Refund to a new card on file

Refund can be made at any time from the billing screen using the tokenized card on file.

To process the refund to a new card on file:
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select In House.

  2. Search for and open the reservation.

  3. Click I Want To… .

  4. Select Billing.

    This image shows the I want to menu
  5. Enter your credentials if requested.

  6. Select Post Payment.

    This image shows the billing screen
  7. Select the payment Method (VA, MC, CP and so on).

  8. Enter negative amount in the Amount field.

  9. Provide Reference details, if any. This field is mandatory for refunds in OPERA Cloud.

  10. Click Apply Payment. This will initiate the device to enter the card data.

    This image shows the payment method screen
  11. The payment is processed and applied to the reservation.