About Foreign Currency Codes

Prerequisites for Foreign Currency Codes.

Configure currency codes to define the currencies available for buying foreign currency (where a guest exchanges foreign currency for local currency) and foreign currency settlement of reservation accounts. 

Cashiers can be setup with Starting Amounts in multiple currencies to aid in the buying and selling (available when the Sell Currency OPERA Control is active) of foreign currencies. For more information, see Configuring Cashiers.

When the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active, you can configure rate code (pricing) and package pricing in foreign currencies; the rate amount (price) is converted to your property currency according to the Posting exchange rate for the day of posting. For more information, see About Rate Codes.

Follow these steps when configuring currency codes:

  1. Create currency codes representing the various foreign currencies bought and sold. When the Foreign Currency Limits OPERA Control is active, you can enter daily and monthly limits for each currency .

  2. Set exchange rates for the currencies. Each currency code can have up to seven different exchange rates based on various exchange types (purposes). Each currency code and exchange type combination can have its own exchange rate and start date. For example, for each currency, you could define one exchange rate for posting accommodation, another exchange rate for settlements, and another exchange rate for cash exchanges. Then, you could update the accommodations posting rate monthly and update the settlement and cash exchange rates daily. For more information, see Managing Currency Exchange Rates.

The following exchange types are available:

  • Exchange Cash

  • Exchange Check

  • Settlement (payment)

  • Posting (charges)

  • (Agent) Commission

  • Membership

  • Certificate