA Control, and records are created or modified in the Vacant Room Status screen, then the hkpkg.update_room_status_proc Night Audit procedure updates the status of the vacant rooms per the created or modified records.


The Out of Order by Reason report (hkooobyreason) is updated to provide a single select drop-down list of values for the Sort Order option. If you previously configured this report using the shuttle component, you must edit the report parameters to select a new default Sort Order option.


When a Room is configured with space (EG 100 1), you can add an Out of Order or Out of Service record.


The description of the Vacant Room Status OPERA Control is updated.
The Number of Vacant Days and the Date From fields are made read-only on any Vacant Room Status record processed during End of Day.


Bug ID Description


The synchronization stay records status appears when you click OK on the Check Status pop-up.


When importing AR invoices using data import, OPERA Cloud creates the invoice with the invoice date rather than the migration date.


The Room Status Type list displays the correct values for the inventory in the Status Code Updates utility.