Marital Status List

The type of the marital statuses of a Person has changed from an enumerated, fixed list of types to a configurable list. This enables the customer to configure marital status types as required.

The change applies to Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration and Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication and Pricing
The change was initiated by the service request with SR Number SR:3-25352398861.
Date of deprecation: 2023-01-05

What is Deprecated?

The use of maritalStatusType as an enum/string is deprecated for use in dynamic logic groovy, the Relation Integration Point and the Policies IN Integration Point. This means that during the deprecation period these features still accept the use of the fixed list.

All other features using the person’s marital status type are not deprecated, that is they only accept the use of the configurable list. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to) generic API’s, ADF User Interface, JET User Interface, Change Event Rules, data replication and configuration migration. For generic API’s this is a breaking change.

How is it replaced?

The replacement for the fixed list is a dynamic list that the customer can configure through the generic API or through the JET user interface.

Actions for the Customer to Take

Replace the use of the maritalStatusType enum/string in all groovy logic, the payload of the Relation Integration Point and the payload of the Policies In Integration Point with the use of the configurable list.

Groovy Logic

In groovy logic replace snippets like

return newPerson.maritalStatusList[0].maritalStatusType


return newPerson.maritalStatusList[0].maritalStatusType.code

Integration Point Payload

In integration point payloads replace the old marital status element


