Outbound System Types and Respective Configurations

You can create an Outbound Code at the Global (Chain) level or Property level with the available Outbound Types as explained below.

CRM Legacy for OXI Profile Lookup/Download

Outbound Type CRM_LEGACY is used when integrating with OPERA Room Reservations Cloud Service for Profile Lookup and Download and OPERA Customer Loyalty Tracking Cloud Service for membership and award management; along with other legacy OXI integrations.
  1. Outbound Code can be created at the Global (Chain) or Property level context based on the CRM system integration requirement.


    It is recommended that you create outbound codes at the Global level if all the properties in the chain use the same external system. For more information, see Configuring Profile Lookup and Download for OPERA Room Reservations.
  2. Select Outbound Type CRM_LEGACY.

  3. Enter a unique outbound code, for example: CRMORSCHAIN1.

  4. Enter a description for the CRM Legacy System summary.

  5. Protocol is defaulted with XML for CRM_LEGACY integration.

  6. Select the Authorization Type for CRM Legacy integration:

    1. Select NONE for Non-SSD OPERA V5 ORS.

    2. Select BASIC for SSD OPERA V5 ORS.

  7. Enter the Application Key. You must obtain the value from 05 ORS Setup > External Database > Local JNDI. Skip for non-O5-ORS applications.

  8. Add a new row, select GetExternalProfiles, and enter the service path to fetch profiles. Configure https://{host}/...

    1. Configure https://{host}/Operajserv/OperaWebSvcs/Lookup for O5 ORS application lookup.

    2. Configure https://{host}/Operajserv/OXIServlets/ORSLookup for non-ORS application lookup using OXI XML specifications (plquery & plresult).

  9. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select DownloadExternalProfile from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for download profile. For example: https://host/Operajserv/OXIServlets/ORSLookup

  10. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select GetMembershipDetails from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for get membership details of the profile. For example: https://host/Operajserv/OperaWebSvcs/MemberInfo

  11. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select PostMembershipNumber from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for get membership details of the profile. For example: https://host/Operajserv/OperaWebSvcs/NewMemberCard

  12. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select RedeemAward from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for get membership details of the profile. For example: https://host/Operajserv/OXIServlets/ORSLookup

  13. Save the Outbound Code configuration.

  14. If an existing OXI external system (for example ORS) is used for Profile Lookup and Download, ensure the Lookup check box is selected for the External System.. See Configuring External Systems.

  15. Associate the Outbound code with the External Database code of the OXI Interface. See Configuring External Databases.

  16. Define Interface Mappings for Profile Types group for the OXI Interface. See Configuring Interface Mapping.

  17. If you are trying to configure an OXI interface for the first time:

    1. Refer Exchange Interface Setup.

Profile Lookup/Download from OPERA Cloud Central

Outbound Type CRM_LEGACY is used for Profile Lookup and Download initiated from OPERA Cloud to OPERA Cloud Central Services.

Create Outbound Code with CRM_LEGACY with Basic Auth type and configure the following Service Base path URLs respectively.

  1. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select GetExternalProfiles from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for Profile Lookup. For example: https://{host}/OPERAIA/OPERA_ORS/OperaWebSvcs/LookupService

  2. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select DownloadExternalProfile from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for download profile. For example: https://{host}/OPERAIA/OPERA_ORS/OperaWebSvcs/LookupService

  3. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select GetMembershipDetails from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for get membership details of the profile. For example: https://{host}/Operajserv/OperaWebSvcs/MemberInfo

  4. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select PostMembershipNumber from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for get membership details of the profile. For example: https://{host}/OPERAIA/OPERA_ORS/OperaWebSvcs/NewMemberCardService

  5. Click New to add a service.

    1. Service Name: Select RedeemAward from the list

    2. Service Path: Enter the URL for get membership details of the profile. For example: https://{host}/OPERAIA/OPERA_OXI/ORSLookup


Create or Request for an Interface User with Interface type IFC from OPERA Cloud Central, go to Role Manager, Manage Interface User and use it as Basic Authorization for the Outbound Code created.

CRM Generic for REST API Profile Lookup/Download

Outbound Type CRM is used to integrate OPERA Cloud CRM functionality such as Profile Lookup and Download, and Create Enrollment, with an external system that follows OPERA Cloud REST APIs specification and standards.  Refer Customer Relationship Management Outbound APIs for externalProfiles specifications on the OHIP Developer Portal.
  1. Context:
    1. Global: Select to create outbound system for all properties.

    2. Property: Select to create outbound system for a specific property.

      1. Property: Select a property from the list.

  2. Outbound Type: Select CRM from list.

  3. Outbound Code: Enter a unique outbound code, for example: CRMCHAIN1.

  4. Description: Enter a description for the outbound system.

  5. Select Enable External System checkbox.

    1. An Configuring External Systems matching the outbound code is automatically created, with Lookup checkbox selected.

    2. An External Database matching the outbound code is automatically created, and the same code is available for Profile Lookup.

  6. Select Enable Conversions checkbox to enable data value mapping.

  7. Enter External Property Code.

  8. Protocol defaults to REST (read only).

  9. Authorization Type: Select Basic or Oauth and enter respective authorization details provided for the external system.

  10. Service Details:

    1. Service Path: Enter the REST API Base URL provided by the external system: for example, https://api.mycrmsystem.com/apis/

  11. Save the Outbound Code configuration.

Refer Customer Relationship Management Outbound APIs specifications on the OHIP Developer Portal. 

Table 24-2 List of APIs supported for CRM Generic Integration:

API Module API Name OperationID Method API Service URL

Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Retrieve profiles from external system




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Download a Profile from external system




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Create an Enrollment




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Redeem an award that exists on a profile. 




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Retrieve membership details on a profile. 




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Generate a new membership number. 





Refer the API specification versions with respect to the OPERA Cloud version.


Outbound Type CRM_IATA is used to integrate the OPERA Cloud Travel Agent Profile's IATA number validation functionality with the IATA organization.
  1. The outbound code should be created at the Property level.

  2. Select Outbound Type CRM_IATA.

  3. Enter a unique Outbound Code, for example: IATAP1.

  4. Enter a Description such as IATA Validation System.

  5. Protocol is defaulted with REST for CRM_IATA integration.

  6. Select Authorization Type TOKEN.

  7. Enter the Token value provided by IATA.

  8. Enter the Application Key provided by IATA.

  9. Enter the REST API Base URL Service Path provided by the IATA organization:

  10. Save the Outbound Code configuration.

Experian QAS Address Validation

Outbound Type ADDRESS_QAS is used to integrate OPERA Cloud functionality and its respective REST APIs with Experian QAS address validation functionality and its respective REST APIs. OPERA Cloud Outbound Pattern framework transforms the OPERA REST specifications into Experian REST specifications during outbound communication. an Address Validation Integration user is required to configure the Outbound Code with the following configurations:
  • Outbound Code can be created at the Global (Chain) or Property level context based on the Address Validation integration requirement.

  • Select the Outbound Type ADDRESS_QAS.

  • Enter a unique outbound code, for example: ADDQASCHAIN1.

  • Enter a description of the Address Validation System summary.

  • Protocol is defaulted with REST for ADDRESS_QAS integration.

  • Select the Authorization Type TOKEN.

  • Enter the Token details provided by Experian.

  • Enter the RESP API Base URL Service Path provided by Experian.

  • Save the Outbound Code configuration.

  • Add Custom Headers. For more information, see Custom Headers.

    • Header name: Add-Components.

    • Header value: True.

  • Add Data Value Mappings. For more information, see Data Value Mappings.
    • Define the conversion codes forState Code (be sure to include the Country Code field in State Code mapping), Country Code (Experian uses ISO3 codes).

GBG LOQATE Address Validation

Outbound Type ADDRESS_GBG is used to integrate OPERA Cloud functionality and its respective REST APIs with GBG loqate address validation functionality and its respective REST APIs. The OPERA Cloud Outbound Pattern framework transforms the OPERA REST specifications into GBG REST specifications during outbound communication. The Address Validation Integration user must configure the Outbound Code with the following configurations:
  • The Outbound Code can be created at the global (Chain) or property level context based on the Address Validation integration requirement.

  • Select Outbound Type ADDRESS_GBG.

  • Enter a unique outbound code, for example: GBGCHAIN1.

  • Enter a description for the Address Validation System summary.

  • Protocol is defaulted with REST for ADDRESS_GBG integration.

  • Select Authorization Type TOKEN.

  • Enter the Token details provided by GBG.

  • Enter the RESP API Base URL Service Path provided by GBG.

    • For example, https://api.addressy.com/Capture/Interactive/.

  • Save the Outbound Code configuration.

Service Locator Generic

Outbound Type SL_GENERIC is used to configure the Outbound system details to route the OPERA Cloud user requests and Inbound traffic from OHIP to the integrated systems through Service Locator pattern.
Service Locator configuration allows you to configure API routing for each API operation with the Outbound codes which created with Outbound type SL_GENERIC.
  1. Outbound Code can be created at the Global (Chain) or Property level context based on the Service Locator integration pattern requirements.

  2. Select an Outbound Type SL_GENERIC.

  3. Enter a unique outbound code, for example: SLGENC1.

  4. Enter a description of the Outbound System summary.

  5. Protocol is defaulted with REST for SL_GENERIC integration.

  6. Select Authorization Type OAuth with respective authorization details provided by the Integrated Outbound system.

  7. Enter the REST API Base URL Service Path provided by Outbound Systems.

    1. For example, https://api.mycrmsystem.com/apis/.

  8. Save the Outbound Code configuration.

Gaming Custom

Outbound Type GAMING_CUSTOM is used to integrate OPERA Cloud functionality like Profile Lookup and Download and Create Enrollment with any Gaming/Player Tracking System that follows OPERA Cloud REST APIs specification and standards.
This outbound Type should be used when any gaming vendor has custom integration and message specification transformation requirements. It is implemented using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) services.


Refer Enterprise Integrations for Gaming custom integrations supported by various Gaming Vendor Systems.
  1. Outbound Code should be created for the Property which requires Gaming integration.

  2. Select Outbound Type GAMING_CUSTOM.

  3. Enter a unique outbound code in the format of gaming system code and property code.

  4. Enter and description for the gaming system name.

  5. Enable External System, Enable Conversions, and External Property Code.

  6. Protocol is defaulted with REST for custom gaming integration.

  7. Select Authorization Type OAUTH and provide OAuth Token URL, for example: https://gaminghost.com/v1/oauth.

  8. Select Grant Type Client Credentials, and enter Client Id & Client Key and Application Key provided by the Gaming/Player Tracking System.

  9. Enter the RESP API Base URL Service Path provided by gaming vendor, for example: https://gaminghost.com/v1.

  10. Save the Outbound Systemconfiguration.

  11. Add Data Value Mappings. For more information, see Data Value Mappings.

    • Define the Conversion Codes for Address Type, Gender, Phone Type, State Code, Country Code, Language Code, Profile Type, Title, Membership Level, and Membership Type.

Gaming Generic

Outbound Type GAMING_GENERIC is used to integrate OPERA Cloud functionality like Profile Lookup and Download, and Create Enrollment with any Gaming/Player Tracking System that follows OPERA Cloud REST APIs specification and standards.
  1. Outbound Code should be created for the property which requires gaming integration.

  2. Select the Outbound Type GAMING_GENERIC.

  3. Enter a unique Outbound Code, for example: GAMGENPPROP3.

  4. Enter a Description for the gaming system.

  5. Enable External System, Enable Conversions, and External Property Code.

  6. Protocol is defaulted with REST for gaming integration.

  7. Select Authorization Type OAUTH and provide the OAuth Token URL, for example: https://gaminghost.com/v1/oauth.

  8. Select Grant Type Client Credentials, and enter Client Id & Client Key and Application Key provided by the Gaming/Player Tracking System.

  9. Enter the RESP API Base URL Service Path provided by gaming system, for example: https://gaminghost.com/v1.

  10. Save the Outbound configuration.

  11. Add Data Value Mappings. For more information, see Data Value Mappings.

    • Define the Conversion Codes for Address Type, Gender, Phone Type, State Code, Country Code, Language Code, Profile Type, Title, Membership Level, and Membership Type.

Table 24-3 List of APIs supported for Gaming Generic Integration

API Module API Name OperationID Method API Service URL

Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Retrieve profiles from external system




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Download a Profile from external system




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Create an Enrollment




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Retrieve player statistics




Customer Relationship Management Outbound

Get offers that can be attached for a profile




Cashiering Outbound

Operation to get complimentary redemptions for a guest having PTS Membership Type




Cashiering Outbound

Operation to post complimentary redemptions for a guest having PTS Membership Type




Cashiering Outbound

Operation to reverse complimentary redemptions for a guest having PTS Membership Type




Cashiering Outbound

Operation to request for complimentary postings approval.




Cashiering Outbound

Operation to request for bulk complimentary postings approval.




Cashiering Outbound

Operation to request for complimentary postings reversal.





Refer the API specification versions with respect to the OPERA Cloud version.

RMS Yield Market Lookup

Outbound Type RMSYIELD is used to integrate OPERA Cloud yield market lookup functionality to fetch Yield Market Code and Customer value from a Revenue / Yield Management System that conforms to the OPERA Cloud REST APIs specifications.

  1. Outbound Code should be created for the Property which requires Yield Market lookup integration.

  2. Select Outbound Type RMSYIELD.

  3. Enter a unique outbound code in the format of gaming system code and property code, for example: YMLPROP1.

  4. Enter a description for the Yield management system name.

  5. Protocol is defaulted with REST for Yield Market Lookup integration.

  6. Select Authorization Type OAUTH and provide OAuth Token URL. for example: https://rmsyield.com/v1/oauth.

  7. Select Grant Type Password and enter Client Id & Client Key provided by Yield Market Lookup vendor.

  8. Enter the RESP API Base URL Service Path provided by Yield Market Lookup vendor, for example: https://rmsyield.com/v1.

  9. Save the Outbound Code configuration.

Room Key Encoding (Door Lock Systems)

Outbound Type GUESTKEY_GENERIC is used to integrate OPERA Cloud room key Door Lock functionality with any external system that follows OPERA Cloud REST APIs specification and standards. Refer Front Desk Operations Outbound API specifications on the OHIP Developer Portal. 

  1. Outbound Code can be created at Property level context.
  2. Select Outbound Type GUESTKEY_GENERIC.
  3. Enter a unique Outbound Code, for example: GUESTKEYVENDOR1.
  4. Enter a Description for the Door Lock system summary.
  5. Protocol is defaulted with Rest for Door Lock System integration.
  6. Select Authorization Type Basic or Oauth with respective authorization details based on the Door Lock System system details provided.
  7. Enter the REST API Base URL Service Path provided by the Door Lock system. For example, https://api.mydlssystem.com/apis/
  8. Save the Outbound Code configuration.

Table 24-4 List of APIs supported for CRM Generic Integration:

API Module API Name OperationID Method API Service URL

Front Desk Operations Outbound

Request to create/activate Room Key





Refer the API specification versions with respect to the OPERA Cloud version.

Dashboard Tile for External Content

Outbound Type DASHBOARDTILE is used to display information fetched from external systems on the External System Dashboard tile . For more information see, Doc ID: DOC12576 , External Dashboard Tile: API Specifications for External Systems.
  1. Context:

    1. Global: Select to create outbound system for all properties.

    2. Property: Select to create outbound system for a specific property.

      1. Property: Select a property from the list.

  2. Outbound Type: Select DASHBOARDTILE from list.

  3. Outbound Code: Enter a unique outbound code, for example: CH1_EXT_KPIS.

  4. Description: Enter a description for the outbound system.

  5. Protocol: Defaults to REST (read only).

  6. Authorization Type: Select Basic, OAUTH, TOKEN and enter respective authorization details provided for the external system.

  7. Grant Type: Select Password, and enter Client Id & Client Key provided by the external content system. 

  8. Service Details:

    1. Service Path: Enter the REST API Base URL provided by the external system: for example, https://api.mycrmsystem.com/apis/

  9. Save the Outbound Code configuration.

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