Generate UDF Functions

Generate Based on Adults


This function accepts a number (for example, a package price or allowance) and multiplies it against the number of adults associated with the reservation.


generate_on_adults (RESV_NAME_ID,number)


Parameter Description


System-assigned reservation ID. Provided by the function.


A number (for example, a package price or allowance)


Assume that a meal allowance on a transaction code is based on the number of adults on the reservation. If the meal allowance is 140 per adult, use this function as follows to determine the allowance:

generate_on_adults (RESV_NAME_ID,140)



This function calculates an accommodation tax that depends on the net room rate per adult as described below.

The default "threshold" net room rate values and the resulting per-adult tax amounts are hard coded into the function, however, the function ( can be edited to change the following values:
  • If the net room rate per adult (excluding tax, service charge, and package elements) is less than 10,000, there is zero tax.

  • If the net room rate per adult (excluding tax, service charge, and package elements) is between 10,000 and 15,000, the tax is 100 per adult.

  • If the net room rate per adult (excluding tax, service charge, and package elements) is above 15,000, the tax is 200 per adult.

  • In the event of sharing guests, the function calculates based on the rate per adult in the room.

  • When routing room rate to a PM room, the number of adults is taken from the originating room rather than from the PM room.


    When the room charge is routed, the Cashiering > Tax Type Calculation application setting must be set to Reservation for the number of adults to be based on the source reservation rather than the target (PM) reservation.


gen_tax_udf(RESV_NAME_ID, BASE)


Parameter Description


System-assigned reservation ID. Provided by the function.


Net room rate per adult (excluding tax, service charges, package elements).

Example 1

Two guests are sharing a room, each with a (split) rate of 8000 (total 16,000). Zero tax is applicable since the rate per person (16,000/2) is less than 10,000. If the sharing guest has a zero rate (the primary guest has a 16,000 rate and the sharer has a 0 rate), the rate per adult is still less than 10,000 (16,000/2) and the tax is 0.

Example 2

If the net room rate is 12,500 for each of 2 sharing guests (the per-adult rate is between 10,000 and 15,000), a tax of 100 would be posted to each guest. If the sharing guest has a zero rate (the primary guest has a 25,000 rate and the sharer has a 0 rate), the rate per adult is 12,500 (25,000/2) the tax is 200.

Calculate Tax (General Excise Tax) on Rate Code if Package is Included


This function calculates a tax on the full amount of a rate code if (and only if) a reservation has a package attached either to the rate code or directly on the reservation. The function checks whether a package exists on the reservation and, if so, calculates the specified percentage over the full amount. This function should be configured as a generate on the lodging transaction code.




Parameter Description


System-assigned reservation ID. Provided by the function.


Rate amount (excluding other taxes and service charges). Rate amount includes packages.


Tax to be applied to full amount of the rate code.

Example 1

All generates are configured as Tax Exclusive.

Rate for Rate Code TEST for 1 person is 500.00 (which includes a package for Breakfast for 20.00). Sales tax is 7.25% and TAT (Transient Accommodation Tax) is 7.25% on Room only. GET (General Excise Tax) is 4.166%.

The Sales tax, TAT and GET are configured using generates on their transaction codes.

GET generate employs gen_tax_udf_full function to calculate 4.166% over 500.

Create a reservation with the rate and check it in. Post room and tax. The postings are as follows:
  • Lodging 480.00 + 7.25% TAT tax (34.80)

  • Food 20.00 + 7.25% Sales tax (1.45)

  • GET calculated over 500.00 = 20.83