About Event Resources

Prerequisites for Event Resources

The Event Resources screen is "command central" for managing the resources (menus, decoration, audio visual equipment, etc) allocated to one or more events

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The Event Resources screen displays events by date range. Selecting an event reveals the resources attached to it and displays summary information on the quantity, expected revenue, discounts, notes, and so on. The Items tab and Menus tab let you search for and add more resources to an event.

You can edit, delete, copy, move, or add notes to the resources. The Event Resources screen also provides a link to the I Want To . . . menu for quick access to Create, View, and Go To actions related to events.

Related Topics

Managing Event Items

Select the various items or item templates required for an event. You can search for items based on Event Type or Name.

Items are grouped by item class and the Quantity (Stock) , Availability, Price, and Price Code  of each item is displayed in the search result.

This is the OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Premium Cloud Service badge Item templates are groupings of items that are normally be sold together; for example: LCD Projector, Projector Screen and a wireless lapel microphone. Item templates are indicated by Multi-Item templates icon (Available when the Item Templates OPERA Control is active).

Adding Items to Events

This is the OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Premium Cloud Service badge You can also use Quick Insert to search and add items and item templates to events, see Using Quick Insert.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources.

    1. Click the Items drawer tab.

    2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

    3. Select one or more items or item templates in the search result

    4. Quantity: Enter the required quantity of the item

    5. Click Save or click Save and Add More to add more items.

Adding Custom Items to Events

Premium badge If the item required is not configured, you can add an custom item.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources.

    1. Click the Itemsdrawer tab.

    2. Click Add Custom Item and complete the following:

      1. Name: Enter an item name.

      2. Description: Enter a description of the item.

      3. Revenue Type: Select the revenue type that should receive the accumulated revenue from this item.

      4. Item Class: Select an item class from the list. This item will be grouped for output on the banquet event order (BEO) and other reports.

      5. Departments: Enter or select the departments responsible for providing the item, if needed.

      6. Quantity of Items: Specify the number of the item. 

      7. Price: Specify the unit price of the item.

      8. External Order: Select check box if the item is provided by an external supplier.

      9. Print: Select check box to output item on the banquet event order (BEO).

      10. Click Save.

Editing Event Items

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources.

    1. Select the event item, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

      1. Attribute: Select an attribute from list.

      2. Price Code: Select a price code from the list.

      3. Discount: Enter any discount to be applied to the price, if applicable. (Enabled based on item class)

      4. Order: Enter an number.

      5. Quantity: Enter the required quantity of the item.

      6. Internal Cost Per Unit: Enter the internal cost of the item. 

      7. External Cost Per Unit: Enter the external cost for the item.

      8. Actual Internal Cost Per Unit: Enter the internal cost for the item, based on based on the Quantity.

      9. Actual External Cost Per Unit: Enter the external cost for the item, based on the Quantity.

      10. Vendor: Select an external supplier from the list, if applicable.

      11. Responsible Departments: Enter or select the departments responsible for providing the item, if needed

      12. Start Time: Enter a start time if different to the event start time.

      13. End Time: Enter an end time if different to the event end time.

      14. Setup Time: Enter setup time for the item.

      15. Tear Down Time: Enter tear down time for the item

      16. Click Save.

Deleting Event Items

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources.

    1. Select the event item, then click the vertical ellipsisActions menu, and select Delete.

    2. Click Delete to confirm.

Copying or Moving Event Resources

You can copy or move item and menu resources to other events.

  • Use the Copy action to copy resources to other events.

  • Use the Move action to move resources to another event.


    You cannot copy or move the function space resource.

Copying Resources to Other Events

Premium badge icon. When the Copy Resource Notes OPERA Control is active, resource notes are also copied. For more information see, Managing Resource Notes.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Select the items or menus, then click Copy.

    2. Enter event search criteria, then click Search.

    3. Select events in the search result

    4. Include Resources to the Package: Select check box to include resources in package (for package events).

    5. Click Copy Resources.

Moving Resources to Another Event

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Select the items or menus to copy, then click Move.

    2. Select the items or menus, then click Copy.

    3. Enter event search criteria, then click Search.

    4. Select an event in the search result.

    5. Include Resources to the Package: Select check box to include resources in package (for package events).

    6. Click Move Resources.

Applying Discounts to Event Resources

Premium badge icon. You can apply a percentage discount to event resources (menus, menu items, items, and function spaces) in the Resource Discount (%) field of Manage Block.

Applying Discount to Event Resources

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, then select Manage Block.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the block in the search result, then click I Want To . . . and select Block Details or open the block and select Block Details.
    1. Scroll to Catering Details section.

    2. Resource Discount (%): Enter a discount percentage.

    3. Click Save.

  4. From the Apply Discount prompt, apply the discount to any of the following options:

    • All discountable. Applies the discount to spaces and items (marked as discountable) with a rate code attached other than custom and the rate value is not zero. The discount also applies to menus and menu items where the rate value is not zero.

    • All resources with same discount%. Applies the discount to spaces and items with the same discount value, and have a rate code attached other than custom, and the rate value is not zero. The discount also applies to menus and menu items with the same discount value and where the rate value is not zero.

    • All discountable item resources. Applies the discount only to items that are configured as discountable, have a rate code attached other than custom, and the rate value is not zero. Menus and spaces are not updated with discount.

    • Item resources with same discount%. Applies the discount only to items that are configured as discountable, have the same discount entered, have a rate code attached other than custom, and the rate value is not zero. Menus and spaces are not updated with a discount.

    • All discountable menu and menu item resources. Applies the discount only to menus and menu items where the rate value is not zero. Items and spaces are not updated with a discount.

    • Menu and menu item resources with same discount %. Applies the discount only to menus and menu items that have the same discount value and where the rate value is not zero. Items and spaces are not updated with a discount.

    • All discountable function spaces. Applies the discount only to function spaces with a rate code attached other than custom and the rate value is not zero. Menus and items are not updated with a discount.

    • Function space with same discount%. Applies the discount only to function spaces that have the same discount entered, have a rate code attached other than custom, and the rate value is not zero. Menus and items are not updated with a discount.

    • None. No discount is applies to any resources.

    • Click Apply.

Managing Resource Notes

Event resource notes can be included on the customized banquet event order template by adding the <ITEM_NOTES> group of elements.

Adding Resource Notes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to...  and select Event Resources.

    1. Select the resource, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Add Note.

      1. Title: Enter a title for the note.

      2. Sequence: Enter a number to determine the order in which the note should appear when listed.

      3. Internal: Select check box to mark the note as internal. Internal notes can be excluded from output on client correspondence by default.

      4. Comment: Enter or paste the note details; a maximum of 2000 characters (single byte) is supported.

      5. Click Save or click Save and Continue to add another note.

Viewing and Updating Resource Notes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources.

    1. Locate the resource then click the Notes icon icon.

      1. Select the note, then click the [+] icon to expand the card, and read the note comments.

      2. Select the note, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

      3. Make your changes.

      4. Click Save.

Deleting Resource Notes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. From search results, select the event, click the I Want To . . . action, and select Event Resources.

  4. Locate the resource then click the Notes icon icon.

    1. Select the note, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

    2. Click Delete to confirm.

Managing Event Menus

You can search for menus based on Event Type or Dietary requirements. Click the name of a menu in the search result to view the details of the menu.

There are various type of menus available:

  • Standard: These menus are a compilation of menu items that are sold for an all inclusive price or as a group of separately priced items.

  • Consumption based: Menus based on what was actually consumed. The quantity requested for each item is only used to calculate the expected and guaranteed revenue for the event. Consumption menus are indicated by the letter (C). 

  • Premium badge  Multi-choice: Standard menus with choices for per course and sold for an all inclusive price. Multi-choice menus are indicated by the letter (M).

Adding Menus to Events

Premium badge You can also use Quick Insert to search and add menus, see Using Quick Insert

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Click the Menus drawer tab.

    2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

    3. Select a menu in the search result, then click Save or click Save and Add More to add another menu.

Adding Menu Items to Event Menus

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Select the event menu, then click the vertical ellipsisActions menu and select Edit.

      1. Click the Menu Items drawer tab.

      2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

      3. Select the menu items in the search result.

      4. Include In Menu: Select check box to include these items in the menu. 

      5. Click Add Menu Item.

    2. Click Save.

Adding Custom Menu Items to Event Menus

Premium badge You can manage custom (ad-hoc) menu items without having to configure the menu item resource. You can report on custom menu items using the F&B Plan (rep_fbplan) report.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Select the event menu, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

      1. Click the Menu Items drawer tab.

      2. Click Add Custom Item and complete the following:

        1. Course: Enter a course order number for the appropriate menu item, which controls the display order of the menu item on the screen and in the Banquet Event Order.

        2. Order: Enter the internal order of menu items within a course. This Course Order (in conjunction with the Course) controls the display order of the menu item on the screen and in the Banquet Event Order.

        3. Menu Item Name 1-3: Menu Item 1 is a mandatory field. You can use all three lines to describe this menu item. All three lines print in the Banquet Event Order.

        4. Revenue Type: Select the revenue type that should receive the accumulated revenue from this item. Refer to your operational standards for any further explanations.

        5. Responsible Department: Select the department that provides or organizes this item or needs to know that this item has been booked for a certain function. It enables printing kitchen reports filtered or grouped by Responsible Department.

        6. Consumption: Indicates that the menu item will be charged based on the amount consumed. When selected, the quantity entered will not print on the Banquet Event Order, but the quantity multiplied times the sales price is used in forecasting.

        7. Beverage: Select the check box to classify the menu item as a beverage. If deselected, the menu item is classified as food. Menu items marked as Beverage print in the Beverage box on the Banquet Event Order.

        8. Print: Select check box to print the menu item on external documents. If not checked, the menu items print only on internal documents.

        9. Sales Price: Specifies the value of this menu item if it were to be sold separately (if not included in a menu).

        10. Discount: Enter a percentage by which this item should be discounted.

        11. Container: Select how the item is sold (i.e. per dozen, per tray, each) 

        12. Servings: The number of servings the menu item contains (typically one serving).

        13. Total Quantity.

        14. Include in Menu: Select to include the menu item in the total price of the standard menu to which it is attached.

        15. Click Add Custom Menu Item or click Add More Custom Items to save and add another.

      3. Click Save.

Editing Event Menus

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Select the event menu, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

      1. Expected: Enter the expected number of guests for the menu.

      2. Guaranteed: Enter the guaranteed (minimum) number of guests that will be charged.

      3. Discount: Enter a discount percentage to discount the menu

      4. Order: Enter a display order.

      5. Serving Start: Enter a serving start time, if different to the event start time.

      6. Serving End: Enter a service end time, if different to the event end time.

      7. Revenue Type. Displays a breakdown of the menu price by revenue type. The Revenue column will show total revenue including revenue from non included /a la carte menu items.

        1. Menu Price: Enter a price.

      8. Click Save.

Editing Menu Item Details for Event Menus

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Select the event menu, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

      1. Select the event menu, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

        1. Course: The number of food courses the item represents.

        2. Order: The position of the catering meal type in a list.

        3. Menu Item Name: Menu item name as you want it to appear on all documents and contracts.

        4. Description: A free-typing field for adding information about the menu item.

        5. Restriction: Any limitations that apply to this menu item for information only.

        6. Origin 1, 2, 3: For creating additional explanations of beverage items, mostly for wines. Enter information such as origin, quality, or region for reference by team members.

        7. Year: Mostly used for wines or any beverages where vintage is important.

        8. Responsible Department: Select the department(s) that either provide or organize this menu item or needs to know that this item is booked for a certain event.

        9. Included: Select check box to indicate the menu item is usually included in the total price of a standard menu. If the check box is not checked, the menu it should be charged separately.

        10. Beverage: Select check box to classify the menu item as a beverage.

        11. Consumption: Select check box if the menu item is usually charged on an as-consumed basis.

        12. Print: Select check box output the menu item on client documents. Leave unchecked to print on internal documents only.

        13. Container: Select how the item is sold (i.e. per dozen, per tray, each) . 

        14. Servings: The number of servings in the container specified above.

        15. Portion: Describes the portion type served for the menu item.

        16. Sales Price: Specifies the value of this menu item if it were to be sold separately (if not included in a menu).

        17. Cost: Specify the cost for each menu item. This facilitates the calculation of profit / loss margins on various screen displays and reports.

        18. Revenue Type: The revenue type that should receive the accumulated revenue from this item. Typically, this would be Food for food items and Beverage for beverage items.

        19. Discount Percentage: Enter an allowable discount percentage.

        20. Click Save.

      2. Click Save.

Deleting Menu Items from Event Menus

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to. . . and select Event Resources .

    1. Select the event menu, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

      1. Select the event menu, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete

      2. Click Delete to confirm.

    2. Click Save.

Managing Multi-Choice Menus

Premium badge icon.

The Multi-Choice Menu is a composed menu with choices of starters, main courses, desserts, and others sold at a single price. You can add, update, and delete a multi choice menu on an event, which allows you to choose optional courses either while booking the menu or later on update. This can help reduce the need to create a separate composed menu for each possible combination of menu items. You can report on multi-choice menus in the Food and Beverage Plan report.

Multi-choice menus are visually distinguished from regular menus on the Events Resources screen and in the Menus drawer by (M).

When you add or change multi-choice menus, OPERA Cloud calculates the revenue automatically.

Adding Multi-Choice Menus

You can select optional menu items during the menu booking process. Courses are visually distinguished by (M) within the multi-choice menu.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Select or confirm the Property, enter any additional search criteria, and click Search.

  3. From search results, select the event’s I Want To . . . action and select Event Resources from the Go To column.

  4. Select the Event, click the Menus drawer, and select one or more Multi-Choice Menu Item(S).

    1. Multi-choice menus in the drawer are identified by the (M) prefix.

    2. Menu items configured as Mandatory are pre selected by a check mark in the drawer.

  5. Click Save or click Save and Add More.

Editing Multi-Choice Menus

You can perform a range of editing functions on multi-choice menu items using the actions available in Event Resources.

  1. From theOPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Select or confirm the Property, enter additional search criteria, and click Search.

  3. From event search results, select the event’s I Want To . . . action and select Event Resources and from the Go To column.

  4. Select the Multi-Choice Menu marked by (M), click the menu’s vertical ellipsis, and select Edit.

  5. On the Edit Menu screen, make your changes in the available fields or menu items.


    The Actual attendee field appears on the menu only if the event status is ACT. The Expected and Guaranteed attendee fields appear on the menu only if the fields contain values on the event.
  6. From the list of menu items attached to the menu, you can change certain selections on each menu item course at the list level. To edit the entire menu item course:
    1. Click a menu item’s vertical ellipsis and select Edit.

    2. Make your changes.

    3. Click Save to return to the Edit Menu screen.


    The courses are differentiated by course and order to make them easily distinguishable for Menu Item selection.
  7. To convert a multi-choice menu item to a regular menu item:

    1. Select menu items.

    2. Click Convert to Regular.

    3. The Event Resources screen opens, and the multi-choice menu is converted to a regular menu along with selected menu items (the menu no longer displays the multi-choice (M) indicator).

  8. Click Save to return to Event Resources.

Deleting Multi-Choice Menu Items

You can delete one or multiple menus from an event.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Select or confirm the Property, enter any additional search criteria, and click Search.

  3. From event search results, select the event’s I Want To . . . action and select Event Resources from the Go To column.

  4. Select the multi-choice menu marked by (M), click the vertical ellipsisActions menu, and select Delete.

  5. Click Delete to confirm.

Using Quick Insert

Premium badge. An alternate way to search and add items, item templates and menus to events is to use the Quick Insert action link; avoiding the need to filter through multiple search results in the Item drawer or Menu drawer. To use quick insert you must know the unique Quick Insert number for the item or menu. When the Item Templates OPERA Control is active, you can also use quick insert to add a template by entering the item template name.

Adding Event Resources Using Quick Insert

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want to... and select Event Resources .

  4. Click Quick Insert and complete the following:

    1. Quick Insert/Item Template: Enter the quick insert number for the item or menu or enter the item template name.

    2. Resource Quantity: Enter a value if you want to override the default quantity configured for menus or items.

    3. Include in Package: Select check box to include the item or menu in the package; the Resource Quantity field is disabled.

    4. Click Save or click Save and Add More to continue adding resources.