Deeplinking to JET Pages

View and Edit Mode

The approach for deeplinking to JET pages is:

Consider the following URL for running the Oracle Health Insurance Value-Based Payments application:


The next step is to construct the metadata. The JET URL requires the following information:

  • _ojCoreRouter=view-edit-capitationcontracts represents that the UI is on the capitation contracts page. The entity name appends after view-edit-. It is usually the entity’s plural name. Other values can be from view-edit-adjustmentschedules.

  • op =view represents the view-edit page of a particular Capitation contract.

  • id =1 where 1 is the id of the current record. With the create page, id won’t be part of the URL.


Once the URL string constructs, it needs to be UTF-8 encoded. The encoded URL can be useful as a deeplink.

Encoded URL:


Create Mode

In case of creating a record, the URL is:

Decoded URL:


Encoded URL:

  • _ojCoreRouter=create-capitationcontracts represents the create page. Append the entity name after create-. It is usually an entity’s plural name.

  • op = create represents the create page of a Capitation contract.


Policy Page

Policy pages use GIT instead of ID. The decoded URL for the view and edit Policy page in JET is:
