Using Profile Lookup and Download with Integrated Solutions

Profile lookup and download is available when external solutions managing profile data are integrated with OPERA Cloud through the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP). Examples of these systems are Central Reservation, Customer Relationship Management, Loyalty Management, Gaming (Player Tracking), and Leisure Management systems. You can search for a profile in the integrated solution and download the details to OPERA Cloud, thereby creating a profile subscription between the two solutions. The profile types available for lookup is determined by the  Profile Types for Lookup OPERA Controls.
A Lookup Profile list field in the profile advanced search panel determines the external system selected for profile look up. When the External Lookup Behavior OPERA Control is set to Force, this field cannot be null.


Profile Lookup is not compatible with Basic Search. When a basic search is performed, the External Systems tabs are hidden. If no results are found, a message appears advising you to use the Advanced Search to look up Profiles in external systems. The View By search option appears and defaults to Guest when the Profile Lookup OPERA Control is active.


When the Multi Language OPERA Control is active, you can search for profiles by either the primary or alternate (national character set) name in the Name and First Name fields.

Profile lookup search results appear in a separate, named tab in the search results panel. A Subscription column indicates any profiles already subscribed and existing in OPERA Cloud.

The display of the results is determined by the External Lookup Behavior OPERA Control. There are three options available:
  • Force: External Lookup is performed when no matches are found in OPERA Cloud. The Results tab for default external interfaces appears if no local matches are found.

  • Simultaneous: External lookup is performed regardless of matches found in OPERA Cloud. Tabs for OPERA Cloud local results and external results are populated.

  • Manual: External Lookup is not automatically performed. You can select a tab for the external system in which you want to see results.

Lookup and Download Profile from an Integrated Solution

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Profile, select Manage Profile.

  2. View By: Select a profile type from the list.

  3. Lookup Profile: Select the external system in which to look up the profile

  4. Enter additional search criteria and click Search.

  5. Select the tab for the external system.

  6. Select the profile in the search results, click the vertical ellipse Actions menu, and select Download

  7. You are directed to Profile Presentation to make updates to the profile. See Managing a Sales Account Profile and Managing a Guest or Contact Profile.


The external profile ID is displayed on the Profile Subscriptions panel.