Configuring Item Class

Item Classes are groupings of Inventory items used to assist you in filtering when selecting items for an block, event or for a reservation.  When the Item Inventory OPERA Control is active, you can configure item classes for use in blocks and reservations. When the Event Resources OPERA Control is active, you can configure item classes for use in catering events. For example, you might have an item class for different kinds of audiovisual equipment, for floral decorations, for recreational equipment, and so on. 

Adding Item Classes

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, select Resource Management, and then select Item Class.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Code: Enter a code for the item class, such as Audio Visual.

    2. Description: Enter a description of the item class, such as Audio Visual.

      1. Manage Translations. Click link to configure localized descriptions. For more information, see Configuring Localized Code Descriptions. (Available when the Multi Language OPERA Control is active).

    3. Responsible Department: Select the departments that will most likely be responsible for servicing the items associated to this item class. The values selected here are inherited by the items associated to this item class. For more information, see Configuring Departments.

    4. Sequence: Enter a number that controls the position of this code in listings. Codes without an assigned sequence number appear in alphabetical order following codes with an assigned sequence.

    5. Reservation: Select check box if the items in this item class are available for selection in blocks and reservations. (Available when Item Inventory OPERA Control is active).

    6. Events: Select check box if the items in this item class is available for selection in events. For more information, see About Event Resources. (Available when Event Resources OPERA Control is active).

      1. Event Types: Select the event types most likely to use the items associated with this item class. The items associated to this item class inherit the event types you select.

      2. Discountable: Select the check box if the items in this item class are eligible for discounting when added to an event. The value entered in the item class is inherited by the items linked to it.

      3. Bookable through website: Select check box if this item class should be available for selection when an event is booked through OWS.

  3. Click Save.

Editing Item Classes

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Booking, select Resource Management, and then select Item Class.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the item class in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

  4. Update the item class details.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Item Classes

You can delete an item class only if it does not have any items associated with it.

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Booking, select Resource Management, and then select Item Class.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the item class in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.