Posting Payments to a Reservation Account

Posting Payments and Refunds to Reservation Accounts

Use the Post Payment action to apply credit card, cash, check and other forms of payments to a reservation account. You can post payments to any of eight sub-accounts (billing windows). To post a refund, enter a negative Amount and provide a Reference when the Mandatory Reference Negative Payments OPERA Control is active. 


When the Service Type OPERA Control is active, the total for Goods and Services must be settled separately for each billing window.


When the Rounding Factor OPERA Control is active, some payments are rounded up or down according to the configuration of the payment method. For more information, see About Rounding Factors.


When the Calculate Change Due OPERA Control is active, you are prompted if the cash amount received is greater than the amount due.


When the Foreign Currency Handling OPERA Control is active, you can post payment in various currencies; the amount is converted using the current settlement exchange rate for the currency. For more information, see About Foreign Currency Codes.


When the Credit Card Wallet OPERA Control is set to Profile, a Store Credit Card Token to the Wallet check box is available to save new credit card details in a wallet. A Select a Credit Card action is available to retrieve the credit card details in the wallet.


Valid credit card numbers entered in Supplement or Reference fields are removed for PCI data security.
Posting Payments to Reservation Accounts
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To. . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, click Post Payment then complete the following:

    1. Window: Select the billing window for the payment.

    2. Method: Enter or select a payment method from the list.

      1. Card Number: Enter card number if payment method is a credit card.


        When integrated with payment partner click Get Token to read the details from card tapped on an EMV terminal. If the token is erased at any time, you must re-acquire payment details from the guest / payee or contact you merchant for further assistance.  
      2. Card Expiry: Enter credit card expiry date (MM/YY).

      3. Card Holder: Enter the name of the card holder.

      4. Apply Surcharge: Select to apply a credit card surcharge (available when the Credit Card Transaction Surcharge OPERA Control is active).

    3. Amount. Enter the payment amount.

      1. Total Amount includes any surcharge calculated.

      2. Click Change Payment Currency to change the currency for the payment (available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active).

    4. Supplement: Enter any supplementary information text.

    5. Reference: Enter any reference information.

    6. Click Apply Payment.

Posting Refunds to Reservation Accounts

When the Restrict Cash/Check Payment Reversal OPERA Control is active you are not able to post negative cash or check payments. When the Restrict Cash/Check Payment Reversal OPERA Control is inactive, your role must be granted the Reverse Cash/Check Payments task in order to post negative cash or check payments.

When the Original Invoice and Invoice Type for DB Payment Method OPERA Control active, and the settlement payment method is Direct Bill, and the folio amount is negative, you are required to select an Invoice Type and provide the Original Invoice Number.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To. . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, click Post Payment then complete the following:

    1. Window: Select the billing window for the payment.

    2. Method: Enter or select a payment method from the list.

      1. Card Number: Enter card number if payment method is a credit card.


        When integrated with payment partner click Get Token to read the details from card tapped on an EMV terminal. If the token is erased at any time, you must re-acquire payment details from the guest / payee or contact you merchant for further assistance.  
      2. Card Expiry: Enter credit card expiry date (MM/YY).

      3. Card Holder: Enter the name of the card holder.

      4. Apply Surcharge: Select to apply a credit card surcharge (available when the Credit Card Transaction Surcharge OPERA Control is active).

    3. Amount: Enter a negative amount to post a reversal or refund.

      1. Total Amount includes any surcharge calculated.

      2. Click Change Payment Currency to change the currency for the payment (available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active).

    4. Reference: Enter any reference information. When the Mandatory Reference Negative Payments OPERA Control is active, this field is mandatory for refunds or reversals.

    5. Supplement: Enter any supplementary information text.

    6. Original Invoice Number: Enter the original invoice number (Available when the Original Invoice and Invoice Type for DB Payment Method OPERA Control active, and the payment method is Direct Bill.

      1. Invoice Type: Select an invoice type from the list.

    7. Click Apply Payment.