About Master and Sub-Allocations

Prerequisites for Master and Sub-Allocations

Master and Sub-Allocations provide a way for hotels to hold room inventory for wholesale reservations throughout the year based on past demand.

  • The Master Allocation holds inventory that the property wants to protect for certain customers such as tour operators and other groups.

  • The Sub Allocation takes rooms from the Master Allocation and marks them for reservations.

EXAMPLE: Based on experience, a property decides to set aside 50 rooms a night for tour groups. The property creates a Master Allocation and sets aside 50 rooms a night. When a tour company requests 20 rooms for a tour stay, the property creates a Sub Allocation and takes 20 of the 50 rooms from the Master Allocation. When a second tour company requests 10 rooms, the property creates another Sub Allocation and takes the 10 rooms from the Sub Allocation. The property can create additional Sub Allocations until the Master Allocation inventory is empty.

Master / Sub Allocation Rules:

  • The Elastic flag on a Master Allocation allows you to borrow room inventory from the House.

  • The Elastic flag on a Sub Allocation allows you to borrow room inventory from the Master Allocation (Sub Allocations cannot borrow inventory from each other).

  • If the Master Allocation inventory status is set to Definite, set all Sub Allocations to Definite.

  • If the Master Allocation inventory status is set to Tentative, set the Sub Allocations to either Tentative or Definite.

  • You can apply Sell limits to the Master Allocation or Sub Allocation. For the Master Allocation, the Sell Limit indicates the maximum number of rooms that can be part of the Master Allocation. For Sub Allocations, the Sell Limit indicates the maximum number of reservations that can be made on the Sub Allocation.

  • Shoulder Dates on a Sub Allocation must fall within the Master Allocation dates. Reservations against a Sub Allocation can extend to the Shoulder Dates on the Sub Allocation.

  • Wash Schedules on Sub Allocations return the rooms to the Master Allocation. Wash Schedules on Master Allocations return the rooms to house availability.