Posting Charges to a Reservation Account

Use the Post Charge action to post charges to a reservation account. You can post charges to any of eight sub-accounts (billing windows). A payment method icon and profile name appears for each billing window to indicate the payee and payment type. Select the Views icon to toggle between single or dual billing window display.

When the Pre-Stay Charges OPERA Control is active, you can post charges to future reservations with pre-stay charging privileges. For more information, see About Pre-Stay Charging.

When the Post-Stay Charges OPERA Control is active, you can post charges to checked out reservations with post-stay charging privileges. For more information, see Using Post Stay Charging and Open Folio Status.


 You are prompted with a warning when posting charges to reservations with the No Post check box selected in reservation payment details. Users with the Post Charges to No-Post Reservations task assigned can override posting the charge.


When the Rollup Transactions OPERA Control is active, charges posted with the same check number (for example, Restaurant Food and Restaurant Tax) are rolled up into a single line item in Billing. The posting will have a plus sign (+) in the Code field with the check number following the description. Double-click the plus sign to expand and display the individual charges included in that check number.

When the Transaction Discount OPERA Control is active, charges may be automatically discounted for specific members. For more information, see About Membership Auto Discounting 

When the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active, the transaction code list is filtered according to the transaction codes assigned to your property role. For more information, see Associating Transaction (Charge) Codes to a Property Role.

Posting Charges


Enter a negative Price or Quantity to post a rebate / adjustment. When the Allow Negative Postings (Charges) OPERA Control is inactive, you cannot post negative charges to reservation accounts, overriding the Post Negative Amounts task.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results, click I Want To. . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, click Post Charge and complete the following:

    1. Window: Select the billing window for the charge (defaults to the current billing window).

    2. Code: Enter or select a charge code from the list. As you enter the transaction code description a list of matching codes is displayed.

    3. Price: Enter the amount of the charge. Price may default based on the transaction code selected.

    4. Quantity: Enter the quantity of the charge. The total amount posted = Price x Quantity.

    5. Arrangement: Select an arrangement code from the list. An Arrangement Code is a folio grouping code that controls the display of the transaction on the folio (available when the Folio Arrangements OPERA Control is active). For more information, see Selecting Folio Styles for Viewing, Printing.

    6. Supplement: Enter any supplemental information text. If a negative price is entered, this field is mandatory to ensure that you enter a reason for the negative (rebate) posting.

    7. Reference: Enter any reference information. This field is also used to automatically note any transferred postings and/or interface information, such as phone details.

    8. Check Number: Enter a POS check number if applicable. The field might be mandatory based on the transaction code setup.

    9. Covers: Enter the number of covers (Available when the Post Covers OPERA Control is active and the Post Covers task is granted).

    10. Click Apply Charge or click Apply Charge and Post Another to post another charge.

Posting Articles

The following is available when the Articles OPERA Control is active:

A charge transaction code can sometimes serve as an "umbrella" for multiple individual items or articles that can be posted using that code. At times, it might be desirable to break out these separate articles for billing and revenue tracking purposes. For example, a single "minibar food" transaction code might cover potato chips, crackers, peanuts, pretzels, and so forth. Using articles setup, you can specify an individual article number that identifies each of these food items, even though they are all grouped under the same transaction code. Moreover, you can specify a default price for each article, just as you can for transaction codes. Then, instead of posting a lump sum to the minibar food transaction code, you have the option of posting each individual article and its quantity and price. For example, rather than posting $7.75 to minibar food, you can post $5.00 for two bags of peanuts and $2.75 for potato chips. Two separate charges to the minibar food transaction code will appear on the folio (one for $5.00 and one for $2.75). 

When the Consumable Inventory OPERA Control is active, the inventory levels of articles can be tracked. For more information see, Monitoring Consumable Inventory.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results, click I Want To. . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, click Post Charge and complete the following:

    1. Window: Select the billing window for the charge (defaults to the current billing window).

    2. Code: Enter or select an article code from the list. As you enter the article description, a list of matching codes is appear.

    3. Price: Enter the amount of the charge. Price may default based on the article selected.

    4. Quantity: Enter the quantity of the charge. The total amount = Price x Quantity.

    5. Arrangement: Select an arrangement code from the list. An Arrangement Code is a folio grouping code that controls the display of this transaction on the folio. For more information, see: Selecting Folio Styles for Viewing, Printing.

    6. Supplement: Enter any supplemental information text. If a negative price is entered, this field is mandatory to ensure that you enter a reason for the negative (rebate) posting.

    7. Reference: Enter any reference information. This field is also used to automatically note any transferred postings and/or interface information, such as phone details.

    8. Check Number: Enter a POS check number if applicable. The field might be mandatory based on the transaction code setup.

    9. Click Apply Charge or click Apply Charge and Post Another to post another charge.

Posting (Cash) Paid out Charges

Paid out is a special type of charge on the reservation account that identifies cash payment as given out from your cash draw. You are prompted to generate a paid out receipt after posting a paid out charge; the recipient of the paid out can sign the receipt to confirm acceptance.


  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To. . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, click Post Charge then complete the following:

    1. Window: Select the billing window for the charge (defaults to the current billing window).

    2. Code: Enter or select a paid out charge from the list. As you enter the transaction code description a list of matching codes is displayed.

    3. Price: Enter the amount of the paid out

    4. Supplement: Enter any supplementary information text. If a negative price is entered, this field is mandatory to ensure that you enter a reason for the negative (rebate) posting.

    5. Reference: Enter any reference information. This field is also used to automatically note any transferred postings and/or interface information, such as phone details.

    6. Click Apply Charge or click Apply Charge and Post Another to post another charge.