Debit Bills for Folios

You can generate a Debit Bill/Supplemental Folio for existing folios, for when additional charges need to be posted and linked to the original folio.


You are required to enter your PIN when the Force Cashier Login OPERA Control is active.  


Valid credit card numbers entered in Supplement or Reference fields are removed for PCI data security.


You are prompted to enter the Taxable Date when the Information Collection Methods OPERA Control is populated with TAXABLE_DATE

When the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active, the transaction code list is filtered according to the transaction codes assigned to your property role. For more information, see Associating Transaction (Charge) Codes to a Property Role.

Generating a Debit Folio

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and then select Folio History.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the folio then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Generate Debit Bill.

  4. Click Add Charge to post charge(s).

    1. Code: Enter or select a charge code from the list. As you enter the transaction code description a list of matching codes is displayed.

    2. Price: Enter the amount of the charge. Price may default based on the transaction code selected.

    3. Quantity: Enter the quantity of the charge. The total amount posted = Price x Quantity.

    4. Arrangement: Select an arrangement code from the list. An Arrangement Code is a folio grouping code that controls the display of the transaction on the folio (available when the Folio Arrangements OPERA Control is active). For more information, see Selecting Folio Styles for Viewing, Printing.

    5. Supplement: Enter any supplemental information text. If a negative price is entered, this field is mandatory to ensure that you enter a reason for the negative (rebate) posting.

    6. Reference: Enter any reference information. This field is also used to automatically note any transferred postings and/or interface information, such as phone details.

    7. Check Number: Enter a POS check number if applicable. The field might be mandatory based on the transaction code setup.

    8. Click Add Charge.

  5. To remove a charge, select the charge then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Remove.

  6. Click Post Payment to post payment for additional charges.

    1. Method: Enter or select a payment method from the list.

      1. Card Number: Enter credit card number (PAN).

      2. Card Expiry: Enter credit card expiry date (MM/YY).

      3. Card Holder: Enter the name of the card holder.

      4. Apply Surcharge: Select to apply a credit card surcharge (available when the Credit Card Transaction Surcharge OPERA Control is active).

    2. Amount: Enter the payment amount. Enter a negative amount to post a reversal or refund.

      1. Total Amount will include any surcharge calculated.

      2. Click Change Payment Currency to change the currency for the payment (available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active).

    3. Supplement: Enter any supplementary information text.

    4. Reference: Enter any reference information. When the Mandatory Reference Negative Payments OPERA Control is active, this field is mandatory for negative payment amounts to ensure a reason is provided.

    5. Click Add Payment.

  7. Click Settle Debit Bill to close the debit bill or click Settle and Print Debit Bill to close the debit and print a copy of the folio.