Posting Charges for Events

You can post event charges directly from the Event Posting screen when the OPERA Controls for Event Posting is active. The Event Posting screen displays events with dates and time, an indicator for revenue not posted or only partially posted, and a link to the Event.
The Event Posting screen includes a column for Resource Name. When revenue is posted at the Resource Level, the resource name appears in the Resource Name column. When revenue is posted at the Event Level, the event name appears in the Resource Name column since the revenue is posted by Revenue Type instead of by individual resources.

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Using Event Posting you can quickly post charges for the event resources such as function space rental, menu (food and beverage) charges, audio visual equipment and entertainment. You can also access Billing for the event posting master account, to post additional charges that were not setup as event resources.  In addition to the billing invoice produced and a detailed pro-forma invoice, with OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Standard or Premium Cloud Service, two different banquet folio styles showing all posted charges related to the event: Folio Style 21 (Banquet Folio by Revenue Type) and Folio Style 22 (Banquet Folio by Event). For more information, see Selecting Folio Styles for Viewing, Printing

To post event charges using the Event Posting screen, the following conditions are required:
  • The block must have a checked-in PM (posting master). To create a posting master, refer to Posting Master.

  • The event status must be ACTUAL. This status enables the system to know the final number of attendees upon which event charges are based. You can make positive or negative postings based on changes in the number of event attendees or in the quantity of items.

  • Appropriate transaction codes must exist for the event resources that are posted. For more information, see Configuring Revenue Type Mapping.

  • Your user account must be assigned a Cashier ID and your role must have the Manage Events, Manage Event Postings task.

Viewing Catering and Property Currencies

When the catering currency of the property is different from the resort currency, the total revenue appears twice on the Event Posting screen in each currency.

If the Catering Currency (configured in Property Controls) is different than the Property Currency (configured in Property Controls), the Event Posting screen shows two columns for revenue – one for each currency. The following example uses Canadian (CAD) and US (USD) dollars:

  1. CAD Revenue (Catering Currency): This field reflects the amount of revenue in Canadian dollars attributable to each transaction code in the configured catering currency for the property. The label is dynamic based on the currency configured. Consider the exchange rate (posting) configured for the currency.

  2. USD Revenue (Local Currency): This field reflects the amount of revenue attributable in US dollars to each transaction code in the configured local currency for this property. In this example, the field is for US Dollars. The label is dynamic based on the currency configured. Consider the exchange rate (posting) configured for the currency.

If the configured Catering Currency is the same as the Property Currency, only one column for Revenue appears in the event posting screen.

Posting Event Charges

Event Posting displays events dates and time, an indicator for when revenue is not posted or only partially posted, and a link to the event.

As determined by the Event Revenue Actualization OPERA Control:
  • When revenue is posted at the resource level, the resource name appears in the Resource Name column.

  • When revenue is posted at the event level, the event name appears in the Resource Name column, since the revenue is posted by Revenue Type.


When the Force Cashier Login is active in OPERA Controls you need to enter your cashier ID and PIN. 


When the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active you are restricted to the transactions codes available for selection.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Event Posting.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select an event from the search result.

    1. The event charges appear in the Event Posting area.

    2. Click Transaction Code magnifier icon to search and select a different transaction code for the charge

    3. Select the charges to post, then click Post.


      The Post button becomes active only if the block has a valid checked-in posting master reservation. If there is more than one eligible posting master reservation checked in, you are prompted to select the posting master reservation to post the charges to and then click Select.

Generating Banquet Checks

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Event Posting.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select an event from the search result.

    1. The event charges appear in the Event Posting area

    2. Select the charges, then click I Want to. . .and select Banquet Check.

      1. Enter report parameters and select a report destination, then click Process.

      2. For more information, see Generating Reports

Editing Posted Amounts

Posted event charges appear in the event’s Revenue Summary panel. If you post charges incorrectly, you can open the event from the Event Posting screen, correct the billed amount, and return to the Event Posting screen for posting the adjusted difference. To correct posting amounts after posting:

Event Level Corrections

To correct revenue posted incorrectly at the event level, open the event and correct the Billed Revenue  for a revenue type in Revenue Summary. (Available when the Event Revenue Actualization OPERA Control is set to Events).

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Event Posting.

  2. Click the Event Number on the event tile to manage the event.

    1. Select Revenue Summary .

    2. Click Edit.

    3. Update the Billed Revenue for the applicable revenue type. 

    4. Click Save.

    5. Click Back to Event Posting.

    6. Select the new revenue record to increase or decrease the posted revenue and select Post

Resource Level Corrections

To correct revenue posted incorrectly at the resource level, follow the steps below. (Available when the Event Revenue Actualization OPERA Control is set to Resources).

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Event Posting.

  2. Click the Event Number on the event tile to manage the event.

    1. To change menu revenue:

      1. Select the Event Details link then click Edit.

      2. Update Actual Attendees .

      3. Click Save.

    2. To change item revenue

      1. Select the Event Resources link.

      2. Select the item resource , then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit

        1. Update Actual quantity.

        2. Click Save.

      3. Click Back to Manage Events.

    3. To change non-included menu item resource revenue

      1. Select the Event Resources link

      2. Select the menu resource, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit

      3. Update Billed quantity for the non included menu item.

      4. Click Save.

      5. Click Back to Manage Events.

    4. Click Back to Event Posting.

    5. Select the new revenue record to increase or decrease the posted revenue and select Post