Accounts Receivables

Prerequisites for Accounts Receivables

Use the Accounts Receivables module to create AR Accounts and streamline the management of AR invoices and collection of payment. AR Accounts are linked to profiles and one profile may have multiple AR Accounts, based on a specific AR Address. In multi-property operations, you can distribute AR Accounts to other properties. For more information, see Managing Accounts Receivables Accounts.

Premium badge icon. The Accounts Receivables module is also used to manage authorized complimentary charges, For more information, see Comp AR Accounts.

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When the (AR) Traces OPERA Control is active, you can add actionable reminders to AR Accounts, for more information, see Managing Accounts Receivable Traces.

You can also add notes to AR Accounts, for more information, see Managing Accounts Receivables Notes.  

Reservation account balances settled using the Direct Bill  / City Ledger Transfer payment method (defined in the Direct Bill Settlement Code OPERA Control) are processed during end of day, creating invoices that must be transferred to their AR Accounts. When the Automatic Transfer of Direct Bill Folios OPERA Control is active, invoice transfer is automated. When the Automatic Transfer of Direct Bill Folios OPERA Control is inactive, you must manually transfer invoices to their AR Accounts, giving you the opportunity to make corrections prior to transfer.. For more information, see Managing Direct Bill Transfers.

For credit card payment methods setup to be managed and remitted in Accounts Receivable, you must also manage the individual credit card payments posted to reservation accounts. Credit card payment consolidation (to an invoice) occurs automatically when the Consolidate Credit Card OPERA Control is active, for more information, see Accounts Receivables Credit Card Transfer.

When the (AR) Fixed Charges OPERA Control is active, you can setup reoccurring periodic charges on AR Accounts, for more information, see Managing Accounts Receivables Fixed Charges .

You can also post a charge to multiple AR Accounts using batch charges see Using Accounts Receivable Batch Charges.

When the Create Invoices with Negative Amounts OPERA Control is active, you can create invoices with a negative balance, such as credit note.

When the Charges Transfer OPERA Control is active, you can transfer charges from one AR invoice to another, see Managing AR Invoice Details.

When the Invoice Finalize Date OPERA Control is active you can finalize invoices to prevent further charges or adjustments from being posted, nor can existing charges be transferred or edited to update the Reference or Supplement

The Date for Aging OPERA Control determines which date is reference to determine age of invoices

  • ART (AR Transfer from Front Office date)

  • INC (Invoice Finalized date, available when the Invoice Finalize Date OPERA Control is active)

  • COD (Check Out date)

  • ING (Invoice Generation date)

Un-allocated payments are included in aging when the Credits Aging OPERA Control is active.

When the Payment Due Days OPERA Control is active, you can specify the payment terms for an AR Account and output the payment due date on invoices. For more information, see Managing Accounts Receivables Accounts.

When the Finance Charges OPERA Control is active, you can setup a late payment charge on the overdue balance for various AR Account types, see Configuring Accounts Receivable Account Types.

To assist with payment collection you can generate reminder letters and statements.  When the Unallocated Payments On Reminders OPERA Control is active, unallocated payments are included on reminders. The Minimum Reminder Days OPERA Control determines the minimum days between sending two reminder letters to the same AR Account. When the Statement Numbering OPERA Control is active a unique number is assigned to each statement generated, allowing you to see which invoices have been included in each statement and to search for invoices using the statement (reference) number. The sample_statement_numbering template must be customized when utilizing the statement numbering feature. For more information, see Creating and Generating Accounts Receivable Statements.


Zero balance invoices are purged according to the Zero Invoice Purge Days OPERA Control.