Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch

Version compatibility: Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Release 4.23.2.x is only compatible with other Oracle Health Insurance applications release version 4.23.2.x unless explicitly stated otherwise.
In accordance with the OHI error correction policy (Document 1494031.1 on My Oracle Support), error correction support will be provided for this release and the previous two releases.


No enhancements.

Upgrade Steps for Installation

To perform the upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Perform any pre-upgrade steps.

  2. Stop all the managed nodes running the existing version of the application.

  3. Perform any pre-undeploy steps.

  4. Undeploy the existing version of the application.

  5. Back up the database.

  6. Perform any post-undeploy steps.

  7. Unpack the release bundle into a directory that we refer to as OHI_ROOT from now on.

  8. Change Installation Configuration: In <OHI_ROOT>/util/install, make a copy of ohi_install.cfg.template and name it ohi_install.cfg.

  9. Edit ohi_install.cfg to contain your specific database connection data and other configuration settings. The settings are explained in the file itself.

  10. Make sure NO connections are present to the database using the OHI_xxx_USER account (where xxx is the abbreviation of the application)

  11. Run the Upgrade script:

    1. Open a command window and browse to <OHI_ROOT>/util/install.

    2. Run the upgrade by executing ./ .

  12. Make the required changes to the ohi properties file

  13. Perform any post-upgrade steps

  14. Start WebLogic application server

  15. Deploy the Application

  16. Perform any post-deploy steps

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal Summary



Remove the usage of utl_tcp DBMS package in extract functionality


Using utl_tcp DBMS package requires explicit grant in SaaS environments. This has operational challenges as the grants that are explicitly granted are periodically revoked by DBA as part of a scheduled process


Removed the usage of utl_tcp DBMS package in extract functionality and replaced it with a standard DB function




PII data is not correctly populated when setting corresponding property


PII data is filled in as NULL when setting property "ohi.baseview.exclude.pii" to false, even though they are not null. This is only the case for entities where certain attributes are only PII if the entity is of a certain subtype. E.g. for Relation of subtype 'PERS', the code columns is seen as PII. When the "ohi.baseview.exclude.pii" property is set to false, this data should be seen.


PII data is now correctly populated when setting property "ohi.baseview.exclude.pii" to false.



Table component: When we select any LOV value from lookup field, and come out of the row, the value selected disappears


Table component: When we select any LOV value with popup tail configured, and come out of the row, the value selected disappears


When we select any LOV value with popup tail configured, and come out of the row, the value selected is retained.




Example Calculation is not showing the correct Calculation period startdate/ enddate


Example Calculation is not showing the correct Calculation period startdate/ enddate. The startDate and endDate in Run Calculation Example and Show Premium are not getting converted correctly according to the user’s timezone


The startDate and endDate in Run Calculation Example and Show Premium are getting converted according to the user’s timezone and displayed correctly in UI



QD status activities are not set to TE during system startup


Activities that were not processed and in 'QD' status before system down, are not setting up to status 'TE'


During system startup, activities which are in status 'QD' will be set to status 'TE'




Generate mutations activity takes disproportionate amount of time to complete in a specific scenario.


Generate mutations activity takes very long to complete in a scenario where although there are no group client level events, there are a large number of existing events (of other event levels) and group account products.


Generate mutations activity is optimized for this scenario and hence completes in reasonable amount of time.

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.