Configuring Foreign Currency Codes

Adding Foreign Currency Codes

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, and then select Foreign Currency Codes.

  2. Click New and enter the following details:
    1. Code : Enter a code for the currency

    2. Description : Enter the currency description

    3. Decimals : Select the number of decimals points from the list. For example 0=$1, 1=$1.0, 2=$1.00, 3=$1.000

    4. Currency Symbol : Paste cntrl+v the currency symbol. See

    5. Sell Currency : Select to allow this currency to be sold in Currency Exchange  (Available when the Sell Currency OPERA Control is active).

    6. Foreign Currency Limits : (Available when the Foreign Currency Limits OPERA Control is active)

      1. Local Currency per Transaction Limit: Enter the transaction limit for local currency transactions.

      2. Foreign Currency per Transaction Limit: Enter the transaction limit for foreign currency transactions.

      3. Local Currency Daily Limit: Enter the daily limit for local currency transactions.

      4. Foreign Currency Daily Limit: Enter the daily limit for foreign currency transactions.

      5. Local Currency Monthly Limit: Enter the monthly limit for local currency transactions.

      6. Foreign Currency Monthly Limit: Enter the monthly limit for foreign currency transactions.

  3. Click Save.

Editing Foreign Currency Codes


To view inactive codes in the result, click the vertical ellipsis and select Show Inactive.
  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, and then select Foreign Currency Codes.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the currency code, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

    1. Update configuration.

    2. Inactive: Select to mark the currency as inactive.

    3. Click Save.

Deleting Foreign Currency Codes

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, and then select Foreign Currency Codes.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the currency code, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

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