About Transaction Generates

Generates are rules used to calculate and post additional charges, such as service charges and taxes, when a particular sales charge transaction code is posted to Guest, Package or AR ledgers.

Generates can be configured in various ways:

  • Post an amount calculated as a percentage of the initial charge posted.

  • Post a flat amount each time the initial charge (any amount) is posted.

  • Post using a predefined function to calculate the amount (Country specific). For more information, see Generate UDF Functions.

  • When the Advanced Generates OPERA Control is active you can setup additional options for Generates; such as Days to Stop Posting and Adjustment options.

  • When the Tax Types OPERA Control is active you setup Generate rules for each tax type specified on profiles or reservations. Tax type generate rules support tax exemption and tax concession.

  • Generate a charge based on the result of a previous generated charge (tax on tax).

The Generates Inclusive checkbox on each sales charge transaction code determines if the generated tax charges are posted additionally and separately to the posted amount (referred to as Exclusive Tax) , or if the generated tax charges are included in the posted amount (referred to as Inclusive tax). When negative charge amounts are posted (for example a rebate), negative generates also post according to the generate rules that apply to the transaction code.

Table 13-26 5.5% Tax Generate Example

Generates Inclusive Posted Amount Generate (5.5% Base) Nett Revenue Balance











You can setup Generates on a transaction code group, transaction code subgroup or individual sales charge transaction codes. If all charges are subject to the same type of tax at the same tax rate, then the generate can be configured on the transaction group and inherited by all transaction codes linked back to the transaction group via subgroups. If tax only applies to some charges, then the tax generate can be configured on sub-groups or individual transaction codes. When a generate is configured at the group level and a different generate is configured on a subgroup, the transaction codes linked to subgroup inherit both the generates. You can add as many generates to a transaction code, transaction group, or transaction subgroup as necessary. 

Furthermore, you can use the result of one generate calculation as the basis for calculating subsequent generates. For example, assume you want to calculate a tax based on the total that results from the posted charge amount plus a service charge amount the base amount of the posting is held in each bucket that has been selected to include the transaction amount. If the bucket has not been selected to include the transaction amount, the starting amount for that bucket is zero.

Table 13-27 Tax on Tax Generates Example

Generates Inclusive Posted Amount Generate1 (10% Base) Generate2 (5.5% from Sub1) Nett Revenue Balance














You cannot configure Generates for transaction codes linked back to a Transaction Group configured as Payment or the transaction code linked back to a transaction group configured as Wrapper.