1 Feature Summary

Column Definitions

SMALL SCALE: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
LARGER SCALE: These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
CUSTOMER ACTION REQUIRED: You must take action before these features can be used. These features are delivered disabled, and you choose if and when to enable them.

Features that are specific to:

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Premium Edition are marked with the Premium badge. Premium badge.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Casino and Gaming Management Add-on are marked with the Gaming badge. Gaming badge.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Loyalty are marked with the Loyalty badge. Loyalty badge.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Central Management Services are marked with the Central badge. Central badge.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Distribution Channel Cloud Services subscription are marked with the Distribution badge. Distribution badge.





Master Sub Block Management Updated


Group Profile Added to Create Block


Autoload Forecast Updated


Billing Reservation Search Updated for Transferring Charges


Bulk Comp Posting Approval Added Gaming badge


Check for Credit Bill Folio on Settlement OPERA Control Updated


Internal Credit Bill for POS Accounts OPERA Control Added


Migrated Folio History and End of Day Report Archive Added


Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types OPERA Control Added


Multi Currency Starting Amounts Added to Cashiers


Posting Rhythm Updated for Package Awards Loyalty badge


Promotions Routing Updated Gaming badge


Preferred Discount Membership OPERA Control Added


Sample Folio Data Model Updated for Child Age Buckets


Channel Negotiated Rates Updated Distribution badge


Owner Referral Records Updated


Relationships Management Updated


Country Specific - Egypt - TOURISM_TAX_EGYPT Tax Function Added


Country Specific - Germany - City Tax Updated


Country Specific - Israel - Deferred Tax Updated


Country Specific - Italy - Multiple Updates Added


Country Specific - Philippines - Sample_Folio_Philippines Template Updated


Country Specific - Poland - Sample Folio Template Updated


Country Specific - Portugal - PT_SAFT_104 Country Export Updated


Country Specific - Portugal - PT_SAFT_104 Export Updated


Country Specific - Romania - Convert Folio Added


Country Specific - Taiwan - Currency Exchange Receipt Data Model Updated


Option to Move Events Added When Block Dates Are Expanded or Decreased


CC Accruals Added to City Ledger Export


Daily Details Added to Check-in


Brazil: OFIS Partner List Updated


Italy - Fiscal Integration Updated


Fiscal Export Mapping Updated


OPERA Fiscal Integration Cloud Solution Added


Profile Business Events Updated for Negotiated Rates


Mask Membership Numbers OPERA Control Added


Membership Claim OPERA Control Added Loyalty badge


Points Exception Management Added Loyalty badge


Points Expiration Updated Loyalty badge


Resync Stay Records to External System Added


ACT - putActivitiesBulkUpdate Added


BLK Async - ShiftBlock Operation Added


BLK - getBlocks Operation Updated


BLK - postDefaultBlockCode Added


BLK - putBlock Operation Updated


CRM Async: postStayRecords Operation Added


CRM Config: post/put/getMembershipType Operations Updated


CRM - getMembershipPointsExceptions and putMembershipPointsExceptions Operation Added Loyalty badge


CRM - getCompanyProfile Operation Updated


CRM - getMembershipTransaction Operation Updated Loyalty badge


FOF Outbound - postRoomKeysOutbound Operation Added


FOF - postExternalRoomKeys Operation Added


HSK - getHousekeepingDailyInfo and setHousekeepingDailyInfo Added


New Operations Added in Leisure Management (LMS) API


RSV - getPreConfiguredRoutingInstructions API Updated


Definable Manager's Report Updated


Combine Shares Search Updated


Daily Details Changes Icon Added


Default Routing Instructions Updated to Include Begin and End Date


Default Share Pricing Distribution Method OPERA Control Added


Housekeeping Daily Information Added


Linked Reservations Updated


Multi Property Move Reservation Updated


OPI Cloud Token Proxy Service Added


OPI Cloud Token Proxy Service Added Distribution badge


OPI Cloud Token Proxy Service for Reservation Sales Screen Added Central badge


Pay By Link for Deposit Requests Added


Rate Award Reservation Cancellation Updated Loyalty badge


Reservation Color Hover Text Added to Search Results


Reservation Sales Screen Updated for Shares Central badge


Route All Transactions to Share Reservation Added


Multiple Edit Activities Added


AR Health Check Updated


Catering Budget Forecast Added to Import Data



Autoload Forecast Updated

For properties with the Block Forecast Grid and the Autoload Forecast OPERA Controls active, when the block status updates to Open for Pickup, the auto-load forecast stops and the option to load forecast rooms becomes disabled. You can manually add Forecast rooms from Edit or from Grid Type.

Group Profile Added to Create Block

For properties with the Business Block OPERA Control active, you can update Create Block with a Group Profile search option for selecting (or creating) the group profile for the block. See Creating Blocks.

Create Block

Linked Profiles also update with a Change Group Profile action for selecting a different group profile. See Managing Block Linked Profiles.

Linked Profiles

Master Sub Block Management Updated

The following updates apply to properties with the Master Sub Blocks OPERA Control active:
  • When the Single Block Status OPERA Control is active, and you update and apply the status of a non-synchronized master block to sub blocks, the block status changes appear in Block Search results.

  • When the Single Block Status OPERA Control is inactive, and you update and apply the status of a non-synchronized master block to sub blocks, the changes to room and/or catering status appear in Block Search results.

When generating the Proforma Invoice report (rep_proforma_invoice) for a master block, the report includes all linked sub blocks for the selected properties.


Billing Reservation Search Updated for Transferring Charges

Reservation Search provides the following fields for transferring transactions to or from reservation accounts in Billing.
  • Arrival From (defaults to business date, required field)

  • Arrival To

  • Departure From

  • Departure To

See Transferring Reservation Account Postings.


The search filter Arrival From is mandatory when used in combination with the Checked Out reservation status. The reservation then displays the list of checked-out reservations with Post Stay Privilege On.

Bulk Comp Posting Approval Added

Gaming badge For properties with the Comp Accounting Integration Service OPERA Control active, the Comp Posting Journal provides new capabilities.
  • You can select multiple staged transactions and submit them for bulk approval.

  • The comp transaction status updates asynchronously based on the response from the gaming solution.

See Comp Posting Journal.

Check for Credit Bill Folio on Settlement OPERA Control Updated

For properties with the Check for Credit Bill Folio on Settlement OPERA Control active, OPERA Cloud generates the following message from Billing: "Credit Bill is about to be issued. Do you want to continue"?

Internal Credit Bill for POS Accounts OPERA Control Added


This functionality is generic and may be of interest to customers that use POS Accounts functionality, such as properties in Portugal and Poland.

For properties with the Credit Bill OPERA Control active, an Internal Credit Bill for POS Accounts OPERA Control added in the Cashiering group enables the internal POS Account Credit sequence used by Credit Bills generated from a POS Account or against a POS Account folio. This maintains consistency between the already internal POS Account folios and new internal POS Account Credit Bills.

The Folio Number Sequence utility is updated with INTERNAL POS ACCOUNT and INTERNAL POS ACCOUNT CREDIT sequences to allow customers to set specific starting folio numbers. See Updating Folio Number Sequences.

POS ACCOUNT FOLIO and POS ACCOUNT CREDIT report groups are added, so that folios configured in these internal stationery report groups generate for POS Account folios and POS Account Credit Bills.

POS Account Folio and POS Account Credit tasks are added to the Report group.


The PT_SAFT_104 export is updated to exclude POS Account Credit Bills when the Internal Credit Bill for POS Accounts OPERA Control is active.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Cashiering group.

  4. Locate the Credit Bill OPERA Control and activate the Internal Credit Bill POS Accounts parameter.

  5. From the side menu, select Role Manager and then select either Manage Chain Roles or Manage Property Roles according to your needs.

  6. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  7. Select the role to update, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

  8. Select the Reports group and grant the tasks: POS Account Folio and POS Account Credit.

  9. Click Save.

Migrated Folio History and End of Day Report Archive Added

Folio History gives you the ability to access Folio History Archive to search and download historic folios migrated from OPERA Property v5.x. See Managing Historical Folios.

Folio History Archive

You can use End of Day Reports to access End of Day Reports Archive to search and download End of Day reports migrated from OPERA Property v5.x . See Managing End of Day Reports.

End of Day Reports Archive

Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types OPERA Control Added

For properties with the Credit Bill OPERA Control active, a new Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types OPERA Control enables the configuration of three credit folio types. Each credit folio type has a separate bill number sequence and can be associated with each regular folio type as required. Any regular folio type without a credit bill folio type associated uses the credit bill folio type not associated with any folio types.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Cashiering group.

  4. Locate the Credit Bill OPERA Control.

  5. Enable the Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types parameter.

Multi Currency Starting Amounts Added to Cashiers

For properties with the Foreign Currency Codes OPERA Control active, the updated Cashier Configuration lets you enter Starting Amounts in multiple currencies and perform settlements and payments in foreign currency. See Configuring Cashiers.


Posting Rhythm Updated for Package Awards

Loyalty badge Properties with the Loyalty Package Award OPERA Control active restrict Package Awards Posting Rhythm to Post Every Night. See Configuring Membership Type Awards.

Preferred Discount Membership OPERA Control Added

For properties with the Transaction Discount OPERA Cloud active, an added Preferred Discount Membership OPERA Control setting defines selection of a preferred or a primary membership when applying a transaction discount for passer-by transactions posted in Post It (Available when the Post It OPERA Control is active).


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Cashiering group.

  4. Locate and update the Transaction Discount parameter.

  5. Update the Preferred Discount Membership setting.

Promotions Routing Updated

Gaming badge For properties with the Promotions Module OPERA Control active, updates to Promotions Routing Instruction allow you to select a Folio (comp billing window) value. See Configuring Promotion Codes. When you create or update a reservation with a promotion code selected, you add routing for the promotion to the reservation, which replaces any existing comp routing instructions.

Promotion Routing Instruction

Sample Folio Data Model Updated for Child Age Buckets

The following elements are added to the <G_HEADER> section of the sample_folio data model (xml) to output the number of children within each age bucket.







You can access child age buckets when the Child Rates by Defined Buckets OPERA Control is active and set up in Rate Management OPERA Controls. See OPERA – Rate Management.


Channel Negotiated Rates Updated

Distribution Badge Channel Negotiated Rates updated in this release provide the following:
  • When updating existing Channel Negotiated Rates, you are prompted to synchronize the details to other properties when saving the changes.

  • The Profile Name field prompt is renamed Distribution Alternate Name, and you can edit the field.

  • You can delete multiple channel negotiated rates for multiple properties from a hub location or for a single property from a property location.

  • A Modify and Distribute action (available from a hub location) for distributing existing Channel Negotiated Rates to multiple target properties, or you can modify the details of an original record and distribute to multiple target properties.

Channel Negotiated Rates

For more information, see Managing Profile Channel Negotiated Rates.


Verify in OPERA Cloud Distribution that the following permissions are enabled in the ChannelManagement module at the cluster level:
  • Channel Management
    • View Cluster Profile channel Rate Access
      • New/Edit Cluster Profile channel Rate Access

Owner Referral Records Updated

For properties with the Room Rotation OPERA Control active, you can create owner referral records for all profile types. See Managing Profile Ownership Records and Owner Referrals.

Relationships Management Updated

For properties with the Relationships OPERA Control active, you are prompted with an error message when attempting to link profiles with a hierarchical relationship and linked indirectly. For example, if Company A is the parent of Company B, and Company B is the parent of Company C, then Company A cannot also be the parent of Company C as it would create a relationship that already exists. See Relationships.


Country Specific - Egypt - TOURISM_TAX_EGYPT Tax Function Added

The following is generically available but should be reviewed by properties in Egypt.

A TOURISM_TAX_EGYPT function is added to Tax Generates configuration for the calculation of Tourism and Antiquities Tax.

The function generates tax on the reservation net room revenue amount and can be set to generate the Tourism and Antiquities Tax for a one percent tax with a minimum amount to post of five and a maximum of 50.

The tax is calculated when a lodging revenue transaction code is configured as tax exclusive or tax inclusive and posted as the rate code transaction code. Posting the transaction code as a fixed charge or as a manual posting, the tax is calculated based on the rate amount and number of adults on the reservation.

The TOURISM_TAX_EGYPT function requires the following input parameters:
  • Tax Percentage

  • Minimum Amount to Post

  • Maximum Amount to Post

Posting the lodging revenue transaction code as a fixed charge or as a manual posting, the tax is always calculated based on the net room rate amount and number of adults on the reservation. Posting a different amount to the reservation rate amount generates the Tourism Tax based on the net room rate amount and number of adults on the reservation.

Refer to Egypt - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2600197.1

Country Specific - Germany - City Tax Updated

The following is generically available but should be reviewed by properties in Germany:

You can calculate City Tax using the reservation discounted rate amount.

Creating a Package Code using the Formula CITY_TAX, the Calculate on Discounted Amount field is available.

Valid values for the field are Y or N:
  • Y = Consider the discounted rate amount for calculation.

  • N = Calculate using the original rate amount.


    If Room Type to Charge is active, the rate amount for the Room Type to Charge continues to be used as the original rate amount per the current behavior.

Leaving the Calculate on Discounted Amount field Blank or Null displays the same behavior as value N.

Refer to Germany - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2622122.1 (DOC2090).

Country Specific - Israel - Deferred Tax Updated

The following is available generically but should be reviewed by properties in Israel:

Updates add the Deferred Tax Calculation based on previous Guest Tax Type OPERA Control parameter to the Cashiering group and make it available when the following OPERA Controls are set to:
  • Allow Deferred Tax = ON.

  • Tax Types = ON.

  • Tax Type Calculation = PROFILE.


The default value for the Parameter = OFF.


Deferred Tax Calculation based on previous Guest Tax Type OPERA Control is active:
  • When postings are transferred from one window to another, or one reservation to another, the taxes do not change when a different Guest Profile Tax Type exists on the target window/reservation.

  • The postings generate the same tax they generated in the previous billing window.

Deferred Tax Calculation based on previous Guest Tax Type OPERA Control is inactive:
  • Existing Deferred Taxes functionality remains unchanged, and Deferred Tax is calculated based on the current Guest Profile Tax Type.

  • The postings generate the tax based on the current guest profile tax type linked to the billing window.

Refer to Israel - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2636143.1 (DOC6524).


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Cashiering group.

  4. Activate the Deferred Tax Calculation based on previous Guest Tax Type parameter. 

  5. Click Save.

Country Specific - Italy - Multiple Updates Added

Properties in Italy should review the following updates:

Country Specific - Italy - European Union Countries OPERA Control Added

The European Union Countries OPERA Control is added to the Country Specific group and is populated with country values by default with no action required.

Country Specific - Italy - Transmitter ID Added

A Transmitter ID field is added to the Localization panel of Property configuration and is a unique identifier for the property. See Configuring Properties.

Country Specific - Italy - Export Mapping Added

Seeded data is added for properties in Italy:

When you configure Export Mappings for Financial Transaction Codes in OPERA Cloud, you can select one of the User Defined Field Values from the list of values when you select the Search icon for MPCODE, located under the PA Mapping Type.

Country Specific - Italy - Italy E-Invoice Exports Updated

The Italy E-Invoice Exports (IT_E-INVOICE, IT_E-INVOICE_DAY) are updated.
  • All Fattura folios, and all Credit Bills generated against Fattura folios, are included in the Exports, irrespective of whether the payee is Italian or foreign.

  • Multiple sections of the Exports are updated.

Refer to Italy - OPERA Cloud Fiscal Primary Data Document 2563778.1.


The Italy E-Invoice Exports (IT_E-INVOICE, IT_E-INVOICE_DAY) reference the European Union Countries OPERA Control in order to determine which value should populate some elements in the export files.


  1. From the side menu, select OPERA Cloud, select Miscellaneous, select Exports, and then select Country.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select the IT_E-INVOICE Export, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Select the IT_E-INVOICE_DAY Export, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  5. Click New from Template.

  6. Search and select IT_E-INVOICE.

  7. Click Create and Continue.

  8. Click New from Template.

  9. Search and select IT_E-INVOICE_DAY.

  10. Click Create and Continue.

Country Specific - Philippines - Sample_Folio_Philippines Template Updated

The sample_folio_philippines RTF template is updated.

In the following scenarios, the folio footer for sample_folio_philippines.rtf displays the values for the transactions contained on the folio:
  • Information Folio.

  • Proforma Folio.

  • AR Invoice.

  • Folio generated with payment method Direct Bill/City Ledger.

  • The BIR Folio generated in a scenario where only an Acknowledgement Receipt is generated with the BIR Folio (only concessionaire charges exist on the billing window).


No change is required to existing customized folios. The updates appear automatically on the folio footer.

Official Folio Register

The Official Folio Register report (official_folio_register) in Report Group > BIR Reports is updated to display all BIR Folio/Numbers generated for the selected date range.


BIR Folio/Numbers generated for only concessionaire charges are displayed, but no revenue or tax is generated for concessionaire charges and no figures appear for these BIR Folio records.

Acknowledgment Receipt

In a scenario where a payment is made to the Billing window and only concessionaire charges are posted to the Billing screen, at folio generation, the acknowledgement receipt for the concessionaire charges appears before the BIR Folio is displayed.

Refer to Philippines - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2636950.1 (DOC6533).

Country Specific - Poland - Sample Folio Template Updated

Updates to the Sample Folio Poland data model (sample_folio_poland.xml) and sample_folio_poland.rtf template add the following data elements:

Data Elements Data Elements


































































  • RCS_ID


















Country Specific - Poland - Items Removed

Multiple items are removed from OPERA Cloud for Poland properties. Note: These items were migrated to or created in OPERA Cloud a long time ago, but the functionality for them was never implemented (and never will be implemented).
  • The Folio Types screen no longer displays the column headers for Internal and Correction.

  • The Manage Folio Type screen no longer displays the check boxes for Internal and Correction.

  • The Report Group for Correction Header Folios is removed.

  • The Sample Header Correction report (sample_header_correction.rtf) is removed.

Refer to Poland - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2620050.1.

Country Specific - Poland - PL_JPK_FA Updated

The PL_JPK_FA Export is updated to exclude POS Account Credit Bills when the Export Mapping for Polish JPK Export Property Codes includes the value Y.

Refer to Poland - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2620050.1.


  1. From the side menu, select OPERA Cloud, select Miscellaneous, select Exports, and then select Country.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select the PL_JPK_FA Export, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Click New from Template.

  5. Search and select PL_JPK_FA.

  6. Click Create and Continue.

  7. Click New from Template.

See Updating Customized Stationery with Current Data Model.

Country Specific - Portugal - PT_SAFT_104 Country Export Updated

The updated PT_SAFT_104 country export includes records for internally voided folios where a fiscal failure occurs, and the folio cannot be sent to OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution (OFIS). In this scenario, a record appears in the export with the InvoiceStatus value of "A." Voided Folios are included in the NumberOfEntries value, and the TotalDebit and TotalCredit values are 0.00.

To ensure the correct total appears in <DocumentTotals>, the Do Not Nullify the Void Folio's Information OPERA Control must be Off.

For example:

Sample showing voided folio status, number of entries, and zero credit and debit.

Refer to Portugal - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2629862.1 .

Country Specific - Portugal - PT_SAFT_104 Export Updated

An update to the PT_SAFT_104 export excludes POS Account Credit Bills when the Internal Credit Bill for POS Accounts OPERA Control is active.

Refer to Portugal - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2629862.1.


  1. From the side menu, select OPERA Cloud, select Miscellaneous, select Exports, and then select Country.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select the PT_SAFT_104 Export, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Click New from Template.

  5. Search and select PT_SAFT_104.

  6. Click Create and Continue.

Country Specific - Romania - Convert Folio Added

When the Credit Bill and Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types OPERA Controls are active, you can create a maximum of three Credit Folio Types.

On the Manage Folio Types screen, the non-mandatory Linked Credit Bill selection list appears when Cashiering > Parameters > Credit Bill and Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types are on. The list provides only Credit Folio Types not linked to other Folio Types for selection.


In a scenario where a Credit Folio Type is not linked to a regular Folio Type, the Credit Folio Type not linked acts as a default.

The following are available for Country Mode RO:

Folio Types:
  • Folio Types for FACTURA and NOTA can be created. 

  • The Manage Folio Type screen displays a Fiscal checkbox.

Role Manager > Tasks

A new Role Manager Task exists for Convert Folio in Cashiering Workspace > Folio History. When assigned to a user, the Convert Folio link is available for valid folios in Folio History.


When generating a folio in Billing, you are prompted to select the Folio Type to be generated.

Accounts Receivables

When generating a new invoice in Accounts Receivables, you are prompted to select the Folio Type to be generated.

Folio History > Convert Folio

In Folio History, the Convert Folio link is available for eligible folios. You can convert Folio Types using either of the following:
  • from Folio Type FACTURA to Folio Type NOTA, or

  • from Folio Type NOTA to Folio Type FACTURA.


The Convert Folio link is not available when selecting Credit Bills or NOTA Folios settled to Direct Bill. 

Refer to Romania - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2890881.1


See Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types OPERA Controls Added.

Country Specific - Taiwan - Currency Exchange Receipt Data Model Updated

The following is available generically but should be reviewed by properties in Taiwan. Updates to the sample_exrecpt.rtf and data model (XML) add the following elements:

Area Description Element


Guest Full Name (First, Middle, Last)



Date of Birth (unmasked)

BIRTH_DATE (Formatted String)

BIRTH_DATE_ISO (Canonical Date)





Passport Number (ID Type with ID Role = PASSPORT) (unmasked)



Foreign Currency Amount


Refer to Taiwan - Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Fiscal Reference Guide 2800520.1.


The Event section applies to:
  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Essentials Edition.

  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Standard Edition.

  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Premium Edition.

Features that are specific to the Sales and Event Management Premium Edition are marked with the Premium badge. Premium badge icon.

Option to Move Events Added When Block Dates Are Expanded or Decreased

When expanding or decreasing the block dates by changing the Start Date, End Date, and Number of Nights, you are prompted to move the events if they fall within the new block dates. If you select No, the events remains on the original dates. If you select Yes, then the events move based on the delta from the original dates.
  • If you decrease the number of nights and one or more events fall outside the block dates, you are prompted with a warning message stating the block dates cannot be changed.

  • When the Event Waitlist OPERA Control is active and the events have function spaces assigned, and you move them to a date where the space is not available, your events are waitlisted.

  • When the Event Waitlist OPERA Control is inactive and the events have function space(s) assigned, and you move them to a date where the space is not available, you receive a warning message, and your changes are reverted.

For properties with the Master Sub Blocks OPERA Control active, you can change the master block start date, end date, and number of Master Sub Blocks nights for synchronized blocks, and you are prompted with the option to move the events for the sub blocks as long as the events fall within the new block dates. 
  • When the Event Waitlist OPERA Control is active and the events have function spaces assigned, and you move them to a date where the space is not available, your events are waitlisted.

  • When the Event Waitlist OPERA Control is inactive and the events have function space(s) assigned, and you move them to a date where the space is not available, you receive a warning message, and your changes are reverted.


CC Accruals Added to City Ledger Export

An Include CC Accruals in City Ledger Export OPERA Control added to the Exports group enables you to include credit card accruals in the Back Office City Ledger export even when the Account Receivables OPERA Control is inactive.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. From the OPERA Control groups listed on the left side panel, select the Exports group.

  3. Select the Include CC Accruals in City Ledger Export OPERA Control to update.


Daily Details Added to Check-in

An updated Check In Reservation overview section provides a Daily Details link to launch Daily Details.

Daily Details


Brazil: OFIS Partner List Updated

Properties in Brazil with the Fiscal Business Events OPERA Control active should review the following update (also available generically).

Italy - Fiscal Integration Updated

A <TransmitterId> element is added to the <HotelInfo> section when the Country Mode = IT (Italy).
  • The value from the Transmitter ID field on the Localization screen is included in the element for <TransmitterId>.

  • If the field for Transmitter ID is blank, then the value from the Property Tax ID OPERA Control is included in the element for <TransmitterId>.

Fiscal Export Mapping Updated

Properties with the Fiscal Folio Printing or Fiscal Business Events OPERA Control active should review the following update (also available generically). The following update is available generically and should be reviewed by properties with the Fiscal Folio Printing or Fiscal Business Events OPERA Control active.

OPERA Fiscal Integration Cloud Solution Added

OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution (OFIS), available as a cloud solution, enables fiscal partners or government agencies to integrate using Cloud APIs. You can configure OFIS in the cloud and run it from OPERA Cloud, eliminating the need for a separate interface machine to run OFIS for specific Fiscal Integrations.

You can access OFIS Cloud logs in the Oracle OCI Logging Analytics tool, a cloud service that monitors, aggregates, indexes, and analyzes all log data. Consult the relative Country/Fiscal Partner documentation for further details. See Oracle Hospitality OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution Documentation Library & Links.

A Fiscal Integration OPERA Control is added to the Cashiering group to enable fiscal communication with the OFIS Cloud APIs.

An OFIS Configuration task is added to the Financial Admin group to enable access to OFIS Cloud configuration.

See Configuring OFIS Cloud Integrations.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Cashiering group.

  4. Locate the Fiscal Folio Printing OPERA Control and activate the Fiscal Integration parameter.

  5. From the side menu, select Role Manager and select either Manage Chain Roles or Manage Property Roles according to your needs.

  6. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  7. Select the role to update, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

  8. Select the Financial Admin group and grant the OFIS Configuration task.

  9. Click Save.

Profile Business Events Updated for Negotiated Rates

For properties with the Negotiated Rates OPERA Control active, OPERA Cloud provides a new Publish Profile Business Events with Modified Negotiated Rates OPERA Control. When active, it includes only New, Modified, and Deleted Negotiated Rates in the Profile Business Events.


This does not apply to legacy OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) XML handling (OXI continues to include the full profile/details).


Steps to enable new Publish Profile Business Events with modified Negotiated Rates:

  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Profiles group.

  4. Locate and activate the Publish Profile Business Events with modified Negotiated Rates parameter.


Mask Membership Numbers OPERA Control Added

Mask Membership Numbers OPERA Control added in the Membership group enables you to mask membership Card Numbers.

When the Mask Membership Numbers OPERA Control is inactive, Card Numbers always appear unmasked.

Membership screen

When the Mask Membership Numbers OPERA Control is active, Card Numbers appear masked. If you have the (existing) View Membership Number task assigned to your role, you can view the unmasked card number in the profile Membership panel.

Membership screen with masked card numbers


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Membership group.

  4. Locate and activate the Mask Membership Numbers parameter.

  5. From the side menu, select Role Manager and then select either Manage Chain Roles or Manage Property Roles according to your needs.

  6. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  7. Select the role to update, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

  8. Select the Client Relations group and grant the View Membership Number Task

  9. Click Save.

Membership Claim OPERA Control Added

Loyalty badge A Membership Claim OPERA Control, added to the Membership group, enables the existing membership claim functionality: 


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Membership group.

  4. Locate and activate the Membership Claim function.

Points Exception Management Added

Loyalty badge An added Membership Points Exception OPERA Control enables you to configure point calculation exception criteria. See Configuring Membership Type Point Calculation and Tier Management. You can then review and manage (Accept, Reject, or Adjust) these exceptions. See Managing Membership Exceptions.

Points Calculation

Membership Exceptions


  1. Enable new OPERA Controls:
    1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

    2. Select or confirm the Property.

    3. Select the Membership group.

    4. Locate and activate the Membership Points Exception parameter.

  2. Assign new user tasks to roles:
    1. From the side menu, select Role Manager and then select either Manage Chain Roles or Manage Property Roles according to your needs.

    2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

    3. Select the role to update, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

    4. Select the Client Relations group and grant the Membership Points Exception task.

    5. Click Save.

Points Expiration Updated

Loyalty badge You can define the Expiry Period for award points in Membership Points Calculation configuration. If a member earns points, those points expire and appear in the Points to Expiry section. You can extend the Expiration Date based on the rule defined in the Grace Period in Months and Grace Period in Years fields of Point Calculation details.

Resync Stay Records to External System Added

For properties with the Stay Record and Subscription Management OPERA Controls active, a member profile with active subscriptions displays a Resync to External System action link to generate stay record business events to external systems. See Viewing Profile History Stay and Revenue Statistics

Stay Records Search

Stay Statistics


ACT - putActivitiesBulkUpdate Added

The Activities (ACT) API includes a new operation named putBulkActivities. This new operation allows you to update multiple activities in one request.

BLK Async - ShiftBlock Operation Added

The Block Async API includes the ShiftBlock async operation, enabling you to shift block dates for a business block with rooms inventory or events or both. If a record updates during the time the asynchronous process is running, a message informs you that the record is in use.

BLK - getBlocks Operation Updated

The getBlocks operation in the Block (BLK) API includes a new fetch instruction, IncludeSubBlocks. When a Master Block ID passes as the blockIdList parameter and this fetch instruction is included, the block summaries of the linked Sub Blocks return along with the Master Block Summary. If the Block ID of a non-master block passes only, the Block Summary matching the ID passed is returned.

BLK - postDefaultBlockCode Added

The Block (BLK) API includes a new postDefaultBlockCode operation when copying a master block. This operation retrieves the default values for block code based on the value defined in the Block Code Generation Pattern OPERA Control for the linked sub blocks that are copied as part of the copy block operation.

BLK - putBlock Operation Updated

The putBlock operation of the Block API (BLK) includes a new element called applyMoveEvents. This allows you to indicate whether catering event dates are to change when the block dates change.

CRM Async: stayRecords Operation Added

The stayRecords operation, added to the Profiles API (CRM), imports stay records for a profile. You can include reservation stay details such as booking date, arrival, departure date, rate information, room revenue, other revenue, and so on in the request body. This new operation follows the asynchronous pattern. See Oracle Hospitality Asynchronous APIs

CRM Config: post/put/getMembershipType Operations Updated

The multipleRooms attribute in postMembershipTypes, putMembershipType, and getMembershipType operations (CRM Config API) is changed to an integer in order to support a maximum value of 999.

CRM - getCompanyProfile Operation Updated

The getCompanyProfile operation in the CRM API has a new Enum entry called Subscriptions added to the fetchInstructions query parameter. This allows you to fetch Subscriptions (External References) for the selected company profile.

CRM - getMembershipPointsExceptions and putMembershipPointsExceptions Operation Added

Loyalty badge The following operations are added the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) API:
  • getMembershipPointsExceptions - allows you to fetch Membership Points Exceptions.

  • putMembershipPointsExceptions - allows you to accept and reject the Membership Points Exceptions that were flagged as exceptions.
    • Updated the size of type for the MembershipTransactionId object from 20 to 25.

CRM - getMembershipTransaction Operation Updated

Loyalty badgeThe getMembershipTransaction operation in CRM API is updated by adding the exceptionRejected attribute. This allows you to identify whether the Membership Points Exception is rejected.

FOF Outbound - postRoomKeysOutbound Operation Added

The postRoomKeysOutbound operation in the Front Office Outbound (FOF Outbound API) manages requests for Door Lock Room Keys. OPERA Cloud uses this operation when connected to external Door Lock Systems through the Outbound Systems configuration. OPERA Cloud uses this operation to request the following:
  • New or additional room keys.

  • To activate new keys after check in.

  • A room key that is not related to a guest reservation but valid for a defined time.

  • To re-encode a key where other keys for this room remain active.

  • To read a key data from a room key and display it to the user in the property management system.

  • To modify existing key data upon a room move or change of departure date (online key systems only).

  • To remove/delete a room key from a room (usually sent with check out of a reservation).


  • The Vendor can use specifications to implement the API. 

  • The Multiple Guest Room Key OPERA Cloud function must be inactive.

  • The postRoomKeysOutbound operation replaces the existing postExternalRoomKeys operation. 

FOF - postRoomKeysExternal Operation Added

A postRoomKeysExternal operation added to the Front Office (FOF) API allows you to manage requests for Door Lock Room Keys. The external system sends the operation through OHIP (Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform) to OPERA Cloud to request room keys and then sends out from OPERA Cloud to the outbound service. The API works only with DLS systems integrating through the postRoomKeysOutbound API.

OPERA Cloud uses the following operations:
  • New or additional room keys.

  • To activate new keys after check-in.

  • A room key that is not related to a guest reservation but valid for a defined time.

  • To re-encode a key where other keys for this room remain active.

  • To read a key's data from a room key and display it to the user in the property management system.

  • To modify existing key data upon room move or change of departure date (online key systems only).

  • To remove/delete a room key from a room (usually sent with check out of a reservation).


The Multiple Guest Room Key OPERA Cloud function to be Off.

HSK - getHousekeepingDailyInfo and setHousekeepingDailyInfo Added

New getHousekeepingDailyInfo and setHousekeepingDailyInfo operations are added in the Housekeeping (HSK) API. The fetch operation retrieves the daily Cleaning Time and Room Instruction details during the reservation stay dates. The put operation allows for the Cleaning Time and Room Instruction details to be set on a daily basis.

New Operations Added in Leisure Management (LMS) API

Four operations are added to the Leisure Management (LMS) API, enabling you to manage Leisure Activities directly on the profile in OPERA Cloud. These Activities are sent from an external application to OPERA Cloud for bookings such as spa or golf activities, advising a property that the guest has active Activity Bookings.

Operations Added:
  1. postActivityBookingsonProfile - enables you to create an activity booking on a guest profile.

  2. putActivityBookingsonProfile - enables modification of activity bookings on a guest profile.

  3. deleteActivityBookingsonProfile - enables you to cancel an activity booking associated to a guest profile.

RSV - getPreConfiguredRoutingInstructions API Updated

You can use the optional query parameter reservationId with the getPreConfiguredRoutingInstructions operation in the Reservation (RSV) API to retrieve default routing instructions for all associated profiles (Company, Travel Agent, Source, Group, Contact) attached to a reservation. When this query parameter is used, the response includes the profileId for each of the associated profiles with configured default routing instructions. When the Profiles Per Day OPERA Control is active, you can see the specific dates that the associated profile(s) with configured default routing instructions are attached to the reservation by referring to the beginDate and EndDate elements respectively for each associated profile included in the response.

RSV - postCombineShareReservations Operation Updated

The postCombineShareReservations operation in the Reservation (RSV) API is updated, allowing you to define a Rate Distribution for share reservations. The dailyRates element is added to the combineShareFromExistingReservationType element. The dailyRates type holds the daily rate information for the joining reservation, enabling the custom split distribution to work.


Definable Manager's Report Updated

The Definable Manager adds the Source Room In House to the report configuration and generates the number of reservations linked to each source profile. See Managing Definable Manager’s Report.


Combine Shares Search Updated

For properties with the Shares OPERA Control active, a combine share reservation now includes the following search options: External Reference, Confirmation Number, Reservation Status, and Linked Name search options.

Search and Select Reservation

Daily Details Changes Icon Added

An changing value image icon indicates changing values in reservation daily details for Adults, Children, Block Code, Fixed Rate, Rate Code, Room Type to Charge, Market Code, Source Code, Discount Amount, Discount Code fields, and in Company, Travel Agent, Source, Group, Reservation Contact, and Billing Contact linked profiles (Available when the Profiles per Day OPERA Control is active).

Rate Amount changes are indicated by therate change icon icon in Look to Book and Reservation Presentation.

Reservation Overview

Linked Profiles

Changing Rate

Default Routing Instructions Updated to Include Begin and End Date

For properties with the Routing and Profiles Per Day OPERA Controls active, when you are prompted to add default routing instructions for a linked Company, Travel Agent, Source, Group, or Contact profile, you can see the Begin Date and End Date of the associated profile linked to the reservation, and these dates are defaulted to the routing instructions when selected for the routing.

Routing Instructions

Default Share Pricing Distribution Method OPERA Control Added

For properties with the Shares OPERA Control active, the Reservations group includes a Default Share Pricing Distribution Method OPERA Control setting that lets you specify the default Share Price Distribution value when combining or creating share reservations. If the Default Share Pricing Distribution Method OPERA Control setting is null, you must make a selection for each share created. See Managing Reservations Shares.

Manage Reservation


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Reservations group.

  4. Locate the Shares OPERA Control and then select a value for the Default Share Pricing Distribution Method setting.

Housekeeping Daily Information Added

The Housekeeping panel includes a new Manage Daily Information link. When you select the link, the Housekeeping Daily Information displays the Cleaning Time and Room Instructions for future reservation dates. You can update the Cleaning Time and/or Room Instructions for specific dates. The Cleaning Time and Room Instructions for the relevant date are output on the daily task sheets and appear in the Task Companion. See Task Sheets.


An Include Past Days checkbox allows you to view the housekeeping details for past nights.

Housekeeping Daily Information

Linked Reservations Updated

An update to the Linked Reservation panel adds a link to a reservation action for linking to an existing reservation. See Managing Linked Reservations.

Linked Reservation

Multi Property Move Reservation Updated

The following OPERA Controls are added to the Reservation group for multi-property operations and moving reservations to other properties..
  • Move Reservation With Same Rate Amount function - Enables you to move reservations to another property while retaining the rate amount and rate code. (Excludes reservations with daily rate changes (daily details)).
    • Move Fixed Charges with Reservation parameter - Enables you to move fixed charges with reservation. Fixed charge transaction code must be configured in the destination property.

    • Move Sell Separate Packages with Reservation parameter - Enables you to move Sell Separate Packages with reservation. Package code must be configured in the destination property.

    • Default Reservation Move Rate Code setting - Defines the default rate code use when the reservation rate code is not configured in the destination property.

When the Move Reservation With Same Rate Amount OPERA Controls is active, you receive a message to move the reservation and retain the rate amount.
  • Selecting Yes allows you to move reservations with the current rate amount from one property to another, along with fixed charges (Move Fixed Charges with Reservation OPERA Control active) and Sell Separate Packages (Move Sell Separate Packages with Reservation OPERA Control active).
    • If the reservation rate code is not configured in the destination property, then the rate code selected in the Default Reservation Move Rate Code OPERA Control is used for the reservation.

  • Selecting No displays all available rate codes for the destination property.

Once the property move is completed, OPERA Cloud generates a new confirmation number, and a reservation note is added with the following details.
  • Source Property Confirmation

  • Source property Rate Code

  • Source Property Room Type

  • Source Property Rate Amount

  • Source Property Packages

  • Source Property Fixed Charges

See Moving Reservations to Other Properties.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Reservation Group.

  4. Activate the Move Reservation With Same Rate Amount function.

  5. Activate the Move Fixed Charges with Reservation parameter.

  6. Activate the Move Sell Separate Packages with Reservation parameter.

  7. Update the Default Reservation Move Rate Code setting.

OPI Cloud Token Proxy Service Added

For properties with the OPI Cloud Credit Card Processing OPERA Control active, a new OPI Token Proxy Service OPERA Control added to the Credit Card group enables you to access the OPI configuration link (to launch OPI configuration) from the General Information section of the EFT Interface.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Credit Card group.

  4. Locate the OPI Cloud Credit Card Processing OPERA Control and activate the OPI Token Proxy Service parameter.

OPI Cloud Token Proxy Service Added

Distribution badge For properties with the OPI Cloud Credit Card Processing OPERA Control active, an OPI Token Proxy Service OPERA Control added to the Credit Card group enables you to access the OPI configuration link (to launch OPI configuration) from the General Information section of the EFT Interface.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Credit Card group.

  4. Locate the OPI Cloud Credit Card Processing OPERA Control and activate the OPI Token Proxy Service parameter.

OPI Cloud Token Proxy Service for Reservation Sales Screen Added

Central Badge For properties with the OPI Cloud Credit Card Processing OPERA Control active, a new OPI Token Proxy Service OPERA Control added to the Credit Card group enables you to access the OPI configuration link (to launch OPI configuration) from the General Information section of the EFT Interface. You can also access the OPERA pay widget from the Reservation Sales Screen to enter credit card details and obtain a token using the OPI Cloud interface.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Credit Card group.

  4. Locate the OPI Cloud Credit Card Processing OPERA Control and activate the OPI Token Proxy Service parameter.

Pay By Link for Deposit Requests Added

For properties with the OPI Cloud Credit Card Processing OPERA Control active and the Advance Deposit Handling OPERA Control set to 0, 1, or 2, a Pay By Link OPERA Control that’s added to the Credit Card group enables you to generate an HTML email containing a URL for the recipient to launch and enter payment details for a deposit request. You can check the status of the payment and regenerate payment link emails as needed. See Managing Reservation Deposit Payments.


Email Delivery Management provides a Pay by Link delivery method to set up the pay-by link email content. See Configuring Delivery Management.

Email Delivery Settings


You can use Pay by Link functionality when the payment service provider (PSP) is integrated by the Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) Cloud and supports Pay by Link services.

See OPI Tenant Configuration Portal User Guide.

See OPI Tenant Configuration Portal User Guide- direct link.


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Credit Card group.

  4. Locate and activate the Pay By Link function.

Rate Award Reservation Cancellation Updated

Loyalty badge For properties with the Award Point Redemption OPERA Control active, a prompt provides you with details of expired points when cancelling a rate award reservation.

Cancel Reservation Confirmation

Example: There is a Loyalty member who has 10,000 points due to expire today before any reservation.


Then, the system adds a Rate Award Reservation of 10 Award Points.

Reservation Overview

Points to Expire values update based on the rate Award Reservation.


If that reservation is cancelled, OPERA Cloud considers the current points expired, plus the points reflected by the award reservation, less any penalty points.


Reservation Color Hover Text Added to Search Results

For properties with the Reservation Color Definition OPERA Control set to Reservation, Market Code, VIP Code, or Membership, hover text appears in reservation search results for the reservation color indicated.

Manage Reservation Search

Reservation Sales Screen Updated for Shares

Central badge The Reservation Sales Screen refreshes the Total Cost of Stay, Rate Amount, and Share Amount values for the current reservation when adding shares. See Using the Reservation Sales Screen

Route All Transactions to Share Reservation Added

For properties with the Sharers and Routing OPERA Controls active, a Route Transactions to Payee field added to the Shares panel allows you to select a share reservation as the payee. A new Route Transactions to Payee OPERA Control enables a default payee. When you select a payee, routing instructions are automatically created for (*) all charges. For existing shares, a Mark as Payee action link is added to select the payee. See Managing Reservations Shares


Look to Book is updated with the Route Transactions to Payee field for use when creating share reservations. See Using Look to Book Sales Screen

Look To Book Sales Screen


  1. From the side menu, select Administration, select Enterprise, and then select OPERA Controls.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Select the Reservations group.

  4. Locate the Shares OPERA Control.

  5. Activate the Route Transactions to Payee parameter.


The Sales section applies to:
  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Essentials Edition.

  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Standard Edition.

  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management Premium Edition.

  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Central Management Services

Features that are specific to the Sales and Event Management Premium Edition are marked with the Premium badge. Premium badge icon.

Features that are specific to Central Management Services are marked with the Central badge. Central badge

Multiple Edit Activities Added

For properties with the Activities OPERA Control active, you can select and simultaneously update multiple activities. See Managing Sales Activities.

Manage Activities


AR Health Check Updated

The AR Health Check analyzes and corrects imbalances spanning five years. See Using the Imbalance Analysis Utility.

Also, the following types of imbalances automatically correct during End of Day:
  • Package versus guest imbalance

  • Cashier Ledgers Imbalance

  • Invalid Passer-by transactions

  • Effective package ledger imbalance

Catering Budget Forecast Added to Import Data

For properties with the Catering Events and Budget Forecast OPERA Controls active, you can import catering budgets. The import process lets you create monthly budget and/or forecast records for Revenue or Covers based on Revenue Group, Market Code, Event Type, or Meal Period (available when the Catering Meal Periods OPERA Control is active) using the Budget_Forecast.csv template. See About Data Import.