Configuring Service Locator Operations

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Service Locator is a routing integration pattern used to route the respective API request from OPERA Cloud to the selected Outbound Systems or OPERA Cloud internal services. Service Locator configuration allows you to map an outbound code for each OPERA Cloud REST API operation at chain, hub or property level. Whenever users perform any business operation in OPERA Cloud, if the particular operation is configured with an Outbound Code, the request is routed to the outbound system based on the user context and service locator configuration. If there is no outbound code configured for the user operation, then the request is made to the respective OPERA Cloud REST web service.

For example, You have developed your own ContactCenter application using OPERA Cloud REST APIs, with business specific extended functionality for the call center team and whenever your operations team creates or updates a profile in OPERA Cloud, you wish to create and update profiles in the ContactCenter application instead of OPERA Cloud. You need to configure an Outbound Code for the ContactCenter and configure the Outbound Code for the profile APIs in Service Locator for your chain.

Service Locator requires Service Locator Generic setup for Outbound System Configuration.


  • To use this routing integration pattern, the outbound system should accept and implement the solution by adopting the OPERA Cloud REST API specifications with respect to the OPERA Cloud version.

  • You may experience API & UI incompatible errors when the Service Locator integration built for latest version is used for an older version of OPERA Cloud. Similarly, if the integration is built for a certain version and there is a change in the API for improved user interface in a newer version, the integration may fail. In this case the outbound system must adopt the new API being now called by the UI.

  • An inbound API call can be bypassed to OPERA Cloud instead of the external system configured in Service Locator by sending the HTTP header bypass-routing=Y in the request.

  • Service Locator integration routing request and response calls can be reviewed from Changes Logs with Group "Service Locator" and Action Type "Service Locator", retained for 180 days. For more information, see Viewing Changes Log Details.

  • Contact our Professional Services team if you have any such routing integration requirements and want to know more about the appropriate APIs to implement.

Service Locator configuration at:

  • Global (chain) level context is used for the transactions performed by the users at property-level and hub-level context. In this case, create an outbound code at the chain-level as prerequisite.

  • Hub level context is used for the transactions performed by the users at hub-level context. In this case, create an outbound code at property level for one of the hub properties as prerequisite.

  • Property level context is used for the transactions performed by the users at the same property-level context. In this case, create an outbound code at the property level as prerequisite.

The same routing logic is applied for the inbound requests received from partner systems through the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) to OPERA Cloud web services.

It is recommended to configure outbound code and service locator at global (chain) context if all properties of the chain reference the same outbound system, else configure specifics for a property or hub.

Editing Service Locators

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup, and then select Service Locator.

  2. Select the context: Global (Chain), Hub or Property, select a Module, enter any additional search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Click Edit then update the details for each operation.

    1. Outbound Code: Select an outbound code from the list to route the request to the outbound system.

    2. Reroute to OPERA : Select check box to redirect the operation to OPERA Cloud web services when the outbound system is unreachable.

    3. Click Save.

Copying Service Locators

To copy the setup of one operation to many other operations.

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup, and then select Service Locator.

  2. Select the context: Global (Chain), Hub or Property, select a Module, enter any additional search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Click Edit.

    1. Select the operation to copy, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Copy.

    2. Select the destination operations then click Apply.

Error Handling

Error Message Root Cause

Unable to reach external endpoint - 403 Forbidden

External service url not white listed.

HTTP Error Status: 404 - Not Found

External service url returning 404

Unable to reach external endpoint - 502 Bad Gateway

External service down  - (502)

HTTP Error Status 502 - Bad Gateway

Unexpected Error.

HTTP Error Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

External service unavailable  - (503)

HTTP Error Status: 401 - Unauthorized

Wrong credentials configured for OAuth.

Unable to download certificate for OAuth token URL

Oauth token url not added to the allow list.

Egress Proxy Authentication Error

Proxy authorization is not set or wrong proxy credentials.

Error from External system

500-Internal server error, when external system raises any business errors.