Managing Sales Information

Sales information can be added to Company, Travel Agent, Source, and Contact profiles to assist you in decision-making and can be referenced as filters in sales reports.

Editing Sales Information

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Profiles, and then select Manage Profiles.
  2. Click the View By drop-down and select a profile type, such as a Company, Travel Agent, Source, or Contact.
  3. Enter search criteria and then click Search.
  4. From the search results, click the I Want To . . . select Sales Information or open the profile and click Sales Information in Profile Presentation.
  5. On the Sales Information screen, click Edit and update the following details. Select a value(s) from the list for each field.


    Fields vary depending on the profile type you select in the search.

    1. Territory : Select the sales territory to which the account is assigned.
    2. Priority: Select the business importance of the profile or contact.
    3. Business Potential: Select the importance of the account in drawing accommodations business.
    4. Account Type: Select the type of sales account.
    5. Business Segments : Select the business segments this profile represents for your property.
    6. Industry: Select the industry classifications of the account.
    7. Account Source: Select the origins of the account, such as media ad, website, and so on.
    8. Mail Action : Select the mailing action codes you can assign to identify the account when you want to create mailing lists or reports for other purposes.
    9. Influence : Select the influence the Contact has in the decision-making process.
    10. Competition: Select your properties competition for this account.
    11. Scope : Select the broad geographical areas where the profile or account generates business.
    12. Scope City : Select the city where the profile or account's headquarters is located or the city where one of your properties is located that this profile or account frequently uses.
  6. Click Save.

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