Remove the Support of Parameters in Accept Header

Oracle Health Insurance moves the support of resource representation parameters in 'Accept' headers to the request body.

The change applies to all Oracle Health Insurance components.
The change was initiated by the service request with SR Number 3-29768858921
Date of deprecation: 2023-01-05

What is Deprecated?

The use of parameters that influence the resource representation in the 'Accept' header of an HTTP request is deprecated. Some examples of such parameters are response, expand, fields, aliases and defaultoverride.

This means that during the deprecation period the system still accepts the use of these parameters in the Accept header.

Actions for the Customer to Take

Instead of passing these parameters in the HTTP request header, pass these parameters in the HTTP request body.

The parameter names are the same in the body as well as in the header. In the body, these parameters are mentioned under "resourceRepresentation".

When the body includes "resourceRepresentation", the system ignores the Accept header parameters.

Instead of

Accept: application/; fields=officeAddress



POST http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/generic/persons/search

"resource": {
"q": "dateOfBirth.eq('1900-01-01')'Doe')"
"resourceRepresentation": {
"fields": "officeAddress"